RADF related service call
No service call for the RADF.
Laser optical unit related service call
[CA10] Polygonal motor is abnormal
Classification Error content Laser optical unit related service call Polygonal motor is abnormal
Proce dure Check item Result Measure Next Step 1 Is the polygonal motor rotating? Yes No Even if the connector is not apparently disconnected, it may be connected loosely. Therefore check carefully that it is secure. - Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the laser optical unit.
- Check if the connector of the harness is disconnected between LGC board (CN314) and the laser optical unit. Reconnect it securely if so.
- Check if the harness is open circuited and the connector pin is disconnected.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the laser optical unit.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced Remark LGC board Laser optical unit
[CA20] H-Sync detection error
Proce dure Check item Result Measure Next Step 1 Are the harness open circuited and the connectors disconnected between the LGC board (CN313) and the laser optical unit? Yes 1. Even if the connector is not apparently disconnected, it may be connected loosely. Therefore check carefully that it is secure. No - Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the laser optical unit
Classification Error content Laser optical unit related service call
Parts to be replaced Remark LGC board Laser optical unit Finisher related service call
Check item Measure Setting of the equipment is set as the specified finisher on the equipment (08-4548). Finisher Converter - Check if the MJ-1101/1107, MJ-1106/1108, MJ-1032 or MJ-1033
- Check if the harness connecting the equipment and the finisher controller PC board is disconnected or open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the finisher controller PC board is open circuited or short circuited.
- Update the finisher firmware.
- Check if the connector connecting the converter board and the LGC board on the equipment is disconnected or open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the converter PC board is open circuited or short circuited.
- Update the converter firmware.
[CB00] Finisher not connected [CB01] Finisher communication error
Classification Error content Finisher related service call Finisher not connected Finisher communication error
Parts to be replaced Remark Converter board Finisher control PC board
[CB01] Finisher communication error
Error Timing of detection Data communication error The communication between the equipment and the Finisher is interrupted. This error is detected by the equipment.
[CB10] Entrance motor abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Entrance motor abnormality: The entrance motor is not rotating normally.
Check Item Measure Entrance roller If there is mechanical problem when the entrance roller is rotated, fix the mechanism. Entrance motor (M1) Check the connectors and harnesses between the entrance motor (M1) and the finisher control PC board (CN7).
Replacement part Measure Entrance motor (M1) Finisher controller PC board
Check Item Measure Feeding roller Rotate the feeding roller.
Fix any mechanical problem.Entrance motor Check if the connector (CN26) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the entrance motor (M1) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Replacement part Measure Entrance motor Finisher control PC board
[CB11] Buffer tray guide motor abnormality
* A [CB11] error occurs if the [ED16] error occurs three times in succession or the [ED16] error occurs during the initialization.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Buffer tray guide motor abnormality: The buffer tray guide motor is not rotating or the buffer tray guide is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Buffer tray guide If there is mechanical problem when the buffer tray guide is opened/closed while the buffer roller is lifted up, fix the mechanism. Buffer tray guide motor (M3) Check the connectors and harnesses between the buffer tray guide motor (M3) and the finisher control PC board (CN18).
Replacement part Measure Buffer tray guide motor (M3) Finisher controller PC board
Check Item Measure Buffer tray guide Raise the buffer roller and open/close the buffer tray guide. Fix any mechanical problem. Buffer tray guide motor Check if the connector (CN11) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the buffer tray guide motor (M2) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Replacement part Measure Buffer tray guide motor Finisher controller PC board
[CB12] Buffer roller drive motor abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Buffer roller drive motor abnormality: The buffer roller drive motor is not rotating or the buffer roller is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Buffer roller If there is mechanical problem when the buffer roller is rotated, fix the mechanism. Buffer roller drive motor (M6) Check the connectors and harnesses between the buffer roller drive motor (M6) and the finisher control PC board (CN18).
Replacement part Measure Buffer roller drive motor (M6) Finisher controller PC board
Check Item Measure Buffer roller Rotate the buffer roller.
Fix any mechanical problem.Buffer roller drive motor Check if the connector (CN11) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the buffer roller drive motor (M4) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Replacement part Measure Buffer roller drive motor Finisher controller PC board
[CB13] Finisher exit motor (M11) abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call
Check item Measures Exit roller Exit motor (M11). Finisher control board - Is there any mechanical problem when the exit roller is rotated?
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN13)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Exit motor Finisher control board
[CB14] Paper pusher arm motor (M10) abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call
Check item Measures Paper pusher cam - Is there any mechanical problem when the paper pusher cam is rotated?
Check item Measures Assist arm motor (M10) Finisher control board
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN13)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Assist arm motor Finisher control board
[CB30] Movable tray shift motor abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Movable tray shift motor abnormality: The movable tray shift motor is not rotating or the movable tray is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Movable tray If there is mechanical problem when the movable tray is moved, fix the mechanism. Movable tray shift motor (M7) Check the connectors and harnesses between the movable tray shift motor (M7) and the finisher control PC board (CN8). Movable tray position A, B, and C sensors (S13, S14, and S15) - Connector check
- Sensor check
Replacement part Measure Movable tray shift motor (M7) Movable tray position A, B, and C sensors (S13, S14, and S15) Finisher controller PC board
Check item Measures Movable tray If there is mechanical problem when the movable tray is moved, fix the mechanism. Movable tray shift motor (M12) Check the connectors and harnesses between the movable tray shift motor (M12) and the finisher control PC board (CN16). Movable tray position A, B, and C sensors (S13, S14, and S15) - Connector check
- Sensor check
Parts to be replaced Remark Movable tray shift motor (M7) Movable tray position A, B, and C sensors (S13, S14, and S15) Finisher controller PC board
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CB30] Movable tray shift motor (M1) abnormality, Movable tray paper top detection error
Movable tray shift motor (M1)
Stack top detection solenoid (SOL1) Stack top detection sensor-1 (S1) Stack top detection sensor-2 (S2 Movable tray lower limit sensor (S14)A locking signal is detected after the specified time *while the movable tray is moving.
* A locking signal is not monitored from the start driving the motor until the specified time has passed.The stack top position of paper is not detected after the movable tray shift motor (M1) is driven in the specified time when the movable tray is moved up. The lower limit position of the stack top of paper is not detected after the movable tray shift motor (M1) has been driven in the specified time during the initial movement of the movable tray. The turning OFF of the movable tray lower limit sensor (S14) is not detected when the movable tray is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF after the movable tray shift motor (M1) has been driven in the specified time.
