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Rev. 04/23/2012

Fax Connection Unit Type A (D629-31)


Do the following procedure to enable the Client-side Machine(s) to receive faxes via the Remote Machine. You can forward or route received documents per line or special sender or box.




By performing procedures #1-3 above, the Client-side Machines can send faxes via the Remote Machine. The procedures shown below are necessary to enable the

Client-side Machines to receive faxes.

On the Remote Machine:

1) If you use "Remote Reception Setting per Line"

1. Press [Facsimile Features] to select.

2. Press [Remote Reception Setting per Line] in [Reception Settings] to select.

3. Enter an IP address or a host name of the client-side machine to connect.

4. Press [Set], and [Exit] to exit from the setting.

2) If you use "Remote Reception per Sender"

1. Press [Facsimile Features] to select.

2. Press [Program Special Sender] in [Reception Settings] to select.

3. Select the Special Sender.

Fax Connection Unit Type A (D629-31)

Rev. 04/23/2012

4. Press [Remote Reception Setting per Sender] to select.

5. Press [On] and [Remote Machine] to select.

6. Enter an IP address or a host name of the client-side machine to connect.

7. Press [OK] to exit from the setting.

Rev. 04/23/2012

Fax Connection Unit Type A (D629-31)

3) If you use "Remote Reception per Box"

1. Press [Facsimile Features] to select.

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2. Press [Box Setting] in [General Settings] to select.

3. Select the box.

Fax Connection Unit Type A (D629-31)

Rev. 04/23/2012

4. Press [Personal Box] to select.

5. Enter a dial-in number.

6. Press [Remote Machine] to select.

7. Enter an IP address or a host name of the client-side machine to connect.

8. Press [OK] to exit from the set-up procedure.