[EB50] Paper left on the transport path due to multiple feeding
Classification | Error content |
Paper transport jam | The multiple feeding of preceding paper caused the misfeeding of upcoming paper. |
When the paper is fed from the upper drawer:
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | ADU | | Open the ADU and remove paper if there is any on the transport path. | 2 |
2 | Is the registration sensor working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]/ON/ [9]/[A]) | Yes | Check the rollers. Replace them if they are worn out | |
No | | 3 | | |
3 | LGC board | |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Registration sensor | |
LGC board | |
Rollers on the transport path | |
When the paper is fed from the bypass tray:
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | ADU | | Open the ADU and remove paper if there is any on the transport path. | 2 |
2 | Is the 1st transport sensor working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]/ OFF/[6]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | 4 | | |
3 | Is the registration sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03-[FAX]ON/[9]/[A]) | Yes | Check the rollers. Replace them if they are worn out | |
No | | 5 | | |
4 | LGC board | |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 1st transport sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
5 | LGC board, registration sensor | |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the registration sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
1st transport sensor | |
LGC board | |
Registration sensor | |
Rollers on the transport path | |
When the paper is fed from the lower drawer:
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | ADU | | Open the ADU and remove paper if there is any on the transport path. | 2 |
2 | Is the registration sensor working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]/ON/ [9]/[A]) | Yes | Check the rollers. Replace them if they are worn out | |
No | | 3 | | |
3 | LGC board, registration sensor | |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the registration sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Registration sensor | |
LGC board | |
Rollers on the transport path | |
When the paper is fed from the PFP or LCF
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Feed cover | | Open the feed cover and remove paper if there is any on the transport path. | 2 |
2 | Is the 2nd transport sensor working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]/ OFF/[7]/[A]) | Yes | Check the rollers. Replace them if they are worn out | |
No | | 3 | | |
3 | LGC board, 2nd transport sensor | |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected or the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 2nd transport sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
LGC board | |
2nd transport sensor | |
Rollers on the transport path | |
[EB60] Paper left on the transport path due to multiple feeding
Classification | Error content |
Paper transport jam | The multiple feeding of preceding paper caused the misfeeding of upcoming paper |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the Automatic duplexing unit. Is there any paper in front of the registration sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the registration sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[6]/[E]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector of the registration sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the registration sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | Roller | |
- Check the rollers. Replace them if they are worn out.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Registration sensor | |
LGC board | |
Rollers on the transport path | |
[E360] Paper fed from the PFP lower drawer not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor
Classification | Error content |
Paper transport jam | Jam not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the PFP side cover. | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
| Is there any paper in front | No | | 2 |
| | | | |
| of the PFP upper drawer | | | |
| feed sensor? | | | |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
2 | Is the PFP upper drawer feed sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[7]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector of the PFP upper drawer feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN241 or CN243 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | Is the PFP feed clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-226) | Yes | | 4 |
No |
- Check if the connector of the PFP transport clutch is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors CN241 and CN247 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP transport clutch.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
4 | Feed roller Separation roller Pickup roller
PFP transfer roller | |
- Check the condition of the feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller of each paper source, and replace them if they are worn out.
- Check the PFP transport roller. Replace it if it is worn out.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
PFP upper drawer feed sensor | |
PFP board | |
LGC board | |
PFP transport clutch | |
Feed roller | |
Separation roller | |
Pickup roller | |
PFP transport roller | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Paper misfeeding
[E110] ADU misfeeding
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the registration sensor) |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the ADU. Is there any paper in front of the registration sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the registration sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[9]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the ADU clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-222) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | Rollers in the ADU | | | |
- Check if the connector of the 1st transport sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 1st registration sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the ADU clutch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN304 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the ADU clutch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the rollers in the ADU. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
ADU clutch | |
LGC board | |
Rollers in the ADU | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E120] Bypass misfeeding
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the 1st transport sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the Automatic duplexing unit. Is there any paper in front of the 1st transport sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the 1st transport sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[6]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the bypass feed clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-204)
Is the bypass paper sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03-[FAX]OFF/[1]/ [D]) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | Bypass feed roller Separation pad | | | |
- Check if the connector of the 1st transport sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 1st transport sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the bypass feed clutch and bypass paper sensor are disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN311 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the bypass feed clutch and bypass paper sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the bypass feed roller and separation pad. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
1st transport sensor | |
LGC board | |
Bypass feed clutch | |
Bypass paper sensor | |
Bypass feed roller | |
Separation pad | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E130] Upper drawer misfeeding (paper not reaching the 1st transport sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the 1st transport sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the Automatic duplexing unit. Is there any paper in front of the 1st transport sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the 1st transport sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[6]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the upper drawer feed clutch working?
(Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-201) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | Upper drawer feed roller Separation roller | | | |
- Check if the connector of the 1st transport sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 1st transport sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the upper drawer feed clutch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN315 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the upper drawer feed clutch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the upper drawer feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
1st transport sensor. | |
LGC board | |
Upper drawer feed clutch | |
Upper drawer feed roller | |
Separation roller | |
Pickup roller | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E140] Lower drawer misfeeding (paper not reaching the 2nd transport sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the 2nd transport sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the feed cover. Is there any paper in front of the 2nd transport sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the 2nd transport sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[7]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the lower drawer feed clutch working?
(Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-202) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | Lower drawer feed roller Separation roller
Pickup roller | | | |
- Check if the connector of the 2nd transport sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN316 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the 2nd transport sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the lower drawer feed clutch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN315 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the lower drawer feed clutch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the lower drawer feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
2nd transport sensor | |
LGC board | |
Lower drawer feed clutch | |
Lower drawer feed roller | |
Separation roller | |
Pickup roller | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E150] PFP upper drawer misfeeding (paper not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the PFP upper drawer feed sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the PFP side cover. Is there any paper in front of the PFP upper drawer feed sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the PFP upper drawer feed sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[2]/) | | | |
[TD]Is the PFP upper drawer feed clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-226)[/TD]
[TD]PFP upper drawer feed roller
Separation roller Pickup roller[/TD]
- Check if the connector of the PFP upper drawer feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN241 or CN243 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP upper drawer feed sensor.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the PFP upper drawer feed clutch is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors CN241 and CN247 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP upper drawer feed clutch.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the PFP upper drawer feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
PFP upper drawer feed sensor | |
PFP board | |
LGC board | |
PFP upper drawer feed clutch | |
PFP upper drawer feed roller | |
Separation roller | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Pickup roller | |
[E160] PFP lower drawer misfeeding (paper not reaching the PFP lower drawer feed sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the PFP lower drawer feed sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the PFP side cover. Is there any paper in front of the PFP lower drawer feed sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the PFP lower drawer feed sensor working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[3]/) | | | |
[TD]Is the PFP lower drawer feed clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-228)[/TD]
[TD]PFP lower drawer feed roller
Separation roller Pickup roller[/TD]
- Check if the connector of the PFP lower drawer feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN241 or CN243 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP lower drawer feed sensor.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the PFP lower drawer feed clutch is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors CN241 and CN248 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP lower drawer feed clutch.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the PFP lower drawer feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller. Replace them if they are worn out.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
PFP lower drawer feed sensor. | |
PFP board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
LGC board | |
PFP lower drawer feed clutch | |
PFP lower drawer feed roller, | |
Separation roller | |
Pickup roller | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E190] LCF misfeeding (paper not reaching the LCF feed sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Paper misfeeding | Jam not reaching the LCF feed sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the LCF side cover. Is there any paper in front of the LCF feed sensor? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the LCF feed sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[4]/[C]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the LCF feed clutch working? (Perform the output check in the test mode: 03-209) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | LCF feed roller Separation roller Pickup roller | | Replace them if they are worn out. | |
- Check if the connector of the LCF feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN1 or CN7 on the LCF board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the LCF feed sensor.
- Replace the LCF board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector of the LCF feed clutch is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors CN1 and CN6 on the LCF board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the LCF feed clutch.
- Replace the LCF board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check the LCF feed roller, separation roller and pickup roller.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
LCF feed sensor | |
LCF board | |
LGC board | |
LCF feed clutch | |
LCF feed roller | |
Separation roller | |
Pickup roller | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[*]Cover open jam
[E410] Front cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | Front cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the front cover open? | Yes | Close the cover. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the front cover opening/ closing switch working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[9]/[D]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Is the voltage of 24V being supplied from the power supply unit?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03-[FAX] ON/[2]/[A]) | Yes | | 4 |
No | | | | |
4 | LGC board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the front cover opening/closing switch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN310 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the front cover opening/closing switch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Check if the connector for 24 V power supply is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN301 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Front cover opening/closing switch | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E420] PFP side cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | PFP side cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the PFP side cover open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the cover. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the PFP side cover opening/closing switch working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[2]/[A]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the PFP side cover opening/closing switch is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN241 or CN243 on the PFP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the PFP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the PFP side cover opening/ closing switch.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the PFP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
PFP side cover opening/closing switch | |
PFP board | |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E430] ADU opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | ADU open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the ADU open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the ADU. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the ADU opening/ closing switch working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[9]/[F]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the ADU opening/ closing switch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN311 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the ADU opening/closing switch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
ADU opening/closing switch | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E440] Feed cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | Feed cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the feed cover open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the cover. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the feed cover opening/ closing detection sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[9]/[E]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the feed cover opening/closing detection sensor is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN311 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the feed cover opening/closing detection sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Feed cover opening/closing detection sensor | |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E450] LCF side cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | LCF side cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the LCF side cover open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the cover. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the LCF side cover opening/closing switch working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]OFF/[4]/) | | | |
[TD]Replacing board[/TD]
- Check if the connector of the LCF side cover opening/closing switch is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN1 or CN7 on the LCF board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN318 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the LCF board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the LCF side cover opening/ closing switch.