Probable cause Checking and measures Movable tray shift motor (M1) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor Movable tray lower limit sensor (S14) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP17 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity among the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN4, CN10) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). Stack top detection solenoid (SOL1) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the solenoid. Stack top detection sensor-1 (S1) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP11 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Stack top detection sensor-2 (S2) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP20 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN3) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the solenoid, sensors and connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CB30] Movable tray shift motor (M5) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Movable tray shift motor
Movable tray shift motor clock sensorThe status of the movable tray shift motor clock sensor (S15) is not changed for the specified time when the movable tray shift motor (M5) is driven.
Probable cause Checking and measures Movable tray shift motor (M5) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Movable tray shift motor clock sensor (S15) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN7.3 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray upper limit sensor (S16) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP35 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray lower limit sensor (S17) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP28 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray middle sensor (S18) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP29 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity among the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN11, CN7, CN9, CN8) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CB31] Movable tray paper-full detection error
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Movable tray paper-full detection error: The actuator of the movable tray paper-full detection sensor does not move smoothly.
Check Item Measure Movable tray paper-full detection sensor (S16) - If there is mechanical problem when the actuator is moved, fix the mechanism.
- Sensor check
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the movable tray paper-full detection sensor (S16) and the finisher control PC board (CN13).
Replacement part Measure Movable tray paper-full detection sensor (S16) Finisher controller PC board
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Check item Measures Movable tray paper-full sensor Fix any mechanical problem occurring when the actuator is moved. Check if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the movable tray paper-full sensor (S16). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it. Check if the connector (CN12) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the movable tray paper-full sensor (S16) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Parts to be replaced Remark Movable tray paper-full sensor Finisher control PC board
[CB31] Movable tray paper top detection error
Error Timing of detection Movable tray shift motor
Stack top holding/detecting sensor Paper holding home position sensorThe stack top holding/detecting sensor (S11) and the paper holding home position sensor (S12) do not detect the position of the top of the stack of paper in the specified time when the paper holding lever is moved to the paper detection position.
Probable cause Checking and measures Exiting paper holding solenoid (SOL1) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the solenoid. Paper holding home position sensor (S12) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP13 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Stack top holding/detecting sensor (S11) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP71 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN3, CN4) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the solenoid, sensors and connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CB40] Front alignment motor abnormality
* You receive a [CB40] error when the [ED13] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Front alignment motor abnormality: The front alignment motor is not rotating or the front alignment plate is not moving normally.
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check Item Measure Front alignment plate If there is mechanical problem when the front alignment plate is moved, fix the mechanism. Front alignment motor (M9) Check the connectors and harnesses between the front alignment motor (M9) and the finisher control PC board (CN10).
Replacement part Measure Front alignment motor (M9) Finisher controller PC board
Check item Measures Front alignment plate If there is mechanical problem when the front alignment plate is moved, fix the mechanism. Front alignment motor (M5) Check the connectors and harnesses between the front alignment motor (M5) and the finisher control PC board (CN10).
Parts to be replaced Remark Front alignment motor (M5) Finisher controller PC board
Error Timing of detection Rear alignment motor (M3)
Rear alignment plate home position sensor (S6)The turning OFF of the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S6) is not detected when the rear alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF after the rear alignment motor (M3) has been driven at the specified number of pulse. The turning ON of the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S6) is not detected when the rear alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON after the rear alignment motor (M3) has been driven at the specified number of pulse.
Probable cause Checking and measures Rear alignment motor (M3) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Rear alignment plate home position sensor (S6) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP16 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN5, CN12) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CB40] Rear alignment motor (M7) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Rear alignment motor
Rear aligning plate home position sensorThe turning OFF of the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S10) is not detected in the specified time when the rear alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S10) is not detected in the specified time when the rear alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON.
Probable cause Checking and measures Rear alignment motor (M7) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Rear alignment plate home position sensor (S10) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN9.9 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN2, CN9) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN)
[CB50] Stapler home position error
* You receive a [CB50] error when the [EA50] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Stapler home position error: The stapler home position sensor does not work.
Check Item Measure Stapler - Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler(M4) and finisher controller PC board (CN2).
- Check the harnesses in the stapler.
Replacement part Measure Finisher controller PC board
Check item Measures Stapler - Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler and finisher controller PC board (CN19).
- Check the harnesses in the stapler.
Parts to be replaced Remark Stapler Finisher controller PC board
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CB50] Staple motor (M10) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Stapler motor (M9)
Staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16)The staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16) does not detect the opening of the staple unit after the stapler motor (M9) has been driven reversely in the specified time from the closing during the initial movement of the staple unit. The staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16) does not detect the opening of the staple unit in the specified time from the closing during the clinching movement of the staple unit, and also this sensor does not detect the opening by the reverse rotation of the motor after the stapler is stopped. The staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16) does not detect the closing of the staple unit after the specified time during the clinching movement of the staple unit. The staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16) does not detect the opening of the staple unit at the start of the clinching.
Probable cause Checking and measures Staple motor (M10) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the staple unit. Staple unit clinching home position sensor (S16) abnormality Measure the voltage on CN16 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 3.3V 5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the staple unit. Staple unit improper clinching prevention sensor (S15) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP25 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V 5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN16, CN17) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors, switch and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CB50] Edge staple unit motor (M13) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Staple unit sliding motor
Edge staple unit improper clinching prevention sensorThe turning OFF of the edge staple unit improper clinching prevention sensor (S25) is not detected in the specified time when the edge staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the edge staple unit improper clinching prevention sensor (S25) is not detected in the specified time when the edge staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Probable cause Checking and measures Edge staple unit motor (M13) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the staple unit. Edge staple unit clinching home position sensor (S29) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN10.4 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 5V5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the staple unit. Edge staple unit improper clinching prevention sensor (S25) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN10.11 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Edge staple unit interference switch (SW3) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN18.8 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the switch is ON and within the range of 24V10% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the switch. (Be sure that all covers and doors are closed before starting measurement.) Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN10, CN18, CN24) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors, switch and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
Error Timing of detection Edge staple unit motor
Edge staple unit clinching home position sensorThe turning OFF of the edge staple unit clinching home position sensor (S29) is not detected in the specified time when stapling is performed. The turning ON of the edge staple unit clinching home position sensor (S29) is not detected after the specified time has passed since the turning OFF of this sensor had been detected when stapling is performed, and also turning ON of this sensor is not detected in a reverse rotation after the stapler is stopped.
