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4. Turn ON the main power, and press [ENTER] in SP5-873-001 (SD Card Appli Move: Move Exec).
5. When a confirmation screen is displayed, press [ENTER] (it takes about 2 - 3 minutes).
If [CANCEL] is pressed, the display returns to the previous screen.
Note that if the power supply is turned off, a panel operation is performed, or the cover is opened during merge, it will result in a malfunction.
6. When merge is complete, and the following screen is displayed, press [CLOSE].
If the process is terminated abnormally, perform the merge in SP mode again.
If the capacity of the destination SD card is insufficient, the merge operation cannot be performed.
7. Press [END] twice.
8. Turn OFF the main power.
9. Remove the empty SD card after transfer from Slot 2.
10. Reattach the slot cover ×1).
11. Turn ON the main power, output the system setting list, and check that the options are recognized correctly.
2.38.3 UNDO EXEC
"Undo Exec" (SP5-873-002) lets you move back application programs from an SD card in Slot 1 (upper) to the original SD card in Slot 2 (lower). You can use this program when, for example, you have mistakenly copied some programs by using “Move Exec”.
1. Turn OFF the main power.
2. Remove the SD card slot cover [A] ×1).
SD Card Appli Move
3. Insert the integrated SD card in Slot 1 [A: Upper].
4. Insert the SD card which became empty after integration in Slot 2 (lower slot).
5. Turn On the main power, and press [ENTER] in SP5-873-002 (SD Card Appli Move: Undo Exec).
6. When a confirmation screen is displayed, press [ENTER].
If [CANCEL] is pressed, the display returns to the previous screen.
Note that if the power supply is turned off, a panel operation is performed, or the cover is opened during cancellation, it will result in a malfunction.
7. When cancellation is complete, press [CLOSE].
8. Press [END] twice.
9. Turn OFF the main power.
10. Reattach the SD card slot cover ×1).
11. Turn ON the main power, and check that the application has been deleted.