Ricoh MP4002/5002 service manual Part 14


004Book: Right[0 to 3 / 0 / 0.1 mm]
005ADF: Leading Edge[0 to 3 / 0 / 0.1 mm]
007ADF: Right[0 to 3 / 0 / 0.1 mm]
008ADF: Left[0 to 3 / 0 / 0.1 mm]
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

Scanner Free Run
Performs a scanner free run with the exposure lamp on or off.
001Lamp: OFF
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0=Off, 1=On
002Lamp: ON

001HP Detection EnableScanner free run with HP sensor check.
002HP Detection DisableScanner free run without HP sensor check.

Dust Check
This function checks the narrow scanning glass of the ADF for dust that can cause black lines in copies. If dust is detected a system banner message is displayed, but processing does not stop.

Dust Detect: On/Off
Issues a warning if there is dust on the narrow scanning glass of the ADF when the original size is detected before a job starts. This function can detect dust on the white plate above the scanning glass, as well as dust on the glass. Sensitivity of the level of detection is adjusted with SP4020-2.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Off. No dust warning.
1: On. Dust warning. This warning does not stop the job.

  • Before switching this setting on, clean the ADF scanning glass and the white plate above the scanning glass.

Dust Detect: Lvl
Adjusts the sensitivity for dust detection on the ADF scanning glass. This SP is available only after SP4020-1 is switched on.
[0 to 8 / 4 / 1]
If you see black streaks in copies when no warning has been issued, raise the setting to increase the level of sensitivity. If warnings are issued when you see not black streaks in copies, lower the setting.

  • Dust that triggers a warning could move be removed from the glass by the originals in the feed path. If the dust is removed by passing originals, this is not detected and the warning remains on.
003Dust Reject: Lvl
Selects the level of the sub scan line correction when using the ARDF. [0 to 4 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: Weakest, 2: Weak, 3: Strong, 4: Strongest

APS Operation Check
Displays a code that represents the original size detected by the original sensors.
p.3-251 "Input Check")

APS Min. Size
Determines whether an original of non-standard size is detected as A5/HLT size by the APS sensor.
0: No original
1: A5 - lengthwise (SEF) 2: A5 - Sideways (LEF)
If "0" is selected, "Cannot detect original size" will be displayed.
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

8K/16K Detection
[0 to 3 / 0 / 1 step]
0: Normal Detection ( the machine detects A4/LT size as A4 or LT, depending on the paper size setting)
1: A4-sideways LT-Lengthwise
2: LT-sideways A4-Lenghtwise
3: 8K 16K

4308*Scan Size Detection

Detection ON/OFF
Selects whether the machine detects the original size. [0 to 1 / 1 / 1 step]
0: OFF
1: ON

4309*Scan Size Detect: Setting

Original Density Thresh
Adjust the density for the scan size detection. [0 to 255 / 18 / 1 step]

Detection Time
Adjust the detection time for scan size detection. [20 to 100 / 60 / 20 msec]

Lamp ON: Delay Time
Adjust the timing when to lamp on for the scan size detection. [0 to 200 / 40 / 20 msec]

Adjust the light value for the scan size detection. [0 to 100 / 60 / 1 %]

Scan Size Detect Value[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 digit]
Displays the scanned data for the original width detection.
001S1: R
002S1: G
003S1: B
004S2: R
005S2: G
006S2: B
007S3: R
008S3: G
009S3: B

  • Each detection point (S1, S2, S3) in SP4310 is as follows.


    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    Scanner Erase Margin
    These SPs set the area to be masked during platen (book) mode scanning.
    001Book: Leading Edge
    [0 to 3 / 0 / 0.1 mm]
    002Book: Trailing Edge
    003Book: Left
    004Book: Right
    005ADF: Leading Edge
    007ADF: Right
    008ADF: Left

    IPU Test Pattern
    Selects the IPU test Pattern.