[CB51] Stapler shift home position error
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Stapler shift home position error: The stapler is not at the home position.
Check Item Measure Stapler If there is mechanical problem when the stapler is moved, fix the mechanism. Stapler unit home position sensor (S10) Stapler unit shift motor (M4) Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler unit shift motor (M4) and the finisher control PC board (CN5). - Sensor check
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler unit home position sensor (S10) and the finisher control PC board (CN1).
Replacement part Measure Stapler unit home position sensor (S10) Finisher controller PC board
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check item Measures Stapler Move the stapler.
Fix any mechanical problem.Stapler unit home position sensor Check if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the stapler unit home position sensor (S10). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it. Check if the connector (CN21) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stapler unit home position sensor (S10) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so. Stapler unit shift motor Check if the connector (CN10) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stapler unit shift motor (M9) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Parts to be replaced Remark Stapler unit home position sensor Finisher controller PC board
[CB51] Staple unit sliding motor (M7) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Staple unit sliding motor (M7) Staple unit sliding home position sensor (S3) The turning OFF of the staple unit sliding home position sensor (S3) is not detected when the staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF after the staple unit sliding motor (M7) has been driven at the specified number of pulse. The turning ON of the staple unit sliding home position sensor (S3) is not detected when the staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON after the staple unit sliding motor (M7) has been driven at the specified number of pulse.
Probable cause Checking and measures Staple unit sliding motor (M7) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the staple unit. Staple unit sliding home position sensor (S3) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP18 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN3, CN18) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the staple unit, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CB51] Staple unit sliding motor (M11) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Staple unit sliding motor
Edge staple unit sliding home position sensorThe turning OFF of the edge staple unit sliding home position sensor (S14) is not detected in the specified time when the edge staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the edge staple unit sliding home position sensor (S14) is not detected in the specified time when the edge staple unit is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON.
Probable cause Checking and measures Staple unit sliding motor (M11) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the staple unit. Edge staple unit sliding home position sensor (S14) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN7.6 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Saddle stitch staple unit sliding home position sensor (S22) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN7.10 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Edge staple unit improper clinching prevention sensor (S25) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN10.11 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN7, CN10, CN17) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the staple unit, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CB60] Stapler unit shift motor abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Stapler shift motor abnormality: Stapler shift motor is not rotating or staple unit is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Stapler If there is mechanical problem when the stapler is moved, fix the mechanism. Stapler unit shift motor (M4) Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler unit shift motor (M4) and the finisher control PC board (CN5).
Replacement part Measure Stapler unit shift motor (M4) Finisher controller PC board
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check Item Measure Stapler If there is mechanical problem when the stapler is moved, fix the mechanism. Stapler unit shift motor (M9) Check the connectors and harnesses between the stapler unit shift motor (M9) and the finisher control PC board (CN10).
Replacement part Measure Stapler unit shift motor (M4) Finisher controller PC board
[CB80] Backup RAM data abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Backup RAM data abnormality: Abnormality of checksum value on finisher controller PC board is detected when the power is turned ON.
Check Item Measure Main power switch Turn OFF the main power switch, then back ON.
Replacement part Measure Finisher controller PC board
[CB80] Finisher control PC board (FIN) backup RAM error
Timing of detection EEPROM Data readout check is performed after data writing and the result of the data readout check does not conform to the written data. The equipment does not enter the ready status after the specified time has passed from data writing.
Probable cause Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality Replace the finisher control PC board (FIN) as the cause is a fault in the IC of the backup RAM.
Error Timing of detection Back-up memory Data readout check is performed after data writing and the result of the data readout check does not match with the written data. The equipment does not enter the ready status after the specified time has passed from data writing.
Probable cause Checking and measures Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality Replace the finisher control PC board (FIN) as the cause is a fault in the IC of the backup RAM.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CB80] Hole punch control PC board (HP) backup RAM error
Error Timing of detection Back-up memory Data readout checking is performed after data writing and the result of the data readout check do not match with the written data. The equipment does not enter the ready status after the specified time has passed from data writing.
Probable cause Checking and measures Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the behavior in the hole punch RAM check mode is not normal, replace the hole punch control PC board (HP).
[CB81] Flash ROM abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Flash ROM abnormality: Abnormality of checksum value on finisher controller PC board is detected when the power is turned ON.
Check Item Measure Main power switch Turn OFF the main power switch, then back ON. Finisher controller PC board Board check
Replacement part Measure Finisher controller PC board
[CB81] Flash ROM abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Flash ROM abnormality: Abnormality of checksum value on finisher controller PC board is detected when the power is turned ON.
Check Item Measure Main power switch Turn OFF the main power switch, then back ON. Finisher controller PC board Board check
Replacement part Measure Finisher controller PC board
[CB82] Finisher main program error
Classification Error item Finisher related service call Finisher - Main CPU program error
Check item Measures Finisher control board Update the firmware version of the finisher control PC board (FIN).
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Replace parts Remarks Finisher control board
[CB83] Saddle main program error
Classification Error item Finisher related service call Saddle Stitch Finisher - Main CPU program error
Check item Measures Saddle control PC board - Update the firmware version of the saddle control PC board (SDL).
- Connector check
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Saddle control PC board
[CB84] Punch unit main program error
Classification Error item Finisher related service call Hole Punch Unit - Main CPU program error
Check item Measures Hole punch control PC board (HP) - Is the firmware version of the PNC board (HP) latest?
- Connector check
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Hole punch control PC board
[CB90] Paper folding blade motor (M12) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Paper folding blade motor
Paper folding blade home position sensorThe turning OFF of the paper folding blade home position sensor (S19) is not detected in the specified time when the paper folding blade is pushing while this sensor is ON. Turning ON of the paper folding blade home position sensor (S19) is not detected in the specified time when the paper folding blade is returned to its home position while this sensor is OFF. Paper folding blade motor Paper folding blade motor clock sensor The status of the paper folding blade motor clock sensor (S24) is not changed for the specified time when the paper folding blade motor (M12) is driven.
