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This section describes special key combinations for operations which required combinations of hardware keys on the previous models.


Operation for previous models

Operation for Smart Operation Panel

SSP (Super Service) mode login

Login to SP mode, and then press an SP mode item while holding down the [#] key.

Login to SP mode, and then press an SP mode item while holding down the EX3 key.

Resetting User Tools

In the User Tools screen, press a User Tools category while holding down the [#] key.

Available for: System Settings, Copier/Document Server Features, and Scanner Features.

In the User Tools screen, press a User Tools category while holding down the EX3 key.

Available for: System Settings, Copier/Document Server Features, and Scanner Features.

System Reset

Hold down the [*] and [#] keys simultaneously for 10 seconds. Resets the controller software.

Hold down the EX3 key and [#] simultaneously for 10 seconds. Resets the controller software of the main machine.

Application Reset

Hold down the [7] and [9] keys simultaneously for 10 seconds. Resets a single application.

Hold down the EX3 key and [9] simultaneously for 10 seconds. Resets a single application.

Resetting User Code Authentication

Press the [Reset] key and [Clear] key simultaneously.

Returns to the User Code entry screen.

Hold down [Reset] for 2 seconds. Returns to the User Code entry screen.