    Test Pattern
    [0 to 28 / 0 / 1]
    0: Scanned image15: Gray pattern (1)
    1: Gradation main scan A16: Gray pattern (2)
    2: Gradation main scan B17: Gray pattern (3)
    3: Gradation main scan C18: Shading pattern
    4: Gradation main scan D19: Thin line pattern
    5: Gradation sub scan (1)20: Scanned + Grid pattern
    6: Grid pattern (1)21: Scanned + Grid scale
    7: Slant grid pattern22: Scanned + Color patch
    8: Gradation K23: Scanned + Slant Grid C
    9: Check pattern 1624: Scanned + Slant Grid D
    10: Gray patch 16 (1)25: Gray Scale 18 text
    11: Gray patch 16 (2)26: Gray Scale 18 photo
    12: Gray patch 6427: Gray Scale 256 text
    13: Grid pattern (2)28: Gray Scale 256 photo
    14: Color patch K

    4429*Select Copy Data Security
    001CopyingAdjusts the density of the embedded message with the copy data security unit.
    [0 to 3 / 3 / 1 ]
    3: Darkest density
    003Fax Operation
    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    4450Scan Image Path Selection

    Black Subtraction ON/OFF[0 to 1 / 1 / 1] 0=OFF, 1=ON
    Uses or does not use the black reduction image path.

    SH ON/OFF[0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0=OFF, 1=ON
    Uses or does not use the shading image path.

    Digital AE
    Specifies the level of deleting the background in the ADS mode. You can adjust its level for each scanning method (platen, ADF).
    001Low Limit Value[0 to 1023 / 364 / 1 digit]
    002Background level[512 to 1535 / 932 / 1 digit]

    Printer Vector Correction
    This SP corrects the printer coverage of 12 hues (RY, YR, YG, etc. x 4 Colors [R, G, B, Option]) for a total of 48 parameters.
    001-004RY Phase: Option/R/G/B
    Specifies the printer vector correction value. [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
    005-008YR Phase: Option/R/G/B
    009-012YG Phase: Option/R/G/B
    013-016GY Phase: Option/R/G/B
    017-020GC Phase: Option/R/G/B
    021-024CG Phase: Option/R/G/B
    025-028CB Phase: Option/R/G/B
    029-032BC Phase: Option/R/G/B
    033-036BM Phase: Option/R/G/B
    037-040MB Phase: Option/R/G/B

    041-044MR Phase: Option/R/G/B
    045-048RM Phase: Option/R/G/B

    4550*Scan Apli:Txt/Print
    4551*Scan Apli:Txt
    4552*Scan Apli:Txt Dropout
    4553*Scan Apli:Txt/Photo
    4554*Scan Apli:photo
    4565*Scan Apli:GrayScale
    4570*Scan Apli:Col Txt/Photo
    4571*Scan Apli:Col Gloss Photo
    4572*Scan Apli:AutoCol


    MTF: 0(Off) 1-15 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 15 / 8 / 1 ]
    0: MTF OFF
    Sets the MTF level (Modulation Transfer Function) designed to improve image contrast. Set higher for stronger effect, lower for weaker effect.

    Smoothing: 0(x1) 1-7 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 7 / 4 / 1 ]
    Use to remove "jaggies" if they appear. Set higher for smoother images.

    Brightness: 1-255[1 to 255 / 128 / 1 ]
    Set higher for darker, set lower for lighter.

    Contrast: 1-255[1 to 255 / 128 / 1 ]
    Set higher for more contrast, set lower for less contrast.
    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    Ind Dot Erase: 0(Off) 1-7 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 7 / 0 / 1 ]
    Sets the erasure level of Irregular Dots. Set higher for stronger effect, lower for weaker effect.
    0: Not activated

    4580*Fax Apli:Txt/Chart
    4581*Fax Apli:Txt
    4582*Fax Apli:Txt/Photo
    4583*Fax Apli:photo
    4584*Fax Apli:Original 1
    4585*Fax Apli:Original 2


    MTF: 0(Off) 1-15 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 15 / 8 / 1 ]
    0: MTF OFF
    Sets the MTF level (Modulation Transfer Function) designed to improve image contrast. Set higher for stronger effect, lower for weaker effect.

    Smoothing: 0(x1) 1-7 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 7 / 4 / 1 ]
    Use to remove "jaggies" if they appear. Set higher for smoother images.

    Brightness: 1-255[1 to 255 / 128 / 1 ]
    Set higher for darker, set lower for lighter.

    Contrast: 1-255[1 to 255 / 128 / 1 ]
    Set higher for more contrast, set lower for less contrast.

    Ind Dot Erase: 0(Off) 1-7 (Weak-Strong)
    [0 to 7 / 0 / 1 ]
    Sets the erasure level of Irregular Dots. Set higher for stronger effect, lower for weaker effect.
    0: Not activated

    Texture Erase: 0 (Fix), 1-2[0 to 2 / 0 / 1 ]
    Sets the erasure level of textures. Set higher for stronger effect, lower for weaker effect.
    Note: This SP code exists for SP4580, SP4582 and SP4583 only.

