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Exterior Covers Rev. 09/11/2012


1. Remove the operation panel cover ( 4.3.6.

2. Remove the rear cover [A] (x 6).


3. Remove the rear cover [B] together with the hinge [C] (x 7).



4. Remove the three cables [D].


D129/D130 4-8 SM

Rev. 09/11/2012

Exterior Covers

- There are two types of LCDs that use the same part number (D1291420), labeled Type A and Type B below. They are completely interchangeable (0.

- However, the harnesses are connected in slightly different locations on the board. Make sure to connect the harnesses in the correct position, depending on the type of LCD. Harness connectors and screws are circled in red for both types.

Replacement and Adjustment

Replacement and Adjustment

Replacement and Adjustment

Replacing TYPE A:



SM 4-9 D129/D130