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SPDF DF3100 (D3B0)

SPDF DF3100 (D3B0)

SPDF DF3100 (D3B0)

SPDF DF3100 (D3B0)

Bottom Plate Lift

When an original is set on the original tray, after the pick-up roller drops, the bottom plate position sensor goes off, and then the plate lift motor [A] goes on and raises lift lever [B] which raises the bottom plate.

The actuator above the pick-roller holder switches on the bottom plate position sensor (see the previous diagram), and this turns the plate lift motor [A] off so the stack is positioned at the correct feed position.

During scanning with the ADF, when the top of the stack becomes too low, the pick-up roller drops low enough to turn the bottom plate position sensor off, which switches the lift motor [A] on again and raises the stack until once again it is at the paper feed position.

This mechanism performs continuously and keeps the top of the stack at the correct feed height for original stacks of up to 220 sheets (81.4 g/m2).


At the end of the job, the original table descends under its own weight as far as the bottom plate HP sensor [C].