- Replace the LCF board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LCF board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
LCF side cover opening/closing switch | |
LCF board | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E480] Bridge unit opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | Bridge unit open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the bridge unit open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the unit. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the bridge unit opening/ closing switch working? (Perform the input check in the test mode:
e-STUDIO206L/256/306 / 207L/257/307
e-STUDIO356/456/506 / 357/457/507) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the bridge unit opening/closing switch is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN302 / CN400 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the bridge unit opening/closing switch.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
The bridge unit opening/closing switch | |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E490] JSP cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | Job separator cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the JSP cover open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the cover. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the JSP cover switch working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[3]/[E]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the JSP cover switch is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN260 or CN261 on the JSP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN302 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the JSP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the JSP cover switch.
- Replace the JSP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the JSP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
JSP cover switch | |
JSP board | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E491] OCT cover opened during printing
Classification | Error content |
Cover open jam | Offset tray cover open jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the OCT cover open? | Yes | Remove the paper if there is any, then close the cover | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the OCT cover switch working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[3]/[E]) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | Replacing board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the OCT cover switch is disconnected?
- Check if either of the connectors CN260 or CN261 on the OCT board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN302 on the OCT board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the OCT board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the OCT cover switch.
- Replace the OCT board.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the OCT board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
OCT cover switch | |
OCT board. | |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[*]Other jam
[E030] Paper remaining inside the equipment at power-ON
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | Power-ON jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the cover of the unit/ area whose picture is blinking on the control panel. Is there any paper on the transport path? (Refer to the following table.) | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the sensor in the jamming area working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: refer to the following table.) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | LGC board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the sensor is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the sensor
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Sensor | Refer to the following table |
LGC board | |
Relation between the jamming area and the corresponding sensors and covers
(If a jam is occurring in the ADU, LCF, PFP, JSP or OCT check the board in each unit.)
Jamming area | Cover | Sensor | Test mode / Input check |
Registration area | Automatic duplexing unit | Registration sensor | 03-[FAX]ON/[9]/[A] |
1st transport sensor | 03-[FAX]OFF/[6]/[A] | | |
Exit area | Automatic duplexing unit | Exit sensor | 03-[FAX]ON/[9]/ |
[TD]ADU entrance sensor[/TD]
[TD]ADU exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Feeding area (Main unit)[/TD]
[TD]Feed cover[/TD]
[TD]2nd transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]LCF side cover[/TD]
[TD]LCF feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]PFP side cover[/TD]
[TD]PFP upper drawer feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]PFP lower drawer feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit transport sensor-1[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit transport sensor-2[/TD]
[TD]JSP cover[/TD]
[TD]JSP feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]OCT cover[/TD]
[TD]OCT feed sensor[/TD]
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E061] Incorrect paper size setting for upper drawer [E062] Incorrect paper size setting for lower drawer [E063] Incorrect paper size setting for PFP upper drawer [E064] Incorrect paper size setting for PFP lower drawer [E065] Incorrect paper size setting for bypass tray
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | The size of paper in the 1st drawer differs from size setting of the equipment. |
Check item | Measures |
Paper size | If any paper remains in the equipment or drawer, remove it. Match the paper size of the drawer setting and the one in the drawer.
* Paper size detection is performed at the first sheet of paper when the drawer is opened or closed, or when the power of the equipment is turned ON. |
[E550] Paper remaining on the transport path
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | Paper remaining jam on the transport path |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the cover of the unit/ area whose picture is blinking on the control panel. Is there any paper on the transport path? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the sensor in the jamming area working? (Perform the input check in the test mode: refer to the following table) | Yes | | 3 |
No | | | | |
3 | LGC board | | | |
- Check if the connector of the sensor is disconnected.
- Check if any of the connectors on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor pattern on the LGC board is short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the sensor.
- Replace the LGC board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Sensor | Refer to the following table |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Relation between the jamming area and the corresponding sensors/covers
(If a jam is occurring in the ADU, LCF, PFP, JSP or OCT check the board in each unit.)