Probable cause Checking and measures Paper folding blade motor (M12) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Probable cause Checking and measures Paper folding blade motor clock sensor (S24) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP66 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Paper folding blade home position sensor (S19) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP64 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN11, CN15) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CB91] Saddle flash ROM abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call Saddle Stitch Finisher flash ROM abnormality
Check item Measures Reboot Saddle controller PC board (SDL) - Is the error recovered when the power of the equipment is turned OFF and then back ON?
- Check if the conductor pattern on the saddle controller PC board (SDL) is open circuited or short circuited.
Replace parts Remarks Saddle controller PC board
[CB92] Saddle Stitch Finisher RAM abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call Saddle Stitch Finisher RAM abnormality
Check item Measures Reboot - Is the error recovered when the power of the equipment is turned OFF and then back ON?
Replace parts Remarks Saddle controller PC board
[CB93] Saddle Stitch Finisher additional folding motor abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call The [CB93] error also occurs when the error [EF18] has occurred consecutively for 3 times.
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check item Measures Additional folding carrier Additional folding motor (M20) Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Is there any mechanical problem when the additional folding carrier is moved?
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN18)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Additional folding motor Saddle control PC board
[CB94] Saddle transport motor abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call The [CB94] error also occurs when the error [EAB0] or [EF13] has occurred consecutively for 3 times.
Check item Measures Transport roller Saddle transport motor (M16) Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Is there any mechanical problem when the transport rollers are rotated?
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN18)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Saddle transport motor Saddle control PC board
[CB95] Saddle Stitch Finisher stacker motor abnormality
Classification Error item Finisher related service call The [CB95] error also occurs when the error [EF16] has occurred consecutively for 3 times.
Check item Measures Stacker carrier Stacker motor (M14) Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Is there any mechanical problem when the stacker carrier is moved?
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN4)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Stacker motor
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Replace parts Remarks Saddle control PC board
[CBA0] Front saddle stapler home position error
Classification Error item Finisher related service call The stapler home position detection is abnormally operated and finished
Check item Measures Front saddle stapler clinch unit Harness check Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Connector check (CN6)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Front saddle stapler clinch unit Saddle control PC board
[CBB0]Rear saddle stapler home position error
Classification Error item Finisher related service call
Check item Measures Rear saddle stapler clinch unit Harness check Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Connector check (CN7)
- Board check
Replace parts Remarks Rear saddle stapler clinch unit Saddle control PC board
[CBC0] Saddle Stitch Finisher side alignment motor (M15) abnormality
* You receive a [CBC0] error when the [EF15] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call
Check Item Measure Saddle Unit If there is mechanical problem when the jog is moved, fix the mechanism. Side alignment motor (M15) Harness check Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Connector check (CN7)
- Board check
Replacement part Measure Side alignment motor (M15)
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Replacement part Measure Saddle control PC board (SDL)
[CBC0] Saddle stitch alignment motor (M8) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Saddle stitch alignment motor Saddle stitch alignment plate home position sensor The turning OFF of the saddle stitch alignment plate home position sensor (S20) is not detected in the specified time when the saddle stitch alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the saddle stitch alignment plate home position sensor (S20) is not detected in the specified time when the saddle stitch alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON.
Probable cause Checking and measures Saddle stitch alignment motor (M8) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Saddle stitch alignment plate home position sensor (S20) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN16.12 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN6, CN16) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CBE0] Saddle Stitch Finisher folding motor (M17) abnormality
* You receive a [CBE0] error when the [EF17] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call An encoder pulse interruption error or rotation abnormality occurs in the saddle stitch finisher folding motor.
Check Item Measure Folding motor encoder sensor (S34) Side alignment motor (M15) Harness check Saddle control PC board (SDL) - Sensor check (S34)
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check (CN11, CN14)
- Board check
Replacement part Measure Folding motor encoder sensor (S34) Side alignment motor (M15) Saddle control PC board (SDL)
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CBF0] Stacker motor (M9) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Stacker motor
Stacker home position sensorThe turning OFF of the stacker home position sensor (S21) is not detected in the specified time when the stacker is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the stacker home position sensor (S21) is not detected in the specified time when the stacker is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON.
Probable cause Checking and measures Stacker motor (M9) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Stacker home position sensor (S21) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN16.15 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN6, CN16) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CC02] Stack exit roller nip home position detection error
Replacement part Measure Stack exit roller shift motor (M6) Stack exit roller home position sensor (S13) The stack exit roller home position sensor (S13) does not detect that the exit roller is not at the upper position after the stack exit roller motor (M6) has been driven in the specified time when the exit roller is moved down. The stack exit roller home position sensor (S13) does not detect that the exit roller is at the upper position after the stack exit roller shift motor (M6) has been driven in the specified time when the exit roller is moved up.
[CC02] Exit roller nip adjustment motor (M4) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Exit roller nip adjustment motor Exit roller nip home position sensor The exit roller nip home position sensor (S8) does not become OFF from ON in the specified time when the status in which the exit roller nip is large or small is changed to one in which the exit roller or the middle transport roller is released. The exit roller nip home position sensor (S8) does not become ON from OFF in the specified time when the status in which the exit roller or the middle transport roller is released is changed to one in which the exit roller nip is large or small.
Probable cause Checking and measures Exit roller nip adjustment motor (M4) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor.
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Probable cause Checking and measures Exit roller nip home position sensor (S8) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP31 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN2, CN9) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CC20] Saddle communication error
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Saddle communication error
Check Item Measure Interface PC board (I/F) Finisher control PC board (FIN) Saddle control PC board (SDL) Interface PC board (I/F) Board check Finisher control PC board (FIN) Board check Saddle control PC board (SDL) Board check Finisher control PC board (FIN) Update the firmware version of the finisher control PC board (FIN). Saddle control PC board (SDL) Update the firmware version of the saddle control PC board (SDL). - Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Replacement part Measure Interface PC board (I/F) Finisher control PC board (FIN) Saddle control PC board (SDL)
[CC21] Saddle stitch 3rd transport roller drive motor (M10) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Saddle stitch 3rd transport roller drive motor
Saddle stitch 3rd transport roller home position sensorThe turning OFF of the saddle stitch 3rd transport roller home position sensor (S23) is not detected in the specified time when the saddle stitch 3rd transport roller is nipped or performing paper transport. The turning ON of the saddle stitch 3rd transport roller home position sensor (S23) is not detected in the specified time when the saddle stitch 3rd transport roller is released.
