Toshiba e-STUDIO 307/357/457/507 Service Manual Part 3



[ 6 ] Paper jam in saddle stitcher section​

[EA80] Stapling jam​

MJ-1032 / MJ-1033

ClassificationError content
Paper jam in saddle stitcher sectionStapling jam

Check itemMeasures
  • Check if there is any paper in the finisher, saddle stitcher, or on the transport path of the equipment, or on the stapling tray. Remove it if there is.
  • Remove the staple cartridge from the finisher and remove staples stuck in the stapling unit.
Stitcher home position switch
  • Check if the connector on the saddle stitcher controller PC board is disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
  • Check if the stitcher home position switches are working properly.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Stitcher home position switch
Finisher controller PC board

[EA90] Door open jam​


ClassificationError content
Paper jam in saddle stitcher sectionDoor open jam

Check itemMeasures
  • Check if there is any paper in the finisher, saddle stitcher or on the transport path of the equipment. Remove it if there is.
  • Check if the saddle stitcher door is closed.
  • Check if the connectors J10 and J11 on the saddle stitcher controller PC board are disconnected from any of the cover opening switches (the delivery cover sensor [P13] and the inlet cover sensor [P19]) or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
  • Check if the cover opening switches noted above are working properly.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Saddle stitcher controller PC board

[EAA0] Paper remaining in Saddle Stitch Finisher​

ClassificationError item
Finisher jam
(Saddle stitcher section)
Paper remaining in Saddle Stitch Finisher



Check itemMeasures
Finisher, saddle stitcher
  • Check if there is any paper in the finisher, saddle stitcher or the on the transport path of the equipment. Remove it if there is.
  • Use paper accepted in the specifications.
PaperDo not use the paper shorter than the specification.
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
  • Sensor check(S26)
  • Connector check(CN8)
  • Harness check
Transport path-2 (S27)
  • Sensor check(S27)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Transport path-3 (S28)
  • Sensor check(S28)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Ejecting roller sensor(S29)
  • Sensor check(S29)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Interface PC board (I/F)
  • Board check
  • Connector check(CN1, CN2, CN5, CN7, CN8)
  • Harness check
Saddle stitcher controller board
  • Board check
  • Connector check(CN10, CN13, CN20)
  • Harness check

Replace partsRemarks
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
Transport path-2 (S27)
Transport path-3 (S28)
Ejecting roller (S29)
Interface PC board (I/F)
Saddle stitcher controller board

[EAB0] Paper transport jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher​

ClassificationError item
Finisher jam
(Saddle stitcher section)
Paper transport jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher


Check itemMeasures
Finisher, saddle stitcher
  • Check if there is any paper in the finisher, saddle stitcher or the on the transport path of the equipment. Remove it if there is.
  • Use paper accepted in the specifications.
Check itemMeasures
PaperDo not use the paper longer than the specification.
Transport rollerFix any mechanical problem occurring when the transfer roller is rotated.
Feeding sensor (S22)
  • Sensor check(S22)
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
  • Sensor check(S26)
  • Connector check(CN8)
  • Harness check
Transport path-2 (S27)
  • Sensor check(S27)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Transport path-3 (S28)
  • Sensor check(S28)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Ejecting roller sensor(S29)
  • Sensor check(S29)
  • Connector check(CN20)
  • Harness check
Transport path switching solenoid (SOL5)Check that the gap between the transfer guide surface and the upper surface of the flapper tip is in the acceptable range according to the status of the transport path switching solenoid (SOL5) (solenoid OFF: 1.5 to 2.1 mm, solenoid ON:
2.3 to 2.9 mm). If it is not, adjust it.
Entrance motor (M1)
  • Motor check(M1)
  • Connector check(CN26)
  • Harness check
Transport path switching solenoid (SOL9)
  • Solenoid check(SOL9)
  • Connector check(CN26)
  • Harness check
Interface PC board (I/F)
  • Board check
  • Connector check(CN1, CN2, CN5, CN7, CN8)
  • Harness check
Saddle stitcher controller board
  • Board check
  • Connector check(CN10, CN13, CN20)
  • Harness check

Replace partsRemarks
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
Feeding sensor (S22)
Transport path-2 (S27)
Transport path-3 (S28)
Ejecting roller (S29)
Entrance motor (M1)
Transport path switching solenoid (SOL9)
Interface PC board (I/F)
Saddle stitcher controller board
Finisher controller board

[EAB0] Transport jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher​

ClassificationError item
Finisher jam
(Saddle stitcher section)
Transport jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher

Probable causeChecking and measures
Transport motor-2 (M2) abnormalityCheck if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor.
Saddle stitch entrance path sensor (S4) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on TP2 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Faulty cables and connectorsCheck if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN13, CN1)
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormalityIf the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).


[EAB1] Short paper jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher​

ClassificationError item
Finisher jam
(Saddle stitcher section)
Short paper jam in Saddle Stitch Finisher


Check itemMeasures
Finisher, saddle stitcher
  • Check if there is any paper in the finisher, saddle stitcher or the on the transport path of the equipment. Remove it if there is.
  • Use paper accepted in the specifications.
Feeding sensor (S22)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Transport path-2 sensor (S27)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Transport path-3 sensor (S28)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Ejecting roller sensor (S29)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Interface PC board (I/F)
  • Connector check(CN8)
  • Board check
Saddle stitcher controller board
  • Connector check
  • Board check
Finisher controller board
  • Connector check
  • Board check
Replace partsRemarks
Feeding sensor (S22)
Junction box paper detection sensor (S26)
Transport path-2 (S27)
Transport path-3 (S28)
Ejecting roller (S29)
Interface PC board (I/F)
Saddle stitcher controller board
Finisher controller board

[EAE0] Receiving time-out jam​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamReceiving time-out jam

Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
1Is the finisher working?YesReplace the finisher controller PC board.
2Are the versions of the Finisher, Saddle Stitch Finisher and converter firmware the latest?YesDownload the firmware in the latest version.
  • Check if the voltage (24V) is being supplied to the finisher.
  • Check the connection of the LGC board and IPC board
  • Check if the harness connecting the IPC board and finisher I/F connector of the equipment side is open circuited.
  • Check if the harness connecting the I/F connector of the finisher side and finisher controller PC board is open circuited.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Finisher controller PC board

e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

[EAF3] Gripper motor (M3) abnormality​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamGripper arm motor home position detection error

ErrorTiming of detection
Gripper motor
Gripper arm home position sensor
The turning OFF of the gripper arm home position sensor (S13) is not detected in the specified time when the gripper arm is exited.
The turning ON of the gripper arm home position sensor (S13) is not detected in the specified time when the gripper arm is returned to its home position.

Probable causeChecking and measures
Gripper motor (M3) abnormalityCheck if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor.
Gripper arm home position sensor (S13) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on pin CN10.8 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Gripper arm exit sensor (S26) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on TP27 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Faulty cables and connectorsIf the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormalityIf the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).


