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Updating JavaVM

Tools]-[Heap/Stack Size Settings]).

See the manual for the ESA application to know what value to set for the heap size.

10. Return to the previous setting for the boot priority application.

List of Error Messages

Update results are output as a text file on the SD card called "sdkjversionup.log" in the "¥sdk

¥update" folder.


File contents

Description of the output


script file = /mnt/sd0/sdk/update/bootscript 2012/08/22 17:57:47 start

2012/08/22 17:59:47 end SUCCESS

Boot script path

Boot scripts processing start time End time boot script processing, the results


script file = /mnt/sd0/sdk/update/bootscript 2012/08/22 17:57:47 start

XXXX Error

2012/08/22 17:57:57 end FAIL

Boot script path

Boot scripts processing start time Error message (Possibly multiple)

End time boot script processing, the results

Error Message





Applied the wrong updating tool (Using the updating tool of a different model)

Use the correct updating tool for this model.

pasePut() - error : The file of the

copy origin is not found Put Error!

Inadequacy with the SD card for updating

(Files are missing in the updating tool)

Re-create the SD card for updating.

paseCopy() - error : The file of the copy origin is not found.

Copy Error!

Inadequacy SD card for updating

(Files in the updating tool are missing)

Inadequacy SD card for updating

(Files in the updating tool are missing)

System Maintenance

System Maintenance

System Maintenance

Updating JavaVM

Error Message



[file name: XX] error,No space

left on device pasePut() - error : The

destination directory cannot be


pasePut() - error : fileCopy Error.

Put Error!

Writing destination is full. (The NAND flash memory on the controller board is full.)

Uninstall the unnecessary SDK applications.

If you can not uninstall it, implement escalation, stating the "model name, application configuration,

SMC sheet


and error file."

[file name: XX] error,No space

left on device paseCopy() - error : The

destination directory cannot be


paseCopy() - error : fileCopy Error.

Copy Error!

Writing destination is full. (The NAND flash memory on the controller board is full.)

Uninstall the unnecessary SDK applications.

If you can not uninstall it, implement escalation stating the "model name, application configuration,

SMC sheet


and error file."

Put Error! *1

Error, not normally expected to occur

If you cannot uninstall it, implement escalation stating the "model name, application configuration,

SMC sheet


and error file."


Without the foregoing error message, only "Put Error / Copy Error" will be displayed

Copy Error! *1

Delete Error!

[XXXXX] is an unsupported command.

Version Error