September 16, 2024

What should you eat and avoid if you have menorrhagia to regulate menstruation?

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Menorrhagia is a menstrual disorder that leads to heavy and prolonged bleeding. Women with this disorder often experience difficulty and inconvenience in daily activities, living, and work. Furthermore, menorrhagia is also quite common, so many women have the same question: What should you eat if you have menorrhagia to regulate menstruation?

What is menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is a fairly common condition, but there are still women who do not know they have menorrhagia. Here are some typical symptoms to help you recognize, including:

  • Bleeding lasts more than 7 days during menstruation, can lose more than 80 ml of blood per cycle
  • Change one or more sanitary napkins or tampons every hour
  • Often have to wake up to change sanitary napkins at night
  • There are large blood clots
  • You have to limit many daily activities due to heavy menstrual flow
  • There are symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

What should you eat if you have menorrhagia? 5 food groups you should supplement

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What should you eat if you have menorrhagia? B6, magnesium, omega 3, cereals,…

What should you eat and avoid if you have menorrhagia ? When you have the above symptoms of menorrhagia, you should be careful with what you eat and drink to help your body recover quickly. Here are some tips you can apply: 

1. Foods rich in iron

Iron deficiency is a common condition in women with menorrhagia. Iron deficiency often leads to symptoms such as weakness and fatigue. Therefore, you need to supplement iron-rich foods to improve your health, including red meat, seafood, liver, dried fruits, beans, spinach, broccoli, cereals…

2. Foods rich in vitamin C

Women with menorrhagia should supplement iron and vitamin C at the same time. Because supplementing vitamin C from food sources such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, strawberries, kiwi, broccoli… will help your body absorb it. Iron is better, compensating for minerals lost due to heavy bleeding.

3. Foods rich in vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 plays a role in building new red blood cells. Therefore, if you still don’t know what to eat if you have menorrhagia, immediately supplement foods rich in vitamin B6 such as pork liver, poultry, salmon, cereals, bananas, spinach, tomato juice… to compensate. Make up the lack of blood due to menorrhagia.

4. Foods that provide magnesium

 Supplementing magnesium not only helps reduce menstrual bleeding during “red periods” but also helps women improve insomnia, stabilize heart rate and blood pressure. Some magnesium-rich foods you can eat during menstruation include mackerel, salmon, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds, oats, pumpkin, squash… to regulate menstruation.

5. Herbal teas

Some types of tea such as ginger tea, chrysanthemum tea or cinnamon tea are also considered folk remedies that can help reduce menorrhagia and reduce abdominal pain. These teas are easy to make so you can make them at home to enjoy every day. In addition, women need to pay attention to drinking lots of filtered water to both keep the body hydrated and effectively eliminate toxins. Make sure your water intake maintains 1.5-2 liters/day.

6. What should you eat if you have menorrhagia? Foods rich in omega 3

As a healthy amino acid, omega 3 helps restore damage. You can supplement food sources rich in omega-3 from fish: salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and other foods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts.

7. Grains

If you have menorrhagia, you should add some whole grains such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat flour, whole grain bread (rye), whole grain pasta, couscous, millet or vegetables amaranth.

8. Green vegetables and fruits

If you are still wondering what to eat if you have menorrhagia, this is an indispensable food group, because vegetables and fruits will provide a lot of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to help balance hormones and improve fertility. blood in the body

What should you not eat if you have menorrhagia?

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What should you eat and avoid if you have menorrhagia?

Consuming certain foods and drinks can worsen the symptoms of menorrhagia. So what should you avoid eating if you have menorrhagia? You need to avoid consuming certain foods during “red light days”, including:

  • Avoid eating spicy, sour, high-salt foods and greasy fried foods
  • Avoid eating foods high in sugar and unhealthy snacks
  • Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol.

Suggest some dishes when having menorrhagia

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What should you eat if you have menorrhagia? Suggested dishes to help reduce menorrhagia

1. Mugwort soup with catfish

  • Preparation : 12 grams of persimmon, 100 grams of wormwood, 300 grams of catfish, 120 grams of black bean powder, 6 grams of taro.
  • How to do : Clean catfish and cook with black bean powder in a pot. Put the other ingredients in a thin cloth bag, add water and combine in a small pot until all the ingredients are cooked.

2. Pork hocks stewed with ginseng

  • Preparation: 5 grams of ginseng, 1 pork hock, spices, soy sauce and wine.How to do it : Grill and scrape the pig’s claws, cut them in half and cook with ginseng, simmer the claws, then season with soy sauce, wine and spices (eat within 5 days.

3. Porridge with red apples, lotus seeds, and lychees

  • Preparation : 50 grams of ordinary rice, 40 grams of lychee, 20 grams of red apple, 70 grams of lotus seeds, sugar.
  • How to make : Soak lotus seeds, remove the core, cook rice and lotus seeds until smooth into porridge. Finally add lychees and red apples and cook for about 30 minutes, then add sugar and turn off the stove

5. Green beans cooked with sugar

  • Preparation : Sugar, 200 grams of green beans.
  • How to do : Soak green beans in water, then filter and remove the skin. Add water to cook the green beans, then add sugar and turn off the stove.

6. Goji goat meat soup

  • Preparation : 30 grams of goji berries, 