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The vertical position of the lower tray [A] depends on the height of the copied paper stack on the lower tray. The stack height sensor feeler [B] contacts the top of the stack, and the lower tray lift motor [C] controls the tray height.

When the lower tray reaches its lowest possible position, the actuator [D] turns on the lower tray lower limit sensor [E], and copying stops.

Tray Up

When the copy paper on the tray is removed, the stack height sensor [F] turns off and the tray lifts up. Then, the tray stops when the sensor turns on again (the tray pushes up the feeler).

If the stack height sensor fails, the lower tray upper limit switch [G] detects the tray and stops the motor. This is a safety measure against stack height sensor failure.

Sort/Stack Mode (Tray Down)

Every five sheets of paper, the tray goes down until the sensor turns off again. Then, it goes up until the sensor is on again.

Staple Mode (Tray Down)

After a stapled copy is fed out, the tray goes up for 220 ms and stops for 300 ms. Then, it goes down for 1 second, waits for 500 ms, then goes up until the sensor turns on.