    4600SBU Version
    001SBU IDDisplays the ID of the SBU.
    002GASBU-N IDDisplays the ID of the GASBU.
    003VSP5100 IDDisplays the ID of the VSP5100.

    4602Scanner Memory Access


    Scanner Memory Access
    Enables the read and write check for the SBU registers.

    4603AGC Execution
    001HP Detection EnableExecutes the AGC with the scanner detection.
    002HP Detection DisableExecutes the AGC with the scanner detection.

    FGATE Open/Close
    Opens or closes the FGATE signal. This SP automatically returns to the default status (close) after exiting this SP.
    [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
    0: OFF, 1: ON
    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    4609*Gray Balance Set: R

    Book Scan[-384 to 255 / -46 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the red signal in Book Scan.

    DF Scan[-384 to 255 / -46 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the red signal in DF Scan.

    4610*Gray Balance Set: G

    Book Scan[-384 to 255 / -20 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the green signal in Book Scan.

    DF Scan[-384 to 255 / -20 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the green signal in DF Scan.

    4611*Gray Balance Set: B

    Book Scan[-384 to 255 / -28 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the blue signal in Book Scan.

    DF Scan[-384 to 255 / -28 / 1 digit]
    Displays the scanning level value (adjustment) for the blue signal in DF Scan.

    4623Black Level Adj. Display

    Latest: RE Color[0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Latest: RO Color[0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • RE: Red Even signal, RO: Red Odd signal

    4624Black Level Adj. Display

    Latest: GE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Latest: GO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • GE: Green Even signal, GO: Green Odd signal

    4625Black Level Adj. Display

    Latest: BE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).
    002Latest: BO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Displays the black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

  • BE: Blue Even signal, BO: Blue Odd signal

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Red. Only for the color scanner
    001Latest: R Color[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Green. SP4629-003 and -004 are used only for the color scanner model.
    001Latest: G Color[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Blue.
    001Latest: B Color[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Digital Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for RE or RO.
    001Latest: RE Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]
    002Latest RO Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Digital Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for GE or GO.
    001Latest: GE Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]
    002Latest: GO Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Digital Gain Adjust
    Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for BE or BO.
    001Latest: BE Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]
    002Latest: BO Color[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit]

    4635*SSCG Correction Set (DFU)

    Apply ON/OFF[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 digit]

    Calculation ON/OFF[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 digit]

    4636SSCG Correction Execution (DFU)

    SSCG Correction Execution[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 digit]

    SSCG Correction Error Flag[0 to 2 / 0 / 1 digit]

    SSCG Result Apply Execution 80H
    [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 digit]
    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    SSCG Result Apply Execution Last
    [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 digit]

    4637SSCG Correction Adj (DFU)

    Latest:RE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Latest:RO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Latest:GE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Latest:GO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Latest:BE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Latest:BO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    4638*SSCG Correction Adj (DFU)

    Last:RE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Last:RO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Last:GE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Last:GO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Last:BE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Last:BO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    4639*SSCG Correction Adj (DFU)

    Factory Setting:RE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Factory Setting:RO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Factory Setting:GE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Factory Setting:GO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Factory Setting:BE[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]

    Factory Setting:BO[0 to 225 / 128 / 1]
    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

    4640SSCG Noise Size (DFU)

    Before Adj: RE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Before Adj: RO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Before Adj: GE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Before Adj: GO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Before Adj: BE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Before Adj: BO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: RE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: RO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: GE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: GO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: BE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    After Adj: BO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 ]

    Scan Adjust Error
    Displays the error value of the white level or black level adjustment.
    001White level[0 to 65535 / 0 / 1 digit]
    002Black level[0 to 65535 / 0 / 1 digit]

    Scanner Hard Error
    Displays the result of the SBU connection check.

    [0 to 35535 / 0 / 1 ]
    0: OK, 1: SBU connection check failure
    If the SBU connection check fails, SC144-001, -002 or
    -003 occurs.