[EB30] Ready time-out jam​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamReady time-out jam

Check itemMeasures
FinisherCheck if the connector on the equipment is disconnected from the finisher or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
IPC board
LGC board
Finisher controller PC board

[ED10] Skew adjustment motor (M1) home position detection abnormality​

MJ-1101 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107 (when MJ-6104 is installed)

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamSkew adjustment motor (M1) home position detection abnormality

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507


Check itemMeasures
Skew adjustment motorRotate skew adjustment motor and fix its mechanism if it does not rotate smoothly.
Skew HP sensor
Skew adjustment motor
Hole punch control PC board
Check if the connectors on the hole punch controller PC board (HP board) are disconnected from the skew HP sensor (S2) and the skew adjustment motor, or the harnesses are open circuited.
Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Skew adjustment motor
Hole punch control PC board

[ED11] Sideways adjustment motor (M2) home position detection error​

MJ-1101 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107 (when MJ-6104 is installed)

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamSideways adjustment motor (M2) home position detection error

Check itemMeasures
Sideways adjustment motorRotate sideways adjustment motor and fix its mechanism if it does not rotate smoothly.
sideways deviation HP sensor Sideways adjustment motor Hole punch control PC boardCheck if the connectors on the hole punch controller PC board (HP board) are disconnected from the sideways deviation HP sensor (S3) and the sideways adjustment motor, or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Sideways adjustment motor
Hole punch control PC board

[ED12] Shutter home position error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamShutter home position error


Check itemMeasures
ShutterOpen and close the shutter. If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism.
Shutter opening/closing sensor Shutter clutch
Finisher controller PC board
Check if the connectors on the finisher controller PC board are disconnected from the shutter opening/closing sensor (S4) and the shutter clutch (CLT1), or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Shutter clutch
Shutter opening/closing sensor
Finisher controller PC board

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Check itemMeasures
Movable tray paper-full sensorFix any mechanical problem occurring when the actuator is moved.
Check if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the movable tray paper-full sensor (S16). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it.
Check if the connector (CN12) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the movable tray paper-full sensor (S16) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
ShutterOpen and close the shutter. Fix any mechanical problem.
Shutter opening/closing sensorCheck if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the shutter opening/closing sensor (S4). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it.
Check if the connector (CN12) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the shutter opening/closing sensor (S4) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Shutter clutchCheck if the connector (CN10) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the shutter clutch (CLT1) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Movable tray paper-full sensor
Finisher controller PC board
Shutter opening/closing sensor


[ED13] Front alignment plate home position error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamFront alignment plate home position error


Check itemMeasures
Front alignment plateMove the front alignment plate. If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism.
Front alignment motor Front alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board
Check if the connectors on the finisher controller PC board are disconnected from the front alignment plate home position sensor (S7) and the front alignment motor (M9), or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Front alignment motor
Front alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507



Check itemMeasures
Front alignment plateMove the front alignment plate. Fix any mechanical problem.
Front alignment plate home position sensorCheck if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the front alignment plate home position sensor (S7). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it.
Check if the connector (CN18) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the front alignment plate home position sensor (S7) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Front alignment motorCheck if the connector (CN17) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the front alignment motor (M5) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Front alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board

[ED14] Rear alignment plate home position error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamRear alignment plate home position error


Check itemMeasures
Rear alignment plateMove the Rear alignment plate. If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism.
Rear alignment motor Rear alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board
Check if the connectors on the finisher controller PC board are disconnected from the Rear alignment plate home position sensor (S8) and the Rear alignment motor (M10), or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Front alignment motor
Front alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board


Check itemMeasures
Rear alignment plateMove the rear alignment plate. Fix any mechanical problem.
Rear alignment plate home position sensorCheck if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S8). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it.
Check if the connector (CN18) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the rear alignment plate home position sensor (S8) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

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Check itemMeasures
Rear alignment motorCheck if the connector (CN17) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the rear alignment motor (M6) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Rear alignment plate home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board

[ED15] Paddle home position error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamPaddle home position error



Check itemMeasures
PaddleRotate the paddle. If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism.
Paddle home position sensor Paddle motor
Finisher controller PC board
Check if the connectors on the finisher controller PC board are disconnected from the paddle home position sensor (S3) and the paddle motor (M8), or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Paddle motor
Paddle home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board


Check itemMeasures
Rear alignment plateMove the rear alignment plate. Fix any mechanical problem.
Rear alignment motorCheck if the connector (CN17) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the rear alignment motor (M6) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Rear alignment motor
Finisher controller PC board

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507


[ED15] Paddle home position detection error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamPaddle home position error

ErrorTiming of detection
Transport motor-2
Paddle home position sensor
The paddle home position sensor (S34) does not change from “ON” to “OFF” within the pre-specified time during paddle rotation.
The paddle home position sensor (S34) does not change from “OFF” to “ON” within the pre-specified time during paddle rotation.

[ED16] Buffer tray home position error​

ClassificationError content
Finisher jamBuffer tray home position error


Check itemMeasures
Buffer tray guideOpen and close the buffer tray guide. If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism.
Buffer tray home position sensor
Buffer tray guide motor Finisher controller PC board
Check if the connectors on the finisher controller PC board are disconnected from the buffer tray home position sensor (S5) and the buffer tray guide motor (M3), or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Buffer tray guide motor
Buffer tray home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board


Check itemMeasures
Buffer tray guideOpen and close the buffer tray guide. Fix any mechanical problem.
Buffer tray home position sensorCheck if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the buffer tray home position sensor (S5). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it.
Check if the connector (CN11) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the buffer tray home position sensor (S5) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.
Assist arm motorCheck if the connector (CN13) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the assist arm motor (M10) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if so.

Parts to be replacedRemark
Buffer tray home position sensor
Finisher controller PC board

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[EF10] Paper not supported for Saddle Stitch Finisher​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Finisher section)Unsupported paper size, type and an excess number of pages for stapling are selected.

Check itemMeasures
  • Paper size check
Buffer tray home position sensor
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Buffer tray guide motor
  • Motor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check
  • Board check

Parts to be replacedRemark
Buffer tray home position sensor
Buffer tray guide motor
Saddle controller board


[EF11] Saddle Stitch Finisher stapling error (front)​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)Front stapling is not correctly done.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any paper remaining on the paper transport path in the Finisher or the equipment, or on the finishing tray?.
Saddle staple cartridge (Front side)
  • Is the jam released by taking off the front staple cartridge from the Finisher and removing the staple sheet slid from the staple case?
Front saddle stapler drive unit
  • Unit check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN3)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Front saddle stapler drive unit
Saddle controller board

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507


[EF12] Saddle Stitch Finisher stapling error (rear)​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)Rear stapling is not correctly done.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any paper remaining on the paper transport path in the Finisher or the equipment, or on the finishing tray?.
Saddle staple cartridge (rear side)
  • Is the jam released by taking off the rear staple cartridge from the Finisher and removing the staple sheet slid from the staple case?
Rear saddle stapler drive unit
  • Unit check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN3)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Rear saddle stapler drive unit
Saddle controller board

[EF13] Saddle stitch unit paper holding home position detection error​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)The paper holder home position cannot be detected.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any mechanical problem when the paper holding cam is rotated?
Paper holding home position sensor (S38)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN8)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Paper holding home position sensor (S38)
Saddle controller board

[EF14] Saddle paper exit jam​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)Outputting paper is not completed within a fixed time.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any paper remaining in the paper transport path of the equipment or the saddle stitch section of the Finisher?
Exit sensor (S31)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check

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Replace partsRemarks
Exit sensor (S31)
Saddle controller board

Check itemMeasures
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN19)
  • Board check

[EF14, EF1C] Jams in folding/exiting section​


Probable causeChecking and measures
Saddle stitch finishing tray sensor (S7) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on TP65 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Saddle stitch exit path sensor (S5) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on TP68 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Faulty cables and connectorsCheck if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN15, CN16)
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormalityIf the error still occurs after replacing the sensors and the connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).