Jamming area | Cover | Sensor | Test mode/Input check |
Registration area | Automatic duplexing unit | Registration sensor | 03-[FAX]ON/[9]/[A] |
1st transport sensor | 03-[FAX]OFF/[6]/[A] | | |
Exit area | Automatic duplexing unit | Exit sensor | 03-[FAX]ON/[9]/ |
[TD]ADU entrance sensor[/TD]
[TD]ADU exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Feeding area (Main unit)[/TD]
[TD]Feed cover[/TD]
[TD]2nd transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]LCF side cover[/TD]
[TD]LCF feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]PFP side cover[/TD]
[TD]PFP upper drawer feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]PFP lower drawer feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit transport sensor-1[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit transport sensor-2[/TD]
[TD]JSP cover[/TD]
[TD]JSP feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]OCT cover[/TD]
[TD]OCT feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]Finisher door[/TD]
[TD]Sensors in the finisher[/TD]
[E551] Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when a service call occurs) [E552] Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed)
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | Paper remaining on the transport path when printing is finished (when a service call occurs) (E551)
Paper remaining on the transport path when printing is finished (when the cover is closed) (E552) |
Step | Check Item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Jamming transport path | | Open the cover of the unit/area whose picture is flashing on the control panel and remove any paper on the transport path. | |
2 | Sensor in the jamming area | | | |
3 | LGC board | | | |
If the jam is occurring in the ADU, LCF or PFP, check the board in each unit. | | | | |
- Sensor check (Refer to the table below)
- Harness check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Connector check
- Board check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Sensor in the jamming area | Refer to the table below. |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Jamming area | Cover | Sensor | Test Mode/Input check |
Paper path section | Duplexing unit | Registration sensor | 03-[ALL]OFF/[4]/
03-[COPY]ON/[5]/[H] |
[TD]Transfer belt paper clinging detection sensor[/TD]
[TD]2nd transfer side paper clinging detection sensor[/TD]
[TD]1st drawer transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]Duplexing unit[/TD]
[TD]Fuser transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]Reverse path sensor[/TD]
[TD]Duplexing unit Cover[/TD]
[TD]Duplexing unit path exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Duplexing unit path entrance sensor[/TD]
[TD]Bypass unit[/TD]
[TD]Duplexing unit[/TD]
[TD]Bypass feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]Feeding area (equipment)[/TD]
[TD]Paper feed cover[/TD]
[TD]4th drawer transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]3rd drawer/tandem LCF transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]2nd drawer transport sensor[/TD]
[TD]LCF side cover[/TD]
[TD]Option LCF feed sensor[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit[/TD]
[TD]Front cover[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit path exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Bridge unit path entrance sensor[/TD]
[TD]Reverse sensor[/TD]
[TD]Reverse section stationary jam detection sensor[/TD]
[TD]Upper exit section[/TD]
[TD]Upper paper exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Lower exit section[/TD]
[TD]Lower paper exit sensor[/TD]
[TD]Reverse section[/TD]
[TD]Reverse path cover[/TD]
[TD]Reverse section paper transport detection sensor[/TD]
[TD]Finisher door[/TD]
[TD]Sensors in the finisher[/TD]
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E090] Paper jam by HDD abnormality
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | Paper jam by HDD abnormality |
Check item | Measures |
Reboot | Check if the error is cleared by turning the power OFF and then back ON. |
HDD | Check if the connectors of the HDD are disconnected. |
Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited. | |
SYS board | Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited. |
Replace parts | Remarks |
HDD | |
SYS board | |
[EAD0] Print end command time-out jam
Classification | Error content |
Other jam | Print end command time-out jam |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Is the main motor rotating normally? | Yes | | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Replacing the PC board | | | |
- Replace the SYS board.
- Replace the LGC board.