Probable cause Checking and measures Saddle stitch 3rd transport roller drive motor (M10) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Probable cause Checking and measures Saddle stitch 3rd transport roller home position sensor (S23) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP67 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN6, CN16) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CC22] Saddle stitch stapler home position detection error
Error Timing of detection Saddle stitch stapler motor Saddle stitch staple unit clinching home position sensor The turning OFF of the saddle stitch staple unit clinching home position sensor (S32) is not detected in the specified time when saddle stitch stapling is performed. The turning ON of the saddle stitch staple unit clinching home position sensor (S32) is not detected in the specified time after the turning OFF of this sensor had been detected when saddle stitch stapling is performed, and also the turning ON of this sensor is not detected in a reverse rotation after the saddle stitch stapler is stopped.
Probable cause Checking and measures Saddle stitch stapler motor (M14) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the saddle stitch staple unit. Saddle stitch staple unit clinching home position sensor (S32) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN17.5 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 5V5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the saddle stitch staple unit. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the saddle stitch staple unit. Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the saddle stitch staple unit and the connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). Saddle stitch staple empty sensor (S33) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN17.7 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 5V5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the saddle stitch staple unit. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the saddle stitch staple unit. Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the saddle stitch staple unit and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CC30] Stack transport motor abnormality
* You receive a [CC30] error when the [EA70] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Stack transport motor abnormality: The stack transport motor is not rotating or the stack transport belt is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Stack transport belt If there is mechanical problem when the stack transport belt is moved, fix the mechanism. Stack transport motor (M5) Check the connectors and harnesses between the stack transport motor (M5) and the finisher control PC board (CN10).
Replacement part Measure Stack transport motor (M5) Finisher controller PC board
Check item Measures Stack transport belt Move the stack transport belt. Fix any mechanical problem. Stack transport motor Check if the connector (CN17) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stack transport motor (M8) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Parts to be replaced Remark Stack transport motor Finisher control PC board
[CC31] Transport motor abnormality
* You receive a [CC31] error when the [ED12] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Transport motor abnormality: The transport motor is not rotating or the stack transport roller -1 and -2 is not rotating normally.
Check Item Measure Stack transport roller If there is mechanical problem when the stack transport roller -1 and -2 are rotated, fix the mechanism. Transport motor (M2) Check the connectors and harnesses between the transport motor (M2) and the finisher control PC board (CN5).
Replacement part Measure Transport motor (M2) Finisher controller PC board
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Check item Measures Stack transport roller -1 Stack transport roller -2 Rotate the stack transport roller -1 and -2. Fix any mechanical problem. Transport motor Check if the connector (CN10) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the transport motor (M7) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Parts to be replaced Remark Transport motor Finisher control PC board
[CC41] Paper holder cam home position abnormality
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Paper holder cam home position abnormality: The paper holder cam is not at the home position.
Check Item Measure Paper holder cam If there is mechanical problem when the paper holder cam is rotated, fix the mechanism. Paper holder home position sensor (S6) Check the connectors and harnesses between the paper holder home position sensor (S6) and the finisher control PC board (CN17).
Replacement part Measure Paper holder home position sensor (S6) Finisher controller PC board
Check item Measures Paper pusher cam Rotate the paper pusher cam. Fix any mechanical problem. Paper holder home position sensor Check if the connector (CN9) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the paper holder home position sensor (S6) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Parts to be replaced Remark Paper holder home position sensor Finisher control PC board
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CC51] Sideways adjustment motor (M2) abnormality
MJ-1101/1106 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107/1108 (when MJ-6104 is installed)
* You receive a [CC51] error when the [ED11] error occurs three times in succession or occurs during the initialization.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Sideways adjustment motor (M2) abnormality: Sideways adjustment motor is not rotating or puncher is not shifting normally.
Check Item Measure Transport path If there is any paper remaining on the transport path, remove the paper. Sideways adjustment motor (M2) Sideways deviation home position sensor (S3) - If there is mechanical problem when the sideways adjustment motor (M2) is rotated, fix the mechanism.
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the hole punch control PC board (HP) and sideways adjustment motor (M2).
- Sensor check
- Harness check
Replacement part Measure Sideways adjustment motor (M2) Hole punch control PC board (HP) Sideways deviation home position sensor (S3)
[CC51] Punch unit sliding motor (M12) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Punch unit sliding motor (M12) Punch sliding unit home position sensor (S23) The punch sliding unit is not slid after sliding request is sent. The punch sliding unit home position sensor (S23) does not detect that the unit is at its home position after the specified time when the unit is returned to the home position, or this sensor does not detect that the unit is out of its home position after the specified time when the unit is released. The punch sliding unit home position sensor (S23) does not detect that the unit is at its home position after the specified time when the unit is moved, or this sensor does not detect that the unit is at its home position when the unit is released.
Probable cause Checking and measures Punch unit sliding motor (M12) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Punch sliding unit home position sensor (S23) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP26 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN3, CN5, CN6) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CC51] Punch unit sliding motor (M16) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Punch unit sliding motor
Punch sliding unit home position sensorThe turning OFF of the punch sliding unit home position sensor (S37) is not detected when the punch unit sliding motor (M16) is driven for the specified distance while this sensor is ON. The turning ON of the punch sliding unit home position sensor (S37) is not detected when the punch unit sliding motor (M16) is driven for the specified distance in the same direction as the ON direction of this sensor while returning to its home position
Probable cause Checking and measures Punch unit sliding motor (M16) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Punch sliding unit home position sensor (S38) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN5.3 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN5, CN7) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
[CC52] Skew adjustment motor (M1) abnormality
MJ-1101/1106 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107/1108 (when MJ-6104 is installed)
* The [CC52] error occurs when the [ED10] error occurs three times in succession or during the initial operation.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Skew adjustment motor (M1) abnormality: Skew adjustment motor is not rotating or puncher is not shifting normally.
Check Item Measure Transport path If there is any paper remaining on the transport path, remove the paper. Skew adjustment motor (M1) Skew home position sensor (S2) - If there is mechanical problem when the skew adjustment motor (M1) is rotated, fix the mechanism.
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the hole punch control PC board (HP) and skew adjustment motor (M1).