[EF15] Saddle Stitch Finisher side alignment motor home position detection abnormality​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)The side alignment motor home position cannot be detected.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any mechanical problem when the jog is moved?
Side alignment home position sensor (S36)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Side alignment motor (M15)
  • Motor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN5)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Side alignment home position sensor (S36)
Side alignment motor (M15)
Saddle controller board

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507


[EF16] Saddle Stitch Finisher stacker motor home position detection abnormality​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)The stacker motor home position cannot be detected.

Check itemMeasures
Stacker carrier
  • Is there any mechanical problem when the stacker carrier is moved?
Stacker home position sensor (S33)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Stacker motor (M14)
  • Motor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN4)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Stacker home position sensor (S33)
Stacker motor (M14)
Saddle controller board

[EF17] Saddle Stitch Finisher folding blade home position detection abnormality​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)The folding blade home position cannot be detected.

Check itemMeasures
Folding blade cam
  • Is there any mechanical problem when the folding blade cam is rotated?
Folding blade home position sensor (S35)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Folding blade clutch (CLT3)
  • Clutch check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN15)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Folding blade home position sensor (S35)
Folding blade clutch (CLT3)
Saddle controller board

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[EF18] Saddle Stitch Finisher additional folding roller home position detection abnormality​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)The additional folding roller home position cannot be detected.

Check itemMeasures
Additional folding carrier
  • Is there any mechanical problem when the additional folding carrier is moved?
Additional folding home position sensor (S39)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Additional folding motor (M20)
  • Motor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN18, CN19)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Additional folding home position sensor (S39)
Additional folding motor (M20)
Saddle controller board


[EF19] Saddle paper folding jam​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)Fold processed paper cannot be transported to the additional folding roller.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any paper remaining in the paper transport path in the equipment or the saddle stitch section of the Finisher?
Exit transport sensor (S41)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN19)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Exit transport sensor (S41)
Saddle controller board

© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507


[EF1B] Saddle stitch finishing tray paper detection error​

ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Finisher section)Paper remains at the saddle stitch positioning paper exit sensor for a longer period than specified while being transported in the pushing/folding operation.

Probable causeChecking and measures
Saddle stitch finishing tray sensor (S7) abnormalityMeasure the voltage on TP65 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor.
Faulty cables and connectorsCheck if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN15)
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormalityIf the error still occurs after replacing the sensor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN).

[EF20] Saddle stacker jam​


ClassificationError item
Finisher jam (Saddle section)Transported paper cannot be detected in the stacker.

Check itemMeasures
  • Is there any paper remaining in the paper transport path in the equipment or the saddle stitch section of the Finisher?
Stacker paper detection sensor (S30)
  • Sensor check
  • Connector check
  • Harness check
Saddle controller board
  • Connector check (CN19)
  • Board check

Replace partsRemarks
Stacker paper detection sensor (S30)
Saddle controller board

e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

  1. Drive system related service call​


    [C010] Main motor is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Drive system related service callMain motor is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Is the main motor working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-101/151)Yes2
    2Are there any damage or scratches on the main motor board?Yes3
    3LGC board
    1. Check if the connector CN1 of the main motor is disconnected.
    2. Check if the connector CN308 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    3. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    4. Check if the conductor patterns on the main motor board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    5. Replace the main motor.
    6. Replace the LGC board.
    7. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    8. Check if the conductor patterns on the main motor board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    9. Replace the main motor.
    10. Replace the LGC board.
    11. Check if the PLL lock signal CN308-8 output from the LGC board is always level “L”?
    12. Check if the voltage supplied to the CPU input terminal IC22-98 is always “L”?
    13. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Main motor
    LGC board

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
  2. Paper feeding system related service call​

    [C040] PFP motor is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callPFP motor is abnormal.

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Is the PFP motor working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-109/ 159)Yes2
    2Is the LED on the PFP motor board lit without flickering?Yes3
    3PFP board LGC board
    1. Check if the signal line connector CN506 of the PFP motor is disconnected.
    2. Check if the connector CN246 on the PFP board is disconnected.
    3. Check if the connector CN241 on the PFP board is disconnected.
    4. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    5. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    6. Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP motor board, PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    7. Replace the PFP motor.
    8. Replace the PFP board.
    9. Replace the LGC board.
    10. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    11. Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP motor board, PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    12. Replace the PFP motor.
    13. Replace the PFP board.
    14. Replace the LGC board.
    15. Check if the PLL lock signal CN246-7 output from the PFP board is always “L” level.
    16. Check if the voltage supplied to the microcomputer input terminal IC5-17 is always “L” level.
    17. Replace the PFP board.
    18. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    PFP motor
    PFP board
    LGC board

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING


    [C130] Upper drawer tray is abnormal [C140] Lower drawer tray is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callUpper drawer tray is abnormal Lower drawer tray is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Does the tray go up? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-242/ 243)Yes2
    2Is the tray-up sensor working?
    (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[6]/, /[7]/)









    [TD]LGC board[/TD]




    1. Check if the connector of the tray-up motor is disconnected.
    2. Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    3. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    4. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    5. Replace the LGC board.
    6. Check if the connector of the sensor is disconnected.
    7. Check if the connector CN315 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    8. Check if the slit reaches the sensor.
    9. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    10. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    11. Replace the LGC board.
    12. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    13. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    Tray-up motor
    Tray-up sensor

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C150] PFP upper drawer tray is abnormal [C160] PFP lower drawer tray is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callPFP upper drawer tray is abnormal PFP lower drawer tray is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Does the tray go up? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-278/ 280)Yes2
    2Is the tray-up sensor working?
    (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[2]/[D], /[3]/[D])
    3LGC board
    1. Check if the connector of the tray-up motor is disconnected.
    2. Check if any of the connectors CN241 and CN244 on the PFP board is disconnected.
    3. Check if the connector CN318on the LGC board is disconnected.
    4. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    5. Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    6. Replace the PFP board.
    7. Replace the LGC board.
    8. Check if the connector of the sensor is disconnected.
    9. Check if any of the connectors CN241, CN247 and CN248 on the PFP board is disconnected.
    10. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    11. Check if the slit reaches the sensor.
    12. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    13. Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    14. Replace the PFP board.
    15. Replace the LGC board.
    16. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    17. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    PFP board
    LGC board
    Tray-up motor
    Tray-up sensor