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
SYS board | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[*]RADF jam
[E712] Jam not reaching the original registration sensor
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Jam not reaching the original registration sensor |
Check item | Measures |
Pickup roller Feed roller Separation roller | Clean them if there are stained. |
Original registration sensor | |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[H])
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Original registration sensor | |
RADF board | |
Pickup roller | Replace it if it is worn out |
Feed roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
Separation roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
[E714] Feed signal reception jam
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Feed signal reception jam |
Check item | Measures |
Empty sensor | |
- Sensor check (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/)
[*]Lever check
[*]Connector check (CN75)
[*]Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Empty sensor | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E721] Jam not reaching the read sensor
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Jam not reaching the read sensor |
Check item | Measures |
Registration sensor Read roller | Clean the registration roller and the read roller if they are stained. |
Read sensor | |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[G])
- Connector check (CN76)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN76)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Read sensor | |
RADF board | |
Registration roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
Read roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
[E722] Jam not reaching the original exit/reverse sensor (during scanning)
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Jam not reaching the original exit/reverse sensor (during scanning) |
Check item | Measures |
Read roller | Clean the read roller if it is stained. |
Original exit/reverse sensor | |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[E])
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Original exit/reverse sensor | |
RADF board | |
Read roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E724] Stop jam at the registration sensor
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Stop jam at the registration sensor |
Check item | Measures |
Registration roller | Clean the registration roller if it is stained. |
Registration sensor | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[H]) |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Registration sensor | |
RADF board | |
Registration roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
[E725] Stop jam at the read sensor
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Stop jam at the read sensor |
Check item | Measures |
Read roller | Clean the registration roller if it is stained. |
Read sensor | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[G]) |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Read sensor | |
RADF board | |
Read roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E726] Transport/exit signal reception jam
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Transport/exit signal reception jam |
Check item | Measures |
RADF board | |
SLG board | |
Switching power supply | |
- Board check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check
- Harness check
- Check if the 24V and 5V outputs of the switching power supply are normal.
- Board check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
RADF board | |
SLG board | |
Switching regulator | |
[E731] Stop jam at the exit sensor
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Stop jam at the exit sensor |
Check item | Measures |
Exit roller | Clean the registration roller if it is stained. |
Exit sensor | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[E]) |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN74)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Exit sensor | |
RADF board | |
Exit roller | Replace it if it is worn out. |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[E860] RADF jam access cover open
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | RADF jam access cover open |
Check item | Measures |
RADF jam access cover | Close the RADF jam access cover if it is opened. Remove if there is any original before closing it. |
RADF jam access cover switch | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[C]) |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN8)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN8)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
RADF jam access cover switch | |
RADF board | |
[E870] RADF open jam
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | RADF open jam |
Check item | Measures |
RADF | Close the RADF if it is opened. Remove if there is any original before closing it. |
RADF opening/closing sensor | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[D]) |
RADF board | |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
- Board check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
RADF opening/closing sensor | Is the RADF opening/closing sensor adjusted within the specified range? |
RADF board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E871] Cover open jam in the read ready status
Classification | Error content |
RADF jam | Cover open jam in the read ready status. (MR-3021/3022) |
Check item | Measures |
RADF jam access cover Front cover | Close the RADF jam access cover or the front cover if they are opened in the read ready status. |
RADF jam access cover sensor | (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX] ON[7]/[C]) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN75)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
RADF jam access cover sensor | |
RADF board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[*]Finisher jam
[ 1 ] Jam in bridge unit
[E910] Paper not reaching the bridge unit transport sensor-1 [E920] Paper stopping at the bridge unit transport sensor-1
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Bridge unit) | Paper not reaching the bridge unit transport sensor-1 Paper stopping at the bridge unit transport sensor-1 |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Bridge unit | | Check if there is any paper in the bridge unit and remove it if there is. | 2 |
2 | Is the bridge unit transport sensor-1 working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]OFF/[3]/[F]) / 03-
[FAX]OFF/[4]/[F]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector CN302 on the LGC board is disconnected from the bridge unit transport sensor-1 (entrance sensor) or the harnesses are open circuited. Check if the connector J681 of the bridge unit is disconnected. Correct if any.
- Replace the bridge unit transport sensor-1.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | Is the bridge unit gate solenoid working? (Perform the output check: 03-232) | Yes | | 4 |
No |
- Check if the connector CN302 on the LGC board is disconnected from the bridge unit gate solenoid or the harnesses are open circuited. Check if the connector J681 of the bridge unit is disconnected. Correct if any.
- Replace the bridge unit gate solenoid.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
4 | Does the transport roller of the bridge unit work when the fuser motor is rotated? (Perform the output check: 03-113/163) | Yes | Check if the rollers in the exit roller, the pressure spring and the bridge unit are worn out. | |
No | Check the drive system of the equipment and bridge unit. | | | |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Bridge unit transport sensor-1 | |
LGC board | |
Bridge unit gate solenoid | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[E930] Paper not reaching the bridge unit transport sensor-2 [E940] Paper stopping at the bridge unit transport sensor-2
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Bridge unit) | Paper not reaching the bridge unit transport sensor-2 Paper stopping at the bridge unit transport sensor-2 |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Bridge unit | | Check if there is any paper in the bridge unit and remove it if there is. | 2 |
2 | Is the bridge unit transport sensor-2 working? (Perform the input check: 03-[FAX]OFF/[3]/[G]) / 03-
[FAX]OFF/[4]/[G]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector CN334 on the LGC board is disconnected from the bridge unit transport sensor-2 (exit sensor) or the harnesses are open circuited. Check if the connector J523 of the bridge unit is disconnected. Correct if any.