- Sensor check
- Harness check
Replacement part Measure Skew home position sensor (S2) Skew adjustment motor (M1) Hole punch control PC board (HP)
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CC53] Punch waste full sensors (S41 and S42) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Punch waste full sensor After the sensor output adjustment, the input value is lower than 1.2V against the output value of 2.8V, or the input value is higher than 1.5V against the output value of 0.1V.
Probable cause Checking and measures Punch waste full sensors (S41 and S42) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP49 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and 2.5V or higher when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN5) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the sensors and the connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
[CC54] Abnormality of paper detection sensors (S24 and S25)
Error Timing of detection Paper detection sensor (S24/S25) adjustment error The adjustment of the paper detection sensors (S24 and S25) has been failed.
Probable cause Checking and measures Paper detection sensors (S24 and S25) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN6.8 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 3.0V or higher when not shielded and 1.2V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN4, CN6) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the sensors and the connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
[CC54] Abnormality of trailing edge detection sensors (S39 and S40) and horizontal registration detection sensors (S39 and S40)
Error Timing of detection Trailing edge detection sensor Horizontal registration detection sensor After the sensor output adjustment, the input value is lower than 3.2V against the output value of 2.8V, or the input value is higher than 3.5V against the output value of 0.1V.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Probable cause Checking and measures Trailing edge detection sensors (S39 and S40) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP48 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 2.5V or higher when not shielded and 1V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Horizontal registration detection sensors (S39 and S40) abnormality (B5-R/ST-R) Measure the voltage on TP47 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 2.5V or higher when not shielded and 1V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Horizontal registration detection sensors (S39 and S40) abnormality (A4-R/LT-R) Measure the voltage on TP46 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 2.5V or higher when not shielded and 1V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Horizontal registration detection sensors (S39 and S40) abnormality (B4/LG) Measure the voltage on TP45 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 2.5V or higher when not shielded and 1V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Horizontal registration detection sensors (S39 and S40) abnormality (A3/LD) Measure the voltage on TP44 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 2.5V or higher when not shielded and 1V or lower when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace a couple of PC boards on either the light-receiving side or the light-emitting side. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN4) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the sensors and the connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CC60, CC61] Punch motor abnormality
Error Timing of detection Punch motor (M11)
Paper detection sensor (S24/S25) Punch shaft home position sensor (S26)
Rear punch shaft home position sensor (S22)The paper detection sensors (S24 and S25) do not emit light after specified time when they are selected The level of the light-receiving amount is not lowered after the light- emitting amount of the paper detection sensors (S24 and S25) is adjusted to the lower limit. Punching is not performed after punching request is sent, or the punching request is sent during the punching. The status of the punch shaft home position sensor (S26) or the rear punch shaft home position sensor (S22) is not changed after punching request is sent. A punching locking signal is detected consistently over the specified time. The punch shaft home position sensor (S26) or the rear punch shaft home position sensor (S22) does not detect that the shaft is not at its home position at the start of punching or punch waste full detection.
Probable cause Checking and measures Punch motor (M11) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Rear punch shaft home position sensor (S22) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP25 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Punch shaft home position sensor (S26) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP24 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Punch motor clock sensor (S20) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP27 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN2, CN5, CN6) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CC60] Punch motor (M15) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Punch motor
Punch shaft home position sensor Punch motor clock sensorThe status of the punch motor clock sensor (S36) is not changed for the specified time when the punch motor (M15) is driven. The number of input pulses of the punch motor clock sensor (S36) does not fall within the range from 70 to 100 in the OFF period of the punch shaft home position sensor (S35), or is larger than 30 in the ON period of the punch shaft home position sensor (S35).
Probable cause Checking and measures Punch motor (M15) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Punch shaft home position sensor (S36) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN3.3 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Punch shaft rotational direction sensor (S35) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN3.9 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Punch motor clock sensor (S37) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN3.6 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN3, CN6) Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP).
[CC61] Punch motor (M3) home position detection error
MJ-1101/1106 (When MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107/1108 (When MJ-6104 is installed)
* The [CC61] error occurs when the [E9F0] error occurs three times in succession or during the initial operation.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Punch motor (M3) home position detection error: Punch motor is not rotating or puncher is not shifting normally.
Check Item Measure Transport path If there is any paper remaining on the transport path, remove the paper. Punch motor (M3) Punch home position sensor (S4) - If there is mechanical problem when the punch motor (M3) is rotated, fix the mechanism.
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the hole punch control PC board (HP) and punch motor (M3).
- Sensor check
- Harness check
Replacement part Measure Punch home position sensor (S4) Punch motor (M3) Hole punch control PC board (HP)
[CC71] Punch ROM checksum error
MJ-1101/1106 (When MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107/1108 (When MJ-6104 is installed)
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Punch ROM checksum error: Abnormality of checksum value on Hole punch controller PC board is detected when the power is turned on.
Check Item Measure Hole punch control PC board (HP) Board check
Replacement part Measure Hole punch control PC board (HP)
Error Timing of detection Flash ROM A checksum error occurs on the flash ROM of the Hole Punch Unit.
The main program of the Hole Punch Unit is damaged.
[CC72] Punch RAM read/write error
MJ-1101/1106 (When MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107/1108 (When MJ-6104 is installed)
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Punch RAM read/write error: Abnormality of checksum value on Hole punch controller PC board is detected when the power is turned on.
Check Item Measure Hole punch control PC board (HP) Board check
Replacement part Measure Hole punch control PC board (HP)
[CC80] Rear alignment motor abnormality
- You receive a [CC80] error when the [ED14] error occurs three times in succession.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Rear alignment motor abnormality: The rear alignment motor is not rotating or the rear alignment plate is not moving normally.
Check Item Measure Rear alignment plate If there is mechanical problem when the rear alignment plate is moved, fix the mechanism.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Check Item Measure Rear alignment motor (M10) Check the connectors and harnesses between the rear alignment motor (M10) and the finisher control PC board (CN10).
Replacement part Measure Rear alignment motor (M10) Finisher control PC board
Check Item Measure Rear alignment plate If there is mechanical problem when the rear alignment plate is moved, fix the mechanism. Rear alignment motor (M6) Check the connectors and harnesses between the rear alignment motor (M6) and the finisher control PC board (CN17).