    4654*Black Level Adj. Display

    Latest Correct Value: RE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: RO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • RE: Red Even signal, RO: Red Odd signal

    4655*Black Level Adj. Display

    Last Correct Value: GE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: GO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

  • GE: Green Even signal, GO: Green Odd signal

    4656*Black Level Adj. Display

    Last Correct Value: BE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: BO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • BE: Blue Even signal, BO: Blue Odd signal

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the previous gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Red.
    001Last Correct Value: R Color[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit ]

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the previous gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Green. SP4659-003 and -004 are used only for the color scanner model.
    001Last Correct Value: G Color[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit ]

    Analog Gain Adjust
    Displays the previous gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Blue.
    001Last Correct Value: B Color[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit ]

    4661*Digital Gain Adjust

    Last Correct Value: RE Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: RO Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • RE: Red Even signal, RO: Red Odd signal

    4662*Digital Gain Adjust

    Last Correct Value: GE Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: GO Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

  • GE: Green Even signal, GO: Green Odd signal

    4663*Digital Gain Adjust

    Last Correct Value: BE Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the even blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Last Correct Value: BO Color
    [0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the previous 2nd black offset value (rough adjustment) for the odd blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • BE: Blue Even signal, BO: Blue Odd signal

    4673Black Level Adj. Display

    Factory Setting: RE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting value of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the even red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Factory Setting: RO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting values of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the odd red signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • RE: Red Even signal, RO: Red Odd signal

    4674Black Level Adj. Display

    Factory Setting: GE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting value of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the even green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Factory Setting: GO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting values of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the odd green signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

  • GE: Green Even signal, GO: Green Odd signal

    4675Black Level Adj. Display

    Factory Setting: BE Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting value of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the even blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Factory Setting: BO Color
    [0 to 16383 / 0 / 1 digit ]
    Displays the factory setting values of the 2nd black offset level rough adjustment for the odd blue signal in the SBU (color printing speed).

    Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

  • BE: Blue Even signal, BO: Blue Odd signal

Analog Gain Adjust
Displays the factory setting values of the gain adjustment for Red. SP4677-003 and -004 are used only for the color scanner model.
001Factory Setting: R[ 0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit]

Analog Gain Adjust
Displays the factory setting values of the gain adjustment for Green. SP4678-003 and -004 are used only for the color scanner model.
001Factory Setting: G[ 0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit]

Analog Gain Adjust
Displays the factory setting values of the gain adjustment for Blue.
001Factory Setting: B[ 0 to 7 / 0 / 1 digit]

4680*Digital Gain Adjust

Factory Setting: RE Color
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Red.

Factory Setting: RO Color
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for odd Red.

4681*Digital Gain Adjust

Factory Setting: GE Color
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Green.

Factory Setting: GO Color
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for odd Green.

4682*Digital Gain Adjust

Factory Setting: BE Color
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for Blue.

Factory Setting: BO Color
Displays the gain value of the amplifiers on the controller for odd Blue.
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

Scan Image Density Adjustment
Adjusts the white shading parameter when scanning an image with the ARDF. Adjusts the density level if the ID of outputs made in the DF and Platen mode is different.
[80 to 120 / 98 / 1 % ]

White Level Peak Read
Displays the peak level of the white level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

White Level Peak Read
Displays the peak level of the white level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

White Level Peak Read
Displays the peak level of the white level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

Black Level Peak Read
Displays the peak level of the black level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

Black Level Peak Read
Display the peak level of the black level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

Black Level Peak Read
Display the peak level of the black level scanning.
[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 digit ]

4802DF Shading FreeRun
001Lamp OFF[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
Executes the scanner free run of the shading movement with exposure lamp on or off.
Press "OFF" to stop this free run. Otherwise, the free run continues.


Lamp ON


Home Position
Moves the exposure lamp a short distance and immediately returns it to its home position.
Touch [Execute] > "Completed" > [Exit]
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

Carriage Save
Moves the exposure lamp a short distance away from the home position and stops.
Touch [Execute] > "Completed" > [Exit]
Do SP4804 to return the exposure lamp to its home position.

  • This SP is done before shipping the machine to another location.
  • Cycling the machine power off/on also returns the exposure lamp to its home position.

SBU Test Pattern Change
[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 /step]
1: Grid pattern
2: Gradation main scan 3: Gradation sub scan
4 to 250: Default (Scanning Image)

Factory Setting Input (DFU)
Execution Flag[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 /step]

Scanner Lamp Select
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 /step]
0: Xenon Lamp
1: LED
This SP switch the light value depends on the scanner lamp type.