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING


    [C180] LCF tray-up motor is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callLCF tray-up motor is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Does the tray move? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-271)Yes2
    2Are the LCF tray bottom sensor and LCF tray-up sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[5]/[A], /[5]/)









    [TD]LGC board[/TD]




    1. Does the tray move? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-271)
    2. Check if the connector of the LCF tray-up motor is disconnected.
    3. Check if any of the connectors CN1 and CN5 on the LCF board is disconnected.
    4. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    5. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    6. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    7. Replace the LCF board.
    8. Check if the connectors of the sensors are disconnected.
    9. Check if any of the connectors CN1, CN2 and CN6 on the LCF board is disconnected.
    10. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    11. Check if the slit reaches the sensors.
    12. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    13. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    14. Replace the LCF board.
    15. Replace the LGC board.
    16. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    17. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LCF board
    LGC board
    LCF tray-up motor
    LCF tray-up sensor

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C1A0] LCF end fence motor is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callLCF end fence motor is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Is the LCF end fence motor working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-207)Yes2
    2Are the LCF end fence home/stop position sensors working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[5]/[D], /[5]/[C])Yes3
    3LGC board
    1. Check if the connector of the LCF end fence motor is disconnected.
    2. Check if any of the connectors CN1 and CN5 on the LCF board is disconnected.
    3. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    4. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    5. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    6. Replace the LCF board.
    7. Replace the LGC board.
    8. Check if the connectors of the sensors are disconnected.
    9. Check if either of the connectors CN1 or CN4 on the LCF board is disconnected.
    10. heck if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    11. Check if the slit reaches the sensors.
    12. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    13. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    14. Replace the LCF board.
    15. Replace the LGC board.
    16. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    17. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LCF board
    LGC board
    LCF end fence motor
    End fence home/stop position sensors

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING


    [C1B0] LCF transport motor is abnormal​

    ClassificationError content
    Paper feeding system related service callLCF transport motor is abnormal

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Is the LCF transport motor working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-122/172)Yes2
    2LCF transport motor LCF board
    LGC board
    3LCF transport motor LCF board
    LGC board
    1. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    2. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF transport motor board, LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    3. Check if the PLL lock signal CN3-10 output from the LCF board is always “L” level.
    4. Check if the voltage supplied to the microcomputer input terminal IC103-17 is always “L” level.
    5. Replace the LCF transport motor.
    6. Replace the LCF board.
    7. Replace the LGC board.
    8. Check if the connector of the LCF transport motor is disconnected.
    9. Check if the connector CN1, CN3 on the LCF board is disconnected.
    10. Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
    11. Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
    12. Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF transport motor board, LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
    13. Replace the LCF transport motor.
    14. Replace the LCF board.
    15. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LCF transport motor
    LCF board
    LGC board

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    Scanning system related service call​

    [C260] Peak detection error (e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callPeak detection error

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Flat cable connecting the SLG board and the CCD boardIf normal, go to 2.
    2Is the exposure lamp lit? (Output check: 03-267)YesIt is lit.3
    NoIt is not lit.4
    3Shading correction plate
    Exposure lamp
    CCD board / Lens unit
    SLG board
    4SLG board
    Inverter board / LED board
    Exposure lamp
    Supply harness
    1. Check if the harness at the SLG board side is inserted into the slot of the connector properly.
    2. Check if the lock of the connector at the SLG board side is locked properly.
    3. Check if there is any scratch or stain on the shading correction plate.
    4. Check if the shading correction plate is any scratch or dirty.
    5. Check if the mirror is tilted.
      • Check that the lens is reflected in the mirror looking at carriage-1 from an upper position.
      • Check that the mirror is secured at the leaf spring.
    6. Check if the exposure lamp is correctly lit.
    7. Check if the harness is connected properly to the connector of the inverter board or the LED board.
    8. When the carriage is driven, check if the harness interferes with it or parts are caught in it.
    9. Check if the connector of the CCD board is connected properly.
    10. Check if the CCD board is installed properly. (Check that the lens unit is not tilted or the screw is securely tighten.)
    11. Check if the connector of the SLG board is connected properly.
    12. Check if the mounted parts on the SLG board are damaged or abnormal.
    13. Check if 10 V is output from the power supply for CCD.
    14. Check if the supply cable is connected properly to the connector.
    15. Check if the mounted parts on the SLG board are damaged or abnormal.
    16. Check if the harness of the exposure lamp is connected to the inverter board or LED board properly.
    17. Check if the supply harness to the inverter board is connected properly.
    18. Check if the mounted parts on the inverter board or the LED board are damaged or abnormal.
    19. Check if the harness of the exposure lamp is connected to the inverter board or LED board properly.
    20. Check if the exposure lamp is scratched or damaged.
    21. Check if wiring of the supply harness (CN127) is abnormal.
    22. Check if the harness is scratched or open circuited.
    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Lens unit
    SLG board
    Exposure lamp
    Supply harness


    [C260] Peak detection error (e-STUDIO207L/257/307/357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callPeak detection error

    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    1Is the exposure lamp lit? (Output check: 03-267)YesIt is lit.2
    NoIt is not lit.3
    2Shading correction plate
    MirrorNotes: Do not turn the mirror adjustment screw more than necessary.
    Exposure lamp
    CCD board
    SYS board
    1. Check if there is any scratch or stain on the shading correction plate.
    2. Check if the shading correction plate is any scratch or dirty.
    3. Check if the mirror is tilted.
      • Check that the lens is reflected in the mirror looking at carriage-1 from an upper position.
      • Check that the mirror is secured at the leaf spring.
    4. Check if the carriage is tilted by moving it to the left stopping point.
    5. Check if the wire fixing screw is loosened.
    6. Check if the movement of the carriage is unstable due to disengagement of the carriage roller.
    7. Check if the exposure lamp is flickering when it is turned on.
    8. Check if the connector is properly connected all the way in the board of LED lamp unit.
    9. While the carriage is being driven, check if the harness catches it or interferes with it.
    10. Check if the connector is properly connected all the way in the CCD board.
    11. Check if the CCD board or the lens unit is tilted. Check if the screw is securely tightened.
    12. Replace the lens unit.
    13. Check if the connector is properly connected all the way in the SYS board.
    14. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board or in the appearance of the SYS board.
    15. Check if 10V is output from the power supply for the CCD.
    16. Replace the SYS board.
    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
    Proce dureCheck itemResultMeasureNext Step
    3Exposure lamp
    SYS board
    1. Check if the connector is properly connected to the board of LED lamp unit.
    2. Check if there are any scratches or damage on the board of LED lamp unit.
    3. Replace the exposure lamp unit.
    4. Check if the connector is properly connected to the SYS board.
    5. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted in the SYS board.
    6. Replace the SYS board.
    7. Check if wiring of the harness (CN130 on the SYS board) is abnormal.
    8. Check if the harness (CN130 on the SYS board) has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    9. Replace the harness (CN130 on the SYS board).
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LED lamp unit
    Lens unit
    SYS board