Replacement part Measure Rear alignment motor (M6) Finisher control PC board
[CC80] Front alignment motor (M2) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Front alignment motor (M2)
Front alignment plate home position sensor (S5)The turning OFF of the front alignment plate home position sensor (S5) is not detected when the front alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF after the front alignment motor (M2) has been driven at the specified number of pulse. The turning ON of the front alignment plate home position sensor (S5) is not detected when the front alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON after the front alignment motor (M2) has been driven at the specified number of pulse.
Probable cause Checking and measures Front alignment motor (M2) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Front alignment plate home position sensor (S5) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP15 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN5, CN12) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[CC80] Front alignment motor (M6) abnormality
Error Timing of detection Front alignment motor
Front aligning plate home position sensorThe turning OFF of the front alignment plate home position sensor (S9) is not detected in the specified time when the front alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned ON to one point where this sensor is turned OFF. The turning ON of the front alignment plate home position sensor (S9) is not detected in the specified time when the front alignment plate is moved from a point where this sensor is turned OFF to one point where this sensor is turned ON
Probable cause Checking and measures Front alignment motor (M6) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Front alignment plate home position sensor (S9) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN8.3 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Faulty cables and connectors Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN2, CN8) Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
[CC91] Gripper arm home position detection error [CC92] Movable tray upper limit detection error MJ-1033
Error Timing of detection Movable tray shift motor Movable tray upper limit sensor The turning ON of the movable tray upper limit sensor (S16) is detected.
Probable cause Checking and measures Movable tray shift motor (M5) abnormality Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. Movable tray shift motor clock sensor (S15) abnormality Measure the voltage on pin CN7.3 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray upper limit sensor (S16) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP35 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray lower limit sensor (S17) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP28 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. Movable tray middle sensor (S18) abnormality Measure the voltage on TP29 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[CC93] Knurled roller shift solenoid abnormality
Error Timing of detection Knurled roller shift solenoid (SOL3) 2nd transport motor (M4)
Knurled roller home position sensor (S10)The knurled roller home position sensor (S10) does not detect that the knurled roller is at the upper position after the 2nd transport motor (M4) has been driven at the specified number of pulses during the initial rising movement of the knurled roller. The knurled roller home position sensor (S10) does not detect that the knurled roller is not at the upper position after the 2nd transport motor (M4) has been driven at the specified number of pulses during the initial lowering movement of the knurled roller. The knurled roller home position sensor (S10) does not detect that the knurled roller is at the upper position when the pressurization of stack exit movement is finished.
[CC94] Fan motor abnormality
Error Timing of detection Fan motor (M10) The turning ON of the fan locking signal is detected consistently after the specified time*.
* A locking signal is not monitored from the start driving the motor until
the specified time has passed.
[CDE0] Paddle motor abnormality
- You receive a [CDE0] error when the [ED15] error occurs three times in succession or during the initial operation.
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Paddle motor abnormality: The paddle motor is not rotating or the paddle is not rotating normally.
Check Item Measure Paddle Rotate the paddle.
Fix any mechanical problem.Paddle motor Check the connectors and harnesses between the paddle motor (M8) and the finisher control PC board (CN6).
Replacement part Measure Paddle motor Finisher control PC board
Check Item Measure Paddle Rotate the paddle.
Fix any mechanical problem.Paddle motor (M8) Check if the connector (CN22) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the paddle motor (M3) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Replacement part Measure Paddle motor (M8)
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Replacement part Measure Finisher control PC board
[CF10] Communication module SRAM reading failure
Classification Contents Finisher related service call Communication module SRAM reading failure.
Check Item Measure Main power switch Turn OFF the main power switch, then back ON. Setting of the equipment Check if the MJ-1101/1107 is set as the specified finisher on the equipment. (08-4548) Converter PC board Finisher control PC board Board check - Check the connectors and harnesses between the converter PC board and the finisher controller PC board.
- Board check
Replacement part Measure Converter PC board Finisher control PC board
MJ-1101 (When MJ-6103 is installed) / MJ-1107 (When MJ-6104 is installed)
Check Item Measure Main power switch Turn OFF the main power switch, then back ON. Setting of the equipment Check if the MJ-1101/1107 is set as the specified finisher on the equipment. (08-4548) Converter PC board Finisher control PC board Hole punch control PC board Board check - Check the connectors and harnesses between the converter PC board and the finisher controller PC board.
- Board check
- Check the connectors and harnesses between the hole punch control PC board and the finisher control PC board.
- Board check
Replacement part Measure Converter PC board Finisher control PC board Hole punch control PC board
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Offset tray related service call
[CDF0] Initialize error of the offset tray (e-STUDIO206L/256/306 / 207L/257/307)
Classification Contents Offset tray related service call Initialize error of the offset tray
Check Item Measure OCT motor OCT board LGC board - Check if each connector between the OCT motor and OCT board (CN261) is disconnected.
- Check if each connector between the OCT board (CN261) and LGC board (CN302) is disconnected.
- Check if each connector pin is removed or the harness is broken.
- Check if any conductor pattern on the OCT board and LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
Replacement part Measure OCT motor OCT board LGC board
[CDF0] Initialize error of the offset tray (e-STUDIO356/456/506 / 357/457/507)
Classification Contents Offset tray related service call Initialize error of the offset tray
Check Item Measure Offset gate motor MOT2 board LGC board - Check if each connector between the offset gate motor and MOT2 board (CN406) is disconnected.
- Check if each connector between the MOT2 board (CN406) and LGC board (CN302) is disconnected.
- Check if each connector pin is removed or the harness is broken.
- Check if any conductor pattern on the MOT2 board and LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
Replacement part Remark Offset gate motor. MOT2 board LGC board
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[F100_0] HDD format error (Operation failure of key data)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD format error: Operation of HDD key data fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Reboot the equipment. If it cannot be recovered, reinstall the software in the following procedure. (1) Install the OS data. P. 11-15 "11.2.3 Update procedure" |
[F100_1] HDD format error (HDD encryption key data damaged - one board)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD format error: Encryption key data of either the SYS board or the SRAM board for the SYS board are damaged. |
Check Item | Measure |
Encryption key status | Check the displayed message. ([3] + [CLEAR] Power-ON 5. Key Backup Restore) |
Take appropriate countermeasures shown in the table below according to the messages displayed in “SRAM Key Status” and “FROM Key Status”.