4810PWM (DFU)

Latest[0 to 8191 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting[0 to 8191 / 0 / 1 /step]

4811LED White Level Peak Read (DFU)

Latest: RE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Latest: RO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Latest: GE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Latest: GO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Latest: BE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Latest: BO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

4812*LED White Level Peak Read (DFU)

Factory Setting: RE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting: RO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting: GE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting: GO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting: BE[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Factory Setting: BO[0 to 1023 / 0 / 1 /step]

Filter Setting
This SP code sets the threshold value for independent dot erase.
These adjustments are effective only for the "Custom Setting" original type. The "0" setting disables independent dot erase.
A higher setting detects more spurious dots for erasing. However, this could erase dots in images that contain areas filled by dithering.
001Ind Dot Erase: Text
[0 to 7 / 0 / 1 ]
002Ind Dot Erase: Generation Copy


Select Gradation Level
Changes the parameters for dithering. [0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]

4918Man Gamma Adj (DFU)
Adjusts the offset data of the printer gamma for black in Photo mode or Letter mode.
Touch [Change] to open the printer gamma screen. Enter the manual gamma adjustment screen.

4954Read/Restore Std

Read New Chart
Execute the scanning of the A4 chart.

Recall Prev Chart
Clear the data of the scanned A4 chart.

Read Std Chart
Execute the scanning of the A4 standard chart.

Set Std Chart
Overwrite the standard data.

Read/Restore Std[0 to 255 / 0 / 1]
Adjusts chromaticity rank. When replacing the scanner lamp, select a number according to the barcode on the new scanner lamp.
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

4991IPU Image Pass Selection DFU

RGB Frame Memory
Selects the image path. Enter the number to be selected using the 10-key pad.
[0 to 11 / 2/ 1]
0Scanner input RGB images
1Scanner I/F RGB images
2RGB images done by Shading correction (Shading ON, Black offset ON)
3Shading data
4Inner pattern data: Gray scale
5RGB images done by Line skipping correction
6RGB images done by Digital AE
7RGB images done by Vertical line correction
8RGB image done by Scanner gamma correction
9RGB image done by Filtering correction
10RGB images done by Full color ADS
11RGB image done by Color correction

4993*High Light Correction


Sensitivity Selection
Selects the Highlight correction level. [0 to 9 / 4 / 1 /step]
0: weakest sensitivity
9: strongest sensitivity


Range Selection
Selects the Highlight correction level. [0 to 9 / 4 / 1 /step]
0: weakest skew correction, 9: strongest skew correction

4994*Text/Photo Detect Level Adj.

High Compression PDF
Selects the definition level between Text and Photo for high compression PDF.
[0 to 2 / 1 / 1 ]
0: Text priority
1: Normal
2: Photo priority

4996*White Paper Level

Select the detection level for the white paper. [0 to 6 / 3 / 1 ]


Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

3.5.1 SP5-XXX: MODE​


mm/inch Display Selection
0: Europe/Asia (mm) 1: North America (inch)
Selects the unit of measurement.
After selection, turn the main power switch off and on.

Accounting counter
Selects whether the printer counter is displayed on the LCD. [0-1 / 0 / 1]
0: Displays the total counter only.
1: Displays both total counter and printer counter.

5047*Paper Display
Turns on or off the printed paper display on the LCD. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Not displayed, 1: Displayed

Select the priority to return to the stand-by mode. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Energy Save has priority 1: Return time has priority

Display IP Address
Display or does not display the IP address on the LCD. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON

5056*Coverage Counter Display
Display or does not display the coverage counter on the LCD. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Not displayed, 1: Displayed

5061*Toner Remaining Icon Display Change
Display or does not display the remaining toner display icon on the LCD. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not display, 1: Display

Parts Replacement Alert Display
Display or does not display the parts replacement alert on the LCD.

[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not displayed, 1: Display

[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not displayed, 1: Display

Transfer Unit [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not displayed, 1: Display

FuserCleaner [0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Not displayed, 1: Display
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

5071Set Bypass Paper Size Display

Turn on or off the paper size confirmation pop-up on the LED. This pop-up prevents mismatching between a paper size selected by the operation panel and the actual paper size on the by-pass tray.
[0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0: Off, 1: On

Home Screen Login
Sets the application that appears when the home key is pressed.

[0 to 11111111 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON

Home Key Customization
[0 to 2 / 0 / 1 ]
0: OFF (Function disable), 1: SDK, 2: Reserve (Legacy application)

Product ID
Sets the Application product ID. [0x00 to 0xffff / 0x00 / 1]

Application Screen ID
Sets the display category of the application that is specified in the SP5075-001.
[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 ]
System SP Tables-5

Rev. 11/15/2012​

5075*USB Keyboard

Function Setting
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Disable, 1: Enable


[LED Light Switch Setting - Toner Near End]
001Choose whether or not the [Check Status] key blinks when Toner Near End is reached.
NOTE: (Requires System/Copy Firmware 2.05 of later)
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ] - This SP makes it possible to set whether or not the [Check Status] key blinks when Toner Near End is reached.
[0: Does not blink/ 1: Blinks] - With previous firmware versions, this key always blinked
when Toner Near End was reached.