- Replace the bridge unit transport sensor-2.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | Does the transport roller of the bridge unit work when the fuser motor is rotated? (Perform the output check: 03-113/163) | Yes | Check if the rollers in the exit roller, the pressure spring and the bridge unit are worn out. | |
No | Check the drive system of the equipment and bridge unit. | | | |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Bridge unit transport sensor-2 | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[ 2 ] Job separator jam
[E950] Jam not reaching the JSP feed sensor [E951] Stop jam at the JSP feed sensor
Classification | Error content |
Job separator jam | Jam not reaching the job separator transport sensor Stop jam at the job separator transport sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the JSP cover. Is there any paper on the transport path? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the JSP feed sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[3]/[D]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector of the JSP feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN260 or CN262 on the JSP board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN302 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the JSP board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the JSP feed sensor.
- Replace the JSP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | Replacing board | |
- Replace the JSP board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
JSP feed sensor | |
JSP board | |
LGC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[ 3 ] Offset tray jam
[E960] Jam not reaching the OCT feed sensor [E961] Stop jam at the OCT feed sensor
Classification | Error content |
Offset tray jam | Jam not reaching the offset tray transport sensor Stop jam at the offset tray transport sensor |
Proce dure | Check item | Result | Measure | Next Step |
1 | Open the OCT cover. Is there any paper on the transport path? | Yes | Remove the paper. | |
No | | 2 | | |
2 | Is the OCT feed sensor working?
(Perform the input check in the test mode: 03- [FAX]ON/[3]/[G]) | Yes | | 3 |
No |
- Check if the connector of the OCT feed sensor is disconnected.
- Check if either of the connectors CN260 or CN262 on the OCT board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector CN302 on the LGC board is disconnected.
- Check if the connector pins are disconnected and the harnesses are open circuited.
- Check if the conductor patterns on the OCT board and LGC board are short circuited or open circuited.
- Replace the OCT feed sensor.
- Replace the OCT board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| | | |
3 | PC board | |
- Replace the OCT board.
- Replace the LGC board.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
OCT feed sensor | |
OCT board | |
LGC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[ 4 ] Paper jam in puncher unit
[E9F0] Punching jam
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Puncher unit) | Punching jam |
MJ-1101 (when MJ-6103 is installed), MJ-1107 (when MJ-6104 is installed)
Check item | Measures |
Punch motor |
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Punch HP sensor |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Hole punch control PC board |
- Board check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Punch motor | |
Punch HP sensor | |
Hole punch control PC board | |
Error | Timing of detection |
Punch motor
Punch shaft home position sensor Punch shaft rotational direction sensor | The turning OFF of the punch shaft home position sensor (S35) is not detected in the specified time when the punch motor (M15) is rotated. |
The turning ON of the punch shaft home position sensor (S35) is not detected in the specified time when the punch motor (M15) is rotated. | |
The punch shaft home position sensor (S35) and the punch shaft rotational direction sensor (S34) do not specify the home position or the rotational direction correspondingly during initialization, or initialization is not finished at a turning-ON point for the punch shaft home position sensor (S35). | |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Punch motor (M15) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Punch shaft home position sensor (S36) abnormality | Measure the voltage on pin CN3.3 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Punch shaft rotational direction sensor (S35) abnormality | Measure the voltage on pin CN3.9 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Punch motor clock sensor (S37) abnormality | Measure the voltage on pin CN3.6 on the hole punch control PC board (HP). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 5V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Hole punch control PC board (HP): CN3, CN6) |
Hole punch control PC board (HP) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensors and connectors, exchange the hole punch control PC board (HP). |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[ 5 ] Paper jam in finisher section
[EA10] Paper transport delay jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport delay jam |
Check item | Measures |
Removing paper | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Entrance sensor | Is there a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the entrance sensor (S1)? |
Gate solenoid |
- Is the gap between the flapper and entrance roller shaft other than 0.600.20mm when the gate solenoid (SOL2) is pulled?
- Is the harness between the gate solenoid (SOL2) and the finisher control PC board (CN22) disconnected or open circuited?