    [C261] Peak detection error (e-STUDIO257/257P/357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callPeak detection error (the light source is extremely light)

    Proce dureCheck itemMeasure
    1Board of the LED lamp unit1. Replace the exposure lamp unit.
    2SYS board
    1. Check if there is any abnormality in the appearance of the LED driver IC (IC37).
    2. Replace the SYS board.
    3. Check if there is any abnormality in the appearance of the reflector, such as deformation.
    4. Replace the carriage-1.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LED lamp unit
    SYS board

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    [C262] Communication error between the CCD board and the SYS board (e-STUDIO257/257P/ 357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callPeak detection error (the light source is extremely light)

    Proce dureCheck itemMeasure
    1Lens unit
    2SYS board
    1. Check if the connector is properly connected all the way in the CCD board.
    2. Check if there is any abnormality in the appearance of parts mounted on the CCD board.
    3. Check if +5V is output to the lens unit.
    4. Check if +3.3V is output from IC9. Check if +1.8V is output from IC11.
    5. Replace the Lens unit.
    6. Check if the connector is properly connected all the way in the SYS board.
    7. Check if there is any abnormality in the appearance of parts mounted on the SYS board.
    8. Check if +5V is output to the SYS board.
    9. Replace the SYS board.
    10. Check if the harness has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    11. Check if there is any abnormality in the connector terminal or the contacting surface of the flat harness.
    12. Replace the harness between the SYS board and the CCD board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Lens unit
    SYS board


    [C270] Carriage home position sensor not going OFF within a specified time (e-STUDIO206L/ 256/306/356/456/506)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callThe carriage does not shift from its home position in a specified period of time.
    Remove the original glass and move the carriages to the paper feeding side. Turn ON the power and check the following items.

    Check itemMeasure
    1Carriage lockingCheck if the carriage locking screw for packaging is attached.
    2Carriage home position sensor
    1. Check if the harness of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    2. Check if the harness is caught or open circuited.
    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
    Check itemMeasure
    3SLG board
    4Scan motor
    1. Check if the harness of the carriage home position sensor on the SLG board is connected properly.
    2. Check if the mounted parts on the SLG board are damaged or abnormal.
    3. Check if 24 V on the SLG board is short-circuited.
    4. Check if 24 V is supplied to the SLG board.
    5. Check if the belt tension is loosened.
    6. Check if the motor fixing screw is loosened.
    7. Check if the carriage wire and the timing belt come off.
    8. Check if the connector is connected to the motor properly.
    9. Check if the harness of the motor is caught or open circuited.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Carriage home position sensor
    Carriage home position sensor harness
    SLG board
    Scan motor
    Scan motor harness

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    [C270] Carriage home position sensor not going OFF within the specified time (e-STUDIO257/ 257P/357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callThe carriage does not shift from its home position in a specified period of time. / Abnormal carriage home position sensor.


    Remove the original glass and move the carriages to the paper feeding side. Turn ON the power and check the following items.

    Check itemMeasure
    1Carriage home position sensor
    SYS board
    Scan motor
    2carriage lock1. Check if the carriage locking is released.
    1. Check if the harness of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    2. Check if the harness has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    3. Check if there is any abnormality in the carriage home position sensor.
    4. Replace the carriage home position sensor.
    5. Replace the harness.
    6. Check if the harness (CN127) of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    7. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board.
    8. Check if 24V on the SYS board is short circuited.
    9. Check if 24V is supplied to the SYS board.
    10. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board.
    11. Replace the SYS board.
    12. Check if the belt tension is loosened.
    13. Check if the motor fixing screw is loosened.
    14. Check if the carriage wire and the timing belt come off.
    15. Check if the connector is connected to the scan motor properly.
    16. Check if the harness of the scan motor has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    17. Replace the scan motor or the harness.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Carriage home position sensor
    Carriage home position sensor harness
    SYS board
    Scan motor
    Scan motor harness

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C280] Carriage home position sensor not going ON within a specified time (e-STUDIO206L/256/ 306/356/456/506)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callThe carriage does not reach to its home position in a specified period of time.
    Remove the original glass and move the carriages to the paper feeding side. Turn ON the power and check the following items.

    Check itemMeasure
    1Carriage lockCheck if the carriage locking screw for packaging is attached.
    2Carriage home position sensor
    3SLG board
    4Scan motor
    1. Check if the harness is properly connected to the sensor.
    2. Check if the harness is caught or open circuited.
    3. Check if the harness of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    4. Check if the mounted parts on the SLG board are damaged or abnormal.
    5. Check if 24 V on the SLG board is short-circuited.
    6. Check if 24 V is supplied to the SLG board.
    7. Check if the belt tension is loosened (if the motor screw is loosened).
    8. Check if the wire and the belt come off.
    9. Check if the connector (J007/J125) is connected to the motor properly.
    10. Check if the harness of the motor is caught or open circuited.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Carriage home position sensor
    Carriage home position sensor harness
    SLG board
    Scan motor
    Scan motor harness

    [C280] Carriage home position sensor not coming ON within the specified time (e-STUDIO257/ 257P/357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callAbnormal carriage movement / Abnormal carriage home position sensor behavior

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
    Check itemMeasure
    1Carriage home position sensor
    SYS board
    Scan motor
    2carriage lock1. Check if the carriage locking is released.
    1. Check if the harness of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    2. Check if the harness has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    3. Check if there is any abnormality in the carriage home position sensor.
    4. Replace the carriage home position sensor.
    5. Replace the harness.
    6. Check if the harness (CN127) of the carriage home position sensor is connected properly.
    7. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board.
    8. Check if 24V (capacitor: C303) on the SYS board is short circuited.
    9. Check if 24V (capacitor: C303) is supplied to the SYS board.
    10. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board.
    11. Replace the SYS board.
    12. Check if the belt tension is loosened.
    13. Check if the motor fixing screw is loosened.
    14. Check if the carriage wire and the timing belt come off.
    15. Check if the connector is connected to the scan motor properly.
    16. Check if the harness of the scan motor has any scratch on it or is open circuited or caught anywhere.
    17. Replace the scan motor or the harness.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Carriage home position sensor
    SYS board
    Scan motor


    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C290] Scanner fuse blowout (e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callThe scanning system does not operate due to a blowout of the fuse in the scanning system.