5104*A3/DLT Double Count (SSP)
001When "Yes" is selected, A3 and DLT paper are counted twice, that is A4 x2 and LT x2 respectively.
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1 ]
[0: Single Count/ 1: Double Count (Default)] NOTE: (Requires System/Copy Firmware
2.06 of later) for default = 1.

5113*Optional Counter Type

Default Optional Counter Type
Selects the type of counter:
0: None
1: Key Card (RK3, 4) Japan only 2: Key Card Down
3: Pre-paid Card
4: Coin Rack
5: MF Key Card
11: Exp. Key Card (Add) 12: Exp. Key Card (Deduct)
002External Optional Counter Type
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

Rev. 8/21/2012​

System SP Tables-5

Enables the SDK application. This lets you select a number for the external device for user access control.
Note: "SDK" refers to software on an SD card. [0 to 3 / 0 / 1]
0: None
1: Expansion Device 1
2: Expansion Device 2
3: Expansion Device 3

5114*Optional Counter I/F

MF Key Card Extension
Use this SP and change the setting to "1" only when the "5" (MF Key Card) is selected with SP5113-001.
[0: Not installed/ 1: Installed (scanning accounting)]

Disable Copying
Temporarily denies access to the machine. Japan Only [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Release for normal operation [Default] 1: Prohibit access to machine

Mode Clear Opt. Counter Removal
Selects if mode clear is done for an optional counter when an optional counter is removed.
0: Yes. (Always mode clear)
1: StandBy. (Mode clear before/after a job) 2: No. (No mode clear)

Counter Up Timing
Determines whether the optional key counter counts up at paper feed-in or at paper exit.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ]
0: Feed, 1: Exit

F Size Original Setting
Selects F size original setting. [0 to 2 / 0 / 1 step]
0: 8 1/2 x 13 (Foolscap)
1: 8 1/4 x 13 (Folio)
2: 8 x 13 (F)

APS Mode
Selects whether the APS function is enabled or disabled with the contact of a pre-paid card or coin lock.
0: Disable (APS active) [Default], 1: Enable (APS not active)

Paper Size Type Selection
Selects the paper size (type) for both originals and copy paper. [0 to 2 / - / 1 step]
0: Japan, 1: North America, 2: Europe
After changing the setting, turn the copier off and on. If the paper size of the archive files stored on the HDD is different, abnormal copies could result.

Bypass Length Setting
Sets up the by-pass tray for long paper. [0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Off [Default]
1: On. Sets the tray for feeding paper up to 600 mm long.
With this SP selected on, paper jams are not detected in the paper path.
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

App. Switch Method
Determines whether the application screen is switched with a hardware switch or software switch.
0: Soft Key Set 1: Hard Key Set

Z-Fold Position
Not Used

5166*Lump Delete Form Setting

Last Deleted Time
Displays the last delete time. [0 to 4294967295 / 0 / 1]

Fax Printing Mode at Optional Counter Off
Enables or disables the automatic print out without an accounting device. This SP is used when the receiving fax is accounted for by an external accounting device.
0: Automatic printing
1: No automatic printing

CE Login
If you will change the printer bit switches, you must 'log in' to service mode with this SP before you go into the printer SP mode.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Off. Printer bit switches cannot be adjusted. 1: On. Printer bit switches can be adjusted.

By-pass Tray Paper Size Error[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 ] 0= OFF, 1= ON
This SP determines whether a paper size error prompt appears when the machine detects the wrong paper size for the job and during feed from the by-pass tray.

