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4.5.5 LD UNIT
1. Laser unit p.4-31)
2. Upper spring plate [A] x 1)
3. Lower spring plate [B] x 1)
4. LD unit [C] x 1, x1, spring x 1)
To avoid damaging the LD board, hold it securely when disconnecting the connectors. Hold the laser unit casing.
5. After replacing the LD board, do the "Laser Beam Pitch Adjustment" (described in the following section). Keep the lower inner cover removed before doing this adjustment because you need to adjust the adjustor screw [D] on the LD unit with a screwdriver.
Laser Beam Pitch Adjustment
1. Install a (new) LD unit [A] with the left side of the LD unit being lower than the right side. (This makes this adjustment easier.)
Laser Unit
2. Print the test pattern "Hounds Tooth Check (2-Dot Horizontal)" (No. 16 in SP2109-001).
3. Check if the vertical stripes appear on the second pattern (counted from the leading edge) of the printout.
Correct: No vertical stripes appear (see the sample following this procedure.)
Wrong: Vertical stripes appear (see the sample following this procedure.)
4. Turn the adjustor screw [B] by 90 degrees clockwise (counterclockwise).
If the image of the printout is getting worse, try reverse rotation (clockwise counterclockwise)
5. Print the test pattern and check it out.
6. Try steps 2 to 4 again until you get an image with no vertical stripes.
7. Reassemble the machine after completing this adjustment.
Replacement and Adjustment
Replacement and Adjustment
Replacement and Adjustment
Correct: No vertical stripes appear
Laser Unit
Incorrect: Vertical stripes appear
Replacement and Adjustment
Replacement and Adjustment
Replacement and Adjustment