Entrance motor | Is the harness between the entrance motor (M1) and the finisher control PC board (CN7) disconnected or open circuited? |
Harness check | Is the harness between the gate solenoid (SOL2) and the finisher control PC board (CN22) disconnected or open circuited? |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
[EA10] Transport delay jam (paper not inserted)
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Transport delay jam (paper not inserted) |
Check item | Measures |
Removing paper | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Feeding sensor (S22) | Check if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the feeding sensor (S22). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it. |
Transport path switching solenoid (SOL5) | Check that the gap between the transfer guide surface and the upper surface of the flapper tip is in the acceptable range according to the status of the transport path switching solenoid (SOL5) (solenoid OFF: 1.5 to 2.1 mm, solenoid ON: 2.3 to 2.9 mm). If it is not, adjust it. |
Entrance motor (M1) | Check the harness between the entrance motor (M1) and the finisher controller board (CN26). If there is any abnormality, correct it. |
Interface PC board (I/F) | Check the harness between the transport path switching solenoid (SOL5) and the interface PC board (CN6), If there is any abnormality, correct it.
- Board check
- Connector check (CN5, CN6, CN7)
- Harness check
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Check item | Measures |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN25, CN27)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Feeding sensor (S22) | |
Transport path switching solenoid (SOL5) | |
Entrance motor (M1) | |
Interface PC board (I/F) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
[EA20] Paper transport stop jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport delay jam |
Check item | Measures |
Transport sensor |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (S2)
- Harness check
Finisher controller PC board | Board check(CN22) |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Transport sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Entrance sensor (S1) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN26)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor (S1) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
[EA10, EA20] 1st transport motor (M8) fault/ 2nd transport motor (M4) fault
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Finisher section) | Paper transport delay jam |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
1st transport motor (M8) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN22) |
2nd transport motor (M4) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN14) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the motor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA10, EA20] Transport motor-1 (M1) fault/ Transport motor-2 (M2) fault
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Finisher section) | Paper transport delay jam |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Transport motor-1 (M1) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN13) |
Transport motor-2 (M2) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Paddle home position sensor fault | Measure the voltage of the TP30 on the finisher control PC board (FIN), and check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V 5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the above range, replace the sensor. |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the motor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA21] Paper size error jam (outlet sensor)
[EA22] Paper size error jam (punch paper edge sensor)
Classification | Error content |
Finisher jam (Finisher section) | Paper size error jam (outlet sensor)
Paper size error jam (punch paper edge sensor) |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
Check item | Measures |
Entrance sensor |
- Sensor check(S1)
- Connector check (CN7, CN22)
- Harness check
Transport sensor |
- Sensor check(S2)
- Connector check (CN7, CN22)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor | |
Transport sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Entrance sensor (S1) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Transport sensor (S2) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN6, CN26)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor (S1) | |
Transport sensor (S2) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
[EA23] Paper transport stop jam (transport sensor)
[EA24] Paper transport stop jam (between entrance & transport sensor) [EA25] Paper transport stop jam (after paper stack exit)
[EA26] Paper transport stop jam (stop command request) [EA27] Paper transport stop jam (paper not inserted)
[EA28] Paper transport stop jam (paper holder plate operation delay) [EA29] Paper transport stop jam (stack transport delay)
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport stop jam |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check item | Measures |
Entrance sensor |
- Sensor check(S1)
- Connector check (CN7, CN22)
- Harness check
Transport sensor |
- Sensor check(S2)
- Connector check (CN7, CN22)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor | |
Transport sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Entrance sensor (S1) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Transport sensor (S2) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Processing tray sensor (S12) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Paper holding cam | Is there any mechanical problem when the paper holding cam is rotated? |
Assist arm motor (M10) |
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Buffer tray guide | Open and close the buffer tray guide.
If there is any mechanical problem, fix its mechanism. |
buffer tray guide motor (M2) |
- Motor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN6, CN13, CN11, CN18, CN26)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor (S1) | |
Transport sensor (S2) | |
Processing tray sensor (S12) | |
Assist arm motor (M10) | |
buffer tray guide motor (M2) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[EA25] Stack exit motor (M5) abnormality
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport jam in the Finisher |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Stack exit motor (M5) abnormality | Check if the electrical continuity of the coil is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the motor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN14) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the motor, sensor and connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA2E, EA31] Transport jam in Finisher
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport remaining jam in the Finisher |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Entrance path sensor (S19) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP86 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Middle path sensor (S7) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP84 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V±5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Sub-path sensor (S8) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP85 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V±5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN6, CN22) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the sensor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA31] Transport path paper remaining jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Transport path paper remaining jam |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Check item | Measures |
Transport sensor |
- Sensor check(S2)
- Connector check (CN22)
- Harness check
Finisher controller PC board |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN22)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Transport sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Transport sensor (S2) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN6)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Transport sensor (S2) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
[EA31] Transport jam in Finisher
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Paper transport remaining jam in the Finisher: |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Entrance path sensor (S1) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP1 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN1) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the sensor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[EA32] Exit paper remaining jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Exit paper remaining jam |
Check item | Measures |
Processing tray sensor |
- Sensor check (S12)
- Connector check (CN11)
- Harness check
Finisher controller PC board |
- Sensor check
- Connector check (CN11)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Processing tray sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher | Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment and remove it if there is. |
Processing tray sensor (S12) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher control PC board (FIN) |
- Board check
- Connector check (CN18)
- Harness check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Processing tray sensor (S12) | |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) | |
[EA32] Finishing tray paper detection error
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Exit paper remaining jam |
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Finishing tray sensor (S4) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP14 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN5) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the sensor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Finishing tray sensor (S2) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP26 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN8) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the sensor and the connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA40] Cover open error
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Cover open error |
Check item | Measures |
Cover |
- Close the front cover or the stationary tray if they are opened.