Paper Size Setting
Adjusts the paper size for each tray. [0 to 1 / - / 1]
001Tray 1: 10: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF
002Tray 1: 20: A3, 1: DLT
003Tray 1: 30: B4, 1: LG
004Tray 1: 40: B5 LEF, 1: Exe LEF
005Tray 2: 10: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF
006Tray 2: 20: A3, 1: DLT
007Tray 2: 30: B4, 1: LG
008Tray 2: 40: B5 LEF, 1: Exe LEF
009Tray 3: 1 (Tandem)0: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF
010Tray 3: 20: A3, 1: DLT
011Tray 3: 30: B4, 1: LG
012Tray 3: 40: B5 LEF, 1: Exe LEF
013Tray 4: 10: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF
014Tray 4: 20: A3, 1: DLT
015Tray 4: 30: B4, 1: LG
016Tray 4: 40: B5 LEF, 1: Exe LEF
017LCT[0 to 2 / - / 1 ] 0: A4 LEF, 1: LT LEF, 2: B5 LEF
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

RK4: Setting (Japan only)
Enable or distance the prevention for RK4 (Accounting device) Disconnection. If the RK4 is disconnected for 10 seconds when this SP is set to "1 (Enable)", the machine automatically jams a sheet of paper and stops.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]

Copy Nv Version
Displays the NV version on the controller.

External Controller Info. Settings

Limitless SW

Paper Exit After Staple End
This SP determines whether the machine can output paper if staple supply runs out.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF. Paper cannot exit if no staples are available. 1: ON. Paper can exit with no staples.

5212*Page Numbering


Duplex Printout Left/Right Position
Horizontally positions the page numbers printed on both sides during duplexing. [–10 to 10/ 0 / 1 mm]
0 is center, minus is left, + is right.


Duplex Printout High/Low Position
Vertically positions the page numbers printed on both sides during duplexing.
[–10 to 10/ 0 / 1 mm]
0 is center, minus is down, + is up.

5227*Page Numbering


Allow Page No. Entry
Sets the number of input digits for the job serial number of the starting page numbering. [2 to 9 / 9 / 1]


Zero Surplus Setting
Sets the zero surplus serial number of the starting page numbering.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: Disable, 1: Enable

5302*Set Time

Time Difference
Sets the time clock for the local time. This setting is done at the factory before delivery. The setting is GMT expressed in minutes.
[–1440 to 1440 / - / 1 min.]
Japan: +540 (Tokyo)
NA: -300 (NY)
EU: +60 (Paris)
CH: +480 (Peking)
TW: +480 (Taipei)
AS: +480 (Hong Kong) KO: +540 (Korea)
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

5307Summer Time


[0 to 1 / 1 (NA/EU), 0 (ASIA) / 1 /step]
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Enables or disables the summer time mode.

  • Make sure that both SP5-307-3 and -4 are correctly set. Otherwise, this SP is not activated even if this SP is set to "1".
003Rule Set (Start)
Specifies the start setting for the summer time mode.
There are 8 digits in this SP. For months 1 to 9, the "0" cannot be input in the first digit, so the eight-digit setting for -2 or -3 becomes a seven-digit setting. 1st and 2nd digits: The month. [1 to 12]
3rd digit: The week of the month. [1 to 5]
4th digit: The day of the week. [0 to 6 = Sunday to Saturday] 5th and 6th digits: The hour. [00 to 23]
7th digit: The length of the advanced time. [0 to 9 / 1 hour /step] 8th digit: The length of the advanced time. [0 to 5 / 10 minutes /step] For example: 3500010
The timer is advanced by 1 hour at am 0:00 on the 5th Sunday in March. The digits are counted from the left.
Make sure that SP5-307-1 is set to "1".

Rule Set (End)
Specifies the end setting for the summer time mode. There are 8 digits in this SP.
1st and 2nd digits: The month. [1 to 12] 3rd digit: The week of the month. [0 to 5]
4th digit: The day of the week. [0 to 7 = Sunday to Saturday] 5th and 6th digits: The hour. [00 to 23]
The 7th and 8 digits must be set to "00". The digits are counted from the left.
Make sure that SP5-307-1 is set to "1".

Access Control (DFU)
This SP stores the settings that limit uses access to SDK application data.

Default Document ACL
Whenever a new login user is added to the address book in external certification mode (for Windows, LDAP, RDH), the default document ACL is updated according to this SP setting.
[0 to 3 / 0 / 1]
0: View
1: Edit
2: Edit/Delete
3: Full control
Note: This SP setting is ignored on a machine that is not using document server.


