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Enable Encryption Setting
Machine Data Encryption Settings can be enabled by the following procedure.
When setting up encryption, specify whether to start encryption after deleting data (initialize) or encrypt and retain existing data. If data is retained, it may take some time to encrypt it.
1. Turn ON the main power.
2. Log in as the machine administrator from the control panel.
3. Press the [User Tools] icon.
4. Press [Machine Features].
5. Press [System Settings].
6. Press [Administrator Tools].
7. Press [Next] three times.
8. Press [Machine Data Encryption Settings].
9. Press [Encrypt].
10. Select the data to be carried over to the HDD and not be reset.
To carry all of the data over to the HDD, select [All Data].
To carry over only the machine settings data, select [File System Data Only].
Security Settings
To reset all of the data, select [Format All Data].
11. Select the backup method.
If you have selected [Save to SD Card], load an SD card into the media slot on the side of the control panel and press [OK] to back up the machine's data encryption key.
If you have selected [Print on Paper], press the [Start] key. Print out the machine's data encryption key.
12. Press [OK].
13. Press [Exit].
14. Press [Exit].