    Check itemResultMeasure
    Is 24V supplied to the SLG board?YesCheck the following because the signal for checking 24V on the SLG board is abnormal.
    1. Check if 3V is input in 35 Pin of the scanner CPU (IC10).
    2. Check if the mounted parts on the SLG board are damaged or abnormal.
    3. Check if 24V on the SLG board is short circuited.
    4. Check if 24V is supplied to the SLG board.
    5. Check if the supply harness is connected properly to the connector.
    6. Check if 24V and SG on the SLG board are short circuited.
    7. Check if the power supply is short circuited by pulling out the supply harness on the SLG board.
    8. Check if the fuse on the LVPS is open circuited.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    SLG board
    Supply harness

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING


    [C290] Scanner fuse blowout (e-STUDIO257/257P/357/457/507)​

    ClassificationError content
    Scanning system related service callPower is not supplied to the scanner due to its power fuse blowout and it does not operate

    Check itemResultMeasure
    Is 24V supplied to the SYS board?YesCheck the following because the 24V check signal on the SYS board is abnormal:
    1. Check if there is any abnormality in the parts mounted on the SYS board.
    2. Check if 3V is input in Pin 35 of the scanner CPU (IC15) of the SYS board.
    3. Replace the SYS board.
    4. Check if the supply harness (CN130) is connected properly.
    5. Check if 24V and SG on the SYS board are short circuited.
    6. Check if the power supply is not short circuited by disconnecting the supply harness (CN130) on the SYS board.
    7. Check if the fuse on the switching power supply (LVPS) is open circuited.
    8. Replace the fuse.
    9. Replace the supply harness.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    SYS board

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    Process related service call​

    [C3D0] EPU board memory overwriting error​

    ClassificationError content
    Process related service callEPU board memory overwriting error

    Check itemMeasure
    Process unitCheck if the process unit is properly installed, and check if the connector pins that are connected to the equipment are disconnected or have any abnormality such as deformation.
    EPU memory boardCheck if the harness connected to the connector J451 on the EPU board has any abnormality.

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    EPU memory board
    LGC board

    [C3D1] EPU board memory new parts detection error​

    ClassificationError content
    Process related service callEPU board memory new parts detection error

    Check itemMeasure
    Process unit
    1. If the process unit has been replaced with a new one before the equipment is started, turn the power OFF and then back ON in the EPU replacement mode ([7] + [START]).
    2. If the process unit has not been replaced, check the following.
    3. Check if the process unit is properly installed, and check if the connector pins that are connected to the equipment are disconnected or have any abnormality such as deformation.
    4. Check if the harness connected to the connector J451 on the EPU board has any abnormality.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    EPU memory board
    LGC board

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    [C3D2] EPU board memory old parts detection error​

    ClassificationError content
    Process related service callEPU board memory old parts detection error

    Check itemMeasure
    Process unit
    EPU memory board
    1. Check if the process unit is a new one. If it is a new one, check the following:
    2. Check if the process unit is properly installed, and check if the connector pins that are connected to the equipment are disconnected or have any abnormality such as deformation.
    3. Check if the harness connected to the connector J451 on the EPU board has any abnormality.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    EPU memory board
    LGC board


    [CE50] Temperature/humidity sensor abnormality​

    Process related service callTemperature/humidity sensor abnormality

    Check ItemResultMeasure
    Is the connector CN317 on the LGC board or the connector of the temperature/humidity sensor disconnected?
    Is the harness between the LGC board and the temperature/ humidity sensor disconnected?
    Yes1. Connect the connector securely. Replace the harness.
    1. Replace the temperature/humidity sensor.
    2. Replace the LGC board.
    Replacement partRemark
    Temperature/humidity sensor
    LGC board

    [CE90] Drum thermistor abnormal​

    Process related service callDrum thermistor abnormal

    Check ItemMeasure
    LGC board Process unit
    1. Check if there is any abnormality on the connector between the equipment and the process unit.
    2. Is the harness between the LGC board and the drawer connector for process unit disconnected?
    3. Is the harness inside of the process unit and the harness of the drum thermistor disconnected?
    4. Is the connector CN310 on the LGC board, or the connector of the drum thermistor disconnected?
    Replacement partRemark
    Drum thermistor
    EPU memory board
    LGC board

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C911] The toner IC chip access is abnormal​

    Toner cartridge related service callThe toner IC chip access is abnormal.

    Check ItemMeasure
    1. Toner cartridge
    2. CTIF board
    3. LGC board
    4. Harness
    1. Check if the recommended toner cartridge is used.
    2. Check if the CTRG board is installed properly.
    3. Check if the contact-point spring is deformed.
    4. Check if the contact-point spring is returned to its original position when it is pushed.
    5. Check if the CTIF board is installed properly.
    6. Check if there is no abnormality on the LGC board.
    7. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    8. Check if the connector CN309 is disconnected.
    9. Check the harness connecting the LGC board and the CTIF board.
    10. Check the connectors (CN308 at the LGC board and CN150 at the CTIF board).
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Toner cartridge
    CTIF board
    LGC board

    [C970] High-voltage transformer abnormality​

    Process related service callHigh-voltage transformer abnormality

    Check ItemMeasure
    1. Is the main charger installed securely?
    2. Check if the spring of high-voltage supply contact point is deformed.
    3. Check if the needle electrode is broken or the main charger grid is deformed.
    4. Check if any foreign matters is on the needle electrode or the main charger grid.
    5. Check if the transfer roller and the separation needle are installed securely.
    6. Check if the transfer roller or the separation needle is removed.
    7. Check if there is any foreign matter attached on the transfer roller or the separation needle.
    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    Fuser unit related service call​


    Be sure to turn OFF the power and unplug the power cable beforehand when checking the heater.​

    The fuser unit itself or the part of the unit remains heated and the capacitors are still charged after a while the power cable is unplugged. So make sure the unit is cooled down enough before checking.​


    [C410] [C411] Thermistor or heater is abnormal at power ON​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThermistor or heater is abnormal at power ON

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the thermistors
    2. Check the heater
    3. Check the LGC board
    4. Clear the status counterAfter repairing the matter which caused the error, perform the following:
    1. Check if the connectors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are in contact with the surface of the fuser roller properly?
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are not deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    5. Check if the heater is broken.
    6. Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    7. Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    8. Check if the thermostat is blown.
    9. Check if the connectors CN308 are disconnected.
    10. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    11. Replace the LGC board.
    12. Turn ON the power while [0] and [8] are pressed simultaneously.
    13. Key in “2002”, then press [START].
    14. Change the current status counter value “1” or “2” to “0”, then press [OK] or [INTERRUPT] (to cancel the error).
    15. Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Make sure that the equipment enters the normal ready state.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board

    [C412] Thermistor or heater is abnormal at power ON​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThermistor or heater is abnormal at power ON

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the fuseCheck if the fuse (F203) is open circuited.