Authentication Time
Specifies the timeout of the authentication.
[0 to 255 / 0 / 1 sec./step]
0: 60 seconds
1 to 250 seconds


Extend Certification Detail
Selects the log out type for the extend authentication device.
Bit 0: Log-out without an IC card 0: Not allowed (default)
1: Allowed
200SDK1 Unique ID
"SDK" is the "Software Development Kit". This data can be converted from SAS (VAS) when installed or uninstalled. (DFU)
201SDK1 Certification Method
210SDK2 Unique ID
211SDK2 Certification Method
220SDK3 Unique ID
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

221SDK3 Certification Method
230SDK certification device


Detail Option
Enables or disables the log out confirmation option.
Bit 0: Log out confirmation option 0: Enable (default), 1: Disable Selects the automatic log out time. Bit 1 and 2: Automatic log out timer reduction
00: 60 seconds (default), 01: 10 seconds,
10: 20 seconds, 11: 30 seconds

Access Control (DFU)
Sets limited uses for SDKJ application data.
101 to 130SDKJ1 Limit Setting….. SDKJ30 Limit Setting
141 to 170SDKJ1 Product ID….. SDKJ30 Product ID

User Code Count Clear
Clears the counts of the user codes assigned by the key operator to restrict the use of the machine. Press [Execute] to clear.



Simplified Certification
Turns simple authentication on or off for LDAP. [0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: OFF
1: ON


Password Null Not Permit
This SP is enabled only when SP5411-4 is set to "1" (ON).
[0 to 1 / 1 / 1]
0: Password null is permitted.
1: Password null is not permitted.


Detail Option
Determines whether LDAP option (anonymous certification) is turned on or off.
[0 to 11111111 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF, 1: ON



Encrypt Mode
Sets the level of Kerberos Certification. [0x01:AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 / 0x02:AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96 /
0x04:DES3-CBC-SHA / 0x08:RC4-HMAC /
0x10:DES-CBC-MD5 / 0xFF:ALL / 0xFF / 1bit]
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

5413Lockout Setting

Lockout On/Off[0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0: OFF, 1:ON
Turns on or off the account lock for the local address book account.

Lockout Threshold[1 to 10 / 5 / 1]
Sets the maximum trial times for accessing the address book account.


Cancellation On/Off
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF (Lockout is not cancelled.)
1: ON (Lockout is cancelled if a user ID and password are correctly entered after the lockout function has been executed and a specific time has passed.)
Turns on or off the cancellation function of the account lockout.

Cancellation Time[1 to 9999 / 60 / 1 min]
Sets the interval of the retry for accessing the local address book account after the lockout function has been executed.
This setting is enabled only if SP5413-3 is set to "1" (ON).

5414Access Mitigation

Mitigation ON/OFF
Permits or does not permit consecutive access to the machine with the same ID and password.
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1]
0: OFF (Permitted)
1: ON (Not permitted)

Mitigation Time
Sets the prohibiting time for consecutive access to the machine with the same ID and password.
[0 to 60 / 15 / 1 min]

5415*Password Attack

Permissible Number[0 to 100 / 30 / 1 times]
Sets the threshold number of attempts to attack the system with random passwords to gain illegal access to the system.

Detect Time[0 to 10 / 5 / 1 sec]
Sets a detection time to count a password attack.

5416*Access Information

Access User Max Num[50 to 200 / 200 / 1 ]
Sets the number of users for the access exclusion and password attack detection function.

Access Password Num[50 to 200 / 200 / 1 ]
Sets the number of passwords for the access exclusion and password attack detection function.

Monitor interval[1 to 10 / 3 / 1 sec]
Sets the interval of watching out for user information and passwords.
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables

5417Access Attack

Access Permissible number[0 to 500 / 100 / 1]
Sets a limit on access attempts to prevent password cracking.

Access Detect Time[10 to 30 / 10 / 1 sec]
Sets a detection time to count password cracking.

Productivity Fall Weight[0 to 9 / 3 / 1 sec]
Sets the wait time to slow down the speed of certification when an excessive number of access attempts have been detected.

Attack Max Num[50 to 200 / 200 / 1]
Sets a limit on the number of requests received for certification in order to slow down the certification speed when an excessive number of access attempts have been detected.

User Authentication
These settings should be done with the System Administrator.

  • These functions are enabled only after the user access feature has been enabled.
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the copy application.


Document Server
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the document server.


[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the fax application.


[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the scanner application.


[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the printer application.
[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the SDK application.


[0 or 1/ 0 / 1] 0: ON. 1: OFF
Determines whether certification is required before a user can use the browser application.

5430Auth Dialog Message Change


Message Change On/Off
Turns on or off the displayed message change for the authentication.
[0 or 1 / 0 / -]
0: Off, 1: On


Message Text Download
Executes the message download for the authentication.
003Message Text IDInputs message text for the authentication.
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