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Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
3001* | P Sensor Setting | |
001 | Current | [0 to 43 / 13 / 0.1 mA ] |
Allows you to reset the PWM of the ID sensor LED to avoid a service call error after clearing NVRAM or replacing the NVRAM. The PWM data is stored by executing SP-3001-2. | ||
002 | ID Initialization | - |
Performs the ID sensor initial setting. ID sensor output for the bare drum (VSG) is adjusted automatically to 4.0 ±0.2 V. Press "Execute" to start. Perform this setting after replacing or cleaning the ID sensor, replacing the drum, or clearing NVRAM. |
3045* | Toner End Setting, ON/OFF | DFU |
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0=Off, 1=On |
3103* | P Sensor Output | |
Displays the current VSG, VSP, VSDP, and grayscale control. If the P sensor does not detect the P pattern, "VSP = 5.0 V/VSG = 5.0 V" is displayed and an SC code is generated. If the P sensor does not detect the bare area of the drum, "VSP = 0.0 V/VSG =0.0 V" is displayed and an SC code is generated. | ||
001 | Vsg | [0 to 5 / 0 / 0.1] |
002 | Vsp | [0 to 5 / 0 / 0.1] |
003 | Vsdp | [0 to 5 / 0 / 0.1] |
004 | Vsm/Vsg | [0 to 5 / 0 / 0.1] |
System SP Table-3
3902* | New PCU Detection (Not used) | |
001 | On/OFF Setting | [0 to 1 / 0 / 1] 0: On, 1: Off |
Turns on or off the new unit detection for the transfer belt unit and fusing unit. |
3905* | Hot Roller Stripper Cleaning |
"Cleaning A": 15 sec. off/on cycle for the fusing motor. "Cleaning B": Off (45 sec.) and On (15 sec.) cycle for the fusing motor. | |
001 | 1st Cleaning: Interval |
Sets the threshold for the 1st cleaning mode. "Cleaning A" is done once. [0 to 5 / 5 / 1 sheets] | |
002 | 1st Cleaning: Mode Setting |
Sets the number of additional execution times of the 1st cleaning mode. [0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times] | |
003 | 2nd Cleaning: Interval |
Sets the threshold for the 2nd cleaning mode. "Cleaning A" is done twice. [6 to 49 / 30 / 1 sheets] | |
004 | 2nd Cleaning: Mode Setting |
Sets the number of additional execution times of the 2nd cleaning mode. [0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times] | |
005 | 3rd Cleaning: Interval |
Sets the threshold for the 3rd cleaning mode. "Cleaning A" is done twice and "Cleaning B" is done "N" times. "N" is specified with SP3905-006. [50 to 999 / 100 / 1 sheets] |
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
Appendix: Service Program Mode Tables
System SP Table-3
006 | 3rd Cleaning: Mode Setting |
Sets the number of execution times of the 3rd cleaning mode. [0 to 5 / 0 / 1 times] All fans remain on during cleaning and then switch off 60sec after the cleaning cycle ends. | |
007 | Cleaning Priority Setting |
[0 to 1 / 0 / 1 sheets] 0: Priority to printing (No job interruption) 1: Priority to cleaning (Job interruption) |