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
    Check itemMeasure
    2. Check the connectorCheck if the pins of the connector are tilted and contact each other.
    3. Check the thermistors
    4. Check the heater
    5. Check the LGC board
    6. Clear the status counterAfter repairing the matter which caused the error, perform the following:
    • Connectors (J70 and J71) on the RADF board
    • RADF connector (J42) connected to the equipment
    • Connectors (CN131 and CN130) on the SYS board
    • Connector (CN419) on the switching regulator
    • Check if the connectors are disconnected.
    • Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are in contact with the surface of the fuser roller properly?
    • Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are not deformed or dirty.
    • Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    • Check if the heater is broken.
    • Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    • Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    • Check if the thermostat is blown.
    • Check if the connectors CN308 are disconnected.
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Replace the LGC board.
    • Turn ON the power while [0] and [8] are pressed simultaneously.
    • Key in “2002”, then press [START].
    • Change the current status counter value “1” or “2” to “0”, then press [OK] or [INTERRUPT] (to cancel the error).
    • Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Make sure that the equipment enters the normal ready state.

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    Fuse (F203)

    [C430] Thermistor abnormality after abnormality judgment [C440] Fuser is abnormal after abnormality judgment​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThermistor abnormality after abnormality judgment Fuser is abnormal after abnormality judgment

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the thermistors
    1. Check if the connectors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are in contact with the surface of the fuser roller properly?
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are not deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
    Check itemMeasure
    2. Check the heater
    3. Check the LGC board
    4. Check the ground connection of the heat rollerNotes:

    5. Check the power supplyReplace the switching regulator.
    6. Clear the status counter
    1. Check if the heater is broken.
    2. Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    3. Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    4. Check if the thermostat is blown.
    5. Check if the connectors CN308 are disconnected.
    6. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    7. Replace the LGC board.
    8. Check if the fuser unit is tightly screwed to the equipment with no gap.
      • Tighten the screws while pressing the fuser unit with your hand.
      • Using a driver is recommended to fix the fuser unit.
    9. Check if the grounding leaf spring in the fuser unit is in contact due to deformation.
    10. Change the current status counter value (08-2002) “4” to “0” for [C430] and “5”, “7” or “9” to “0” for [C440], taking the same procedure as that for [C410].
    11. The status counter value is as follows in the following cases. Change them to “0” respectively.
      • The error occurred during warming-up: “4” or “5”
      • The error occurred after the equipment has become ready: “7”
      • The temperature detected by the center thermistor is 240°C or higher: “9”
      • The temperature detected by the side thermistor is 240°C or higher: “9”
      • The temperature detected by the edge thermistor is 240°C or higher: “9” only during printing.

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Switching regulator


    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [C443] [C445] Heater thermistor abnormality at power ON​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callA thermistor abnormality is detected when the power is turned ON.
    The temperature of the fuser roller does not rise within a specified period after the power is turned ON.

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the power supplyCheck that the power supply voltage is normal.
    2. Check the error status1. Check the thermistors using the code values to find where the problem is.
    08-4570-0: Center thermistor
    08-4570-1: Side thermistor
    08-4570-2: Edge thermistor
    08-4570-5: Error counter
    3. Check the thermistors
    4. Check the heater
    5. Check the LGC board
    6. Clear the status counter1. Change the value of the status counter (08-2002) to "0". C443: "3" is written in 08-2002.
    C445: "5" is written in 08-2002.
    1. Check if the connectors of the center, side or edge thermistors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors contact the surface of the fuser roller properly.
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    5. Check if the heater is broken. (Check that the heater is conducted properly.)
    6. Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    7. Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    8. Check if the thermostat is blown.
    9. Check if the connector CN309 is disconnected.
    10. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    11. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    Heater lamp

    [C447] The fusing temperature is 40 degrees C or lower​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThe fusing temperature is 40 degrees C or lower.

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the thermistors
    2. Check the heater
    3. Check the LGC board
    4. Check the power supplyReplace the switching regulator.
    5. Clear the status counter1. Change the value of the status counter (08-2002) to "0". ("7" or "8" is written in 08-2002.)
    1. Check if the connectors of the center, side or edge thermistors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors contact the surface of the fuser roller properly.
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    5. Check if the heater is broken. (Check that the heater is conducted properly.)
    6. Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    7. Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    8. Check if the thermostat is blown.
    9. Check if the connector CN309 is disconnected.
    10. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    11. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    Heater lamp


    [C449] The fusing temperature is above 240 degrees C​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThe fusing temperature is above 240 degrees C.

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the thermistors
    2. Check the heater
    3. Check the LGC board
    4. Check the power supplyReplace the switching regulator.
    1. Check if the connectors of the center, side or edge thermistors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors contact the surface of the fuser roller properly.
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    5. Check if the heater is broken. (Check that the heater is conducted properly.)
    6. Check if the connector of the heater is disconnected.
    7. Check if the harnesses are connected properly to the terminals of the heater lamp.
    8. Check if the thermostat is blown.
    9. Check if the connector CN309 is disconnected.
    10. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    11. Replace the LGC board.
      © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
    Check itemMeasure
    5. Clear the status counter1. Change the value of the status counter (08-2002) to "0". (Any of the following values is written in 08-2002.
    9, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 or 45)

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    Heater lamp

    [C450] Thermistor abnormality during printing​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThermistor abnormality during printing

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the edge thermistor
    2. Check the LGC board
    3. Clear the status counter1. Change the current status counter value (08-2002) “6” to “0”.
    1. Check if the connector is disconnected.
    2. Check if the edge thermistor is in contact with the surface of the fuser roller properly.
    3. Check if the harness of the edge thermistor is open circuited.
    4. Check if the connector CN308 is disconnected.
    5. Check if the conductor pattern on the board is short circuited or open circuited.
    6. Replace the LGC board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board

    [C452] The temperature between the center and edge thermistors differs by more than 100 degrees C when reaching the Ready temperature​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callThe temperature between the center and edge thermistors differs by more than 100 degrees C when reaching the Ready temperature.

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the edge thermistors
    2. Check the LGC board
    1. Check if the connectors of the center, side or edge thermistors are disconnected.
    2. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors contact the surface of the fuser roller properly.
    3. Check if the center, side and edge thermistors are deformed or dirty.
    4. Check if the harnesses of the center, side and edge thermistors are open circuited.
    5. Check if the connector CN309 is disconnected.
    6. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    7. Replace the LGC board.
    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
    Check itemMeasure
    3. Clear the status counter1. Change the value of the status counter (08-2002) to "0". ("62" is written in 08-2002.)

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the LGC board
    2. Clear the status counter1. Change the value of the status counter (08-2002) to "0".
    1. Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is open or short circuited.
    2. Check if the memory (IC41) is installed properly.
    3. Replace the LGC board.

    [C4B0] Fusing error counter for out-of-specifications​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callFusing error counter for out-of-specifications


    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board

    [C4C0] Fuser unit new/old detection fuse abnormality​

    ClassificationError content
    Fuser unit related service callFuser unit new/old detection fuse abnormality

    Check itemMeasure
    1. Check the fuser unit.
    2. Check the PC board
    1. Are the connectors disconnected?
    2. Are the harnesses open circuited?
    3. Replace the fuser unit.
    4. Are the connectors disconnected?
    5. Are the harnesses short circuited or open circuited?
    6. Replace the board.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    Fuser unit.
    PC board

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    Optional communication related service call​

    [C550] RADF I/F error​

    ClassificationError content
    Optional communication related service callRADF I/F error

    Check itemMeasure
    RADF board
    SLG board (e-STUDIO206L/256/ 306/356/456/506)
    SYS board (e-STUDIO207L/257/ 307/357/457/507)
    • Check if the harness connecting the RADF board and SLG board / SYS board is disconnected or open circuited.
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the RADF board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Connector check
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the SLG board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Connector check
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the SYS board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Connector check
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    RADF board
    SLG board

    [C551] Document feeder model detection error​

    ClassificationError content
    Optional communication related service callDocument feeder model detection error

    Check itemMeasure
    RADFCheck if the installed RADF is an option exclusively set for the model.
    Replace the RADF with the one exclusively set for the model.