Front cover switch (SW1) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Stationary tray opening/closing switch (SW2) |
- Sensor check
- Connector check
- Harness check
Finisher controller board |
- Connector check(CN16)
- Board check
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Cover locking bracket | If it is broken. |
Front cover switch (SW1) | |
Stationary tray opening/closing switch (SW2) | |
Finisher controller board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[EA40] Cover open detection error
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Sub-path opening/closing sensor (S12) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP12 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when not shielded and within the range of 3.3V±5% when shielded. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the sensor. |
Front cover switch (SW1) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP77 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the switch is ON and within the range of 3.3V ± 5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the switch. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connector. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN10, CN13) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the switches, sensor and connector, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA50] Stapling jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Stapling jam |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher |
- Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment or on the finishing tray. Remove it if there is.
- Is the jam cleared by taking off the staple cartridge from the finisher and removing the staple sheet slid from the staple case?
| |
- Check if the actuator of the stapler interference sensor (S11) moves smoothly.
| |
- Check if the connector CN2 on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stapler or the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any.
| |
- Check the harnesses in the stapler are disconnected or open circuited. Correct if any.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Finisher controller PC board | |
© 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507
Probable cause | Checking and measures |
Staple unit stapling start position sensor (S17) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP23 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 3.3V5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the staple unit. |
Staple unit staple empty sensor (S18) abnormality | Measure the voltage on TP24 on the finisher control PC board (FIN). Then check that the measured voltage is 1V or lower when the sensor is ON and within the range of 3.3V5% when OFF. If the voltage does not fall within the range mentioned, replace the staple unit. |
Faulty cables and connectors | Check if the electrical continuity between the connector terminals is normal. If electricity is not conducted, replace the connectors. (Finisher control PC board (FIN): CN17) |
Finisher control PC board (FIN) abnormality | If the error still occurs after replacing the staple unit and the connectors, exchange the finisher control PC board (FIN). |
[EA60] Early arrival jam
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Early arrival jam |
Check item | Measures |
Finisher |
- Check if there is any paper in the finisher or on the transport path of the equipment or on the finishing tray. Remove it if there is.
- Check if there is any disconnection, incorrect installation or breakage on the entrance sensor (S1). Correct if any.
| |
- Check if the connector CN7 on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the entrance sensor (S1) and the harnesses are disconnected or open circuited. Correct if any.
| |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Entrance sensor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
e-STUDIO206L/256/306/356/456/506 / 207L/257/307/357/457/507 © 2011-2014 TOSHIBA TEC CORPORATION All rights reserved ERROR CODE AND TROUBLESHOOTING
[EA70] Stack exit belt home position error / Stack slider home position error
Classification | Error content |
Paper jam in finisher section | Stack exit belt home position error / Stack slider home position error |
Check item | Measures |
Stack belt exit home position sensor | Check if the connector CN11 on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stack belt exit home position sensor (S9) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any. |
Stack transport motor | Is the harness between the stack transport motor (M5) and the finisher control PC board (CN10) disconnected or open circuited? |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Stack belt exit home position sensor | |
Stack transport motor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |
Check item | Measures |
Stack belt exit home position sensor | Check if there is a disconnection of the connector, incorrect installation or breakage of the stack belt exit home position sensor (S9). If there is, reinstall the sensor correctly or replace it. |
Check if the connector (CN18) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stack belt exit home position sensor (S9) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any. | |
Stack transport motor | Check if the connector (CN17) on the finisher controller PC board is disconnected from the stack transport motor (M8) and the harnesses are open circuited. Correct if any. |
Parts to be replaced | Remark |
Stack belt exit home position sensor | |
Stack transport motor | |
Finisher controller PC board | |