If the error is not cleared, reinstallation of the OS data, master data and application is needed.SRAM Key Status | FROM Key Status | Measure |
OK | AccessFailed | Replace the SYS board. P. 9-24 "9.3.4 Precautions and Procedures when replacing the SYS board" (all steps) |
OK | KeyNull | Recover the encryption key on the SYS board. P. 9-24 "9.3.4 Precautions and Procedures when replacing the SYS board" ( P. 9-25 "[E] Restore encryption key") |
KeyBroken | ||
AccessFailed | OK | Replace the SRAM board (for the SYS board). (USB backup data are not used) P. 9-31 "9.3.8 Precautions and Procedures when replacing SRAM board" (all steps) |
KeyNull | OK | Recover the encryption key on the SRAM board. P. 9-31 "9.3.8 Precautions and Procedures when replacing SRAM board" ([H]Backup encryption key) |
KeyBroken | ||
Keymismatch | Keymismatch | <The error occurs when the SYS board is replaced> Recover the encryption key on the SYS board. P. 9-24 "9.3.4 Precautions and Procedures when replacing the SYS board" ([E]Restore encryption key) <The error occurs except when the SYS board is replaced> Replace the SRAM board (for the SYS board). P. 9-31 "9.3.8 Precautions and Procedures when replacing SRAM board" (all steps) |
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[F100_2] HDD format error (HDD encryption key data damaged - both boards)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD format error: Encryption key data of both the SYS board and the SRAM board for the SYS board are damaged. |
Check Item | Measure |
Encryption key status | Check the displayed message. ([3] + [CLEAR] Power-ON 5. Key Backup Restore) |
Take appropriate countermeasures shown in the table below according to the messages displayed in “SRAM Key Status” and “FROM Key Status”.
If the error is not cleared, reinstallation of the OS data / master data and application is needed.
SRAM Key Status | FROM Key Status | Measure |
* | AccessFailed | Replace the SYS board. P. 9-24 "9.3.4 Precautions and Procedures when replacing the SYS board" (all steps) <With USB backup data: All key data recovery>
[TD]Replace the SYS board.
(for the SYS board, all steps)[/TD]
[TD]KeyNull/ KeyBroken[/TD]
[TD]KeyNull/ KeyBroken[/TD]
[TD]<No USB backup data>
1. Reinstall the system software.
P. 11-11 "11.2 Firmware Updating with USB Media"
<With USB backup data: All key data recovery>
- Recover all the data on the SRAM board.
- Recover the encryption key/license on the SYS board. Follow the procedures below noted in P. 9-24 "9.3.4 Precautions and Procedures when replacing the SYS board".
- Restore ADI key (only when ADI-HDD is installed)
- Restore encryption key
- Restore license
- AccessFailed, KeyNull or KeyBroken
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[F101_0] HDD connection error (HDD connection cannot be detected.) [F101_1] Root partition mount error (HDD formatting fails.)
[F101_2][F101_3] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to areas other than those described in the F101_1 and F101_4 to F101_9 errors.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 0: HDD connection error (HDD connection cannot be detected.) Sub-code 1: Root partition mount error (HDD formatting fails.) Sub-code 2, 3: Partition mount error (The areas other than those described in the F101_1 and F101_4 to F101_9 errors are damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If F101_1 occurs with ADI-HDD or the error persists after performing step 3, perform step 3 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[F101_4] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/work” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 4: Partition mount error (The “/work” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[F101_5] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/registration” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 5: Partition mount error (The “/registration” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[F101_6] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/backup” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 6: Partition mount error (The “/backup” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[F101_7] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/imagedata” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 7: Partition mount error (The “/imagedata” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[F101_8] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/storage” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 8: Partition mount error (The “/storage” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[F101_9] Partition mount error (The HDD cannot be connected (mounted) caused by damage to the “/encryption” partition.)
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. Sub-code 9: Partition mount error (The “/encryption” partition is damaged.) |
Check item | Measures |
HDD, SYS board, Setting |
The following items will be deleted by performing [3C] - [3] (Format HDD). If the error persists after performing step 5, perform step 5 after performing [4]+[C]+[POWER]1. Revert factory initial status HDD. |
Replacement part | Measure |
HDD | |
SYS board |
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[F102] HDD start error [F103] HDD transfer time-out [F104] HDD data error
[F105] HDD other error
Classification | Contents |
Other service call | HDD unmounted: Connection of HDD cannot be detected. HDD start error: HDD cannot become “Ready” state. HDD transfer time-out: Reading/writing cannot be performed in the specified period of time. HDD data error: Abnormality is detected in the data of HDD. HDD other error |
Check Item | Measure |
Replacement part | Remark |
HDD | |
SYS board |
[F106_0] ADI-HDD error: Illegal disk replacement detected (ADI-HDD Exchange to SATA-HDD)
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: The ADI-HDD has been replaced illegally to SATA-HDD (normal type). |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Check if the HDD has been replaced with a SATA-HDD (normal type).
Notes: To replace with the original ADI-HDD, start the equipment in the normal mode and then reinstall master data (HD Data) only if any abnormality occurs. 2b. In case of “ADI-HDD” Check each item in the Measures field for the HDD below. If the error still occurs, reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
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[F106_1] ADI-HDD error: HDD type detection error
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: HDD type detection fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | If the error is not recovered after rebooting the equipment or no abnormality is found on any check items for the HDD, reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
Abnormal status: Unknown HDD If “Unknown HDD” is displayed, reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
[F106_2] ADI-HDD error: ADI encryption key download operation error
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: Downloading of or consistency check for ADI- HDD encryption key fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Checking of ADI-HDD encryption key status
Restore the ADI-HDD encryption key. Reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
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[F106_3] ADI-HDD error: ADI authentication Admin Password generation error
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: The generation of ADI authentication Admin Password fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Reinstall the system ROM data (OS Data). Reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
[F106_4] ADI-HDD error: Authentication random number generation error
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: The generation of a random number for authentication data fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Reinstall the system ROM data (OS Data). Reinstall the master data (HD Data). |
[F106_5] ADI-HDD error: Authentication data transmission error
Classification | Error item |
Other service call | ADI-HDD error: The transmission of authentication data fails. |
Check Item | Measure |
Setting | Reinstall the system ROM data (OS Data). Reinstall the master data (HD Data). |