    [C570] Communication error between Engine-CPU and IPC board​

    ClassificationError content
    Optional communication related service callCommunication error between Engine-CPU and CNV board

    Check itemMeasure
    LGC board
    CNV boardCheck if the conductor pattern on the CNV board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Check if the LGC board and CNV board are connected properly.
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board
    CNV board

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    [C580] Communication error between CNV board and finisher​

    ClassificationError content
    Optional communication related service callCommunication error between CNV board and finisher

    Check itemMeasure
    Setting of the equipment1033 is set as the specified finisher on the equipment (08- 4548).
    CNV board
    Finisher controller PC boardCheck if the conductor pattern on the finisher controller PC board is short circuited or open circuited.
    • Check if the MJ-1101/1107, MJ-1106/1108, MJ-1032 or MJ-
    • Check if the harness connecting the CNV board and the finisher controller PC board is disconnected or open circuited.
    • Check if the conductor pattern on the CNV board is short circuited or open circuited.
    Parts to be replacedRemark
    CNV board
    Finisher controller PC board


    [C8E0] RADF communication protocol abnormality​

    ClassificationError content
    Optional communication related service callRADF communication protocol abnormality

    Check itemMeasure
    Turn the power OFF and then back ON to check if the equipment operates normally.

    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507

    [CE00] Communication error between finisher and puncher unit​

    Optional communication related service callCommunication error between finisher and punch unit: Communication error between finisher controller PC board and punch controller PC board

    MJ-1101 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107 (when MJ-6104 is installed)

    Check ItemMeasure
    Hole punch control PC board (HP)
    • Check the connectors and harnesses between the hole punch control PC board (HP) and the finisher control PC board.
    • Board check
    Replacement partMeasure
    Hole punch control PC board (HP)
    Finisher control PC board

    [CE00] Communication error (signal transmission to the Hole Punch Unit)​


    ErrorTiming of detection
    Optional communication related service callNo response is received in a control line from the Hole Punch Unit in the specified time during communication determination using control lines at power-ON.
    Three consecutive transmission retries failed after a data reception error was detected.
    No response is received in a control line in the specified time after data transmission from the Finisher.
    No response is returned to a command from the Finisher after the specified time has passed.

    Probable causeChecking and measures
    Faulty cables and connectorsCheck if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN1, CN2)
    Abnormality of the finisher control PC board (FIN) or the hole punch control PC board (HP)If the connection of all the harnesses and connectors is normal, replace the hole punch control PC board (HP). If the error still occurs, replace the finisher control PC board (FIN).

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    Circuit related service call​

    [C5A0] EEPROM communication abnormality (LGC board)​

    ClassificationError content
    Circuit related service callEEPROM communication abnormality (LGC board)

    Check itemMeasure
    EEPROMCheck if the EEPROM is installed properly.

    Parts to be replacedRemark
    LGC board


    [C940] Engine-CPU abnormality​

    Circuit related service callEngine-CPU abnormality

    Check ItemMeasure
    Main power switchTurn OFF the main power switch, then back ON.
    Engine-CPU and FROMCheck if the conductor pattern between the Engine-CPU and FROM is short circuited or open circuited.
    LGC boardBoard check

    Replacement partMeasure
    LGC board

    [F090] SRAM abnormality on the SYS board​

    Circuit related service callSRAM abnormality on the SYS board

    Check ItemMeasure
    1. Turn the power OFF and start up the Setting Mode (08).
    2. When “SRAM REQUIRES INITIALIZATION” is displayed on the LCD, check the destination and then press the [START] button. If the destination is not correct, key in the correct one and then press the [START] button.
    3. After the confirmation message is displayed on the LCD, press the [INTERRUPT] button (to initialize the SRAM).
    4. Perform the panel calibration (08-9050).
    5. Perform the initialization after the software version upgrade (08-9030).
    6. Enter the serial number (08-9601). Be sure that the serial number is the same as that on the identification label attached on the rear cover of the equipment.
    7. Initialize the NIC information (08-9083).
    8. Turn the power OFF and then start up with the Adjustment mode (05).
    9. Perform “Data transfer of characteristic value of scanner” (05-3203).
    10. Turn the power OFF and then back ON. If the error is not recovered, replace the SRAM on the SYS board.
    © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
    Replacement partRemark
    SRAM on the SYS board

    [F350] SLG board abnormality (e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506)​

    Circuit related service callSLG board abnormality

    Check ItemMeasure
    SLG boardBoard check
    Combination of the firmware version
    • Check the combination of the firmware version of the system ROM, engine ROM, and scanner ROM.
    • Reinstall the scanner ROM firmware.
    Replacement partRemark
    SLG board

    [F400] SYS/HDD cooling fan abnormality​

    Circuit related service callSYS/HDD cooling fan abnormality

    Check ItemMeasure
    SYS/HDD cooling fanCheck if the fan is rotating properly. If not, check if any foreign object is adhered.
    SYS boardCheck the connector (*1) and relay connector.
    *1: CN112: e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 CN105: e-STUDIO207L/257/307/357/457/507

    Replacement partRemark
    SYS board
    SYS/HDD cooling fan

    e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING

    Communication related service call​

[F070] Communication error between system CPU and main CPU​

ClassificationError content
Communication related service callCommunication error between system CPU and main CPU

Check itemMeasure
Check ROM versionCheck the version of the system ROM on the SYS board.
Check the version of the engine ROM version on the LGC board.
Board checkCheck if the harness connecting the SYS board (*1) and LGC board (CN312) is disconnected or open circuited.
*1: CN131: e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 CN103: e-STUDIO207L/257/307/357/457/507

Parts to be replacedRemark
SYS board.
LGC board.


[F110] Communication error between system CPU and scanner CPU [F111] Scanner response abnormality​

ClassificationError content
Communication related service callCommunication error between system CPU and scanner CPU Scanner response abnormality


Check itemMeasure
Check ROM versionCheck the version of the system ROM on the SYS board.
Check the version of the scanner ROM version on the SLG board.
Board checkCheck if the harness connecting the SYS board and SLG board is disconnected or open circuited.


Check itemMeasure
Check ROM versionCheck the version of the system ROM and the scanner ROM on the SYS board.
Board checkCheck if the SYS board is damaged or abnormal.

Parts to be replacedRemark
SYS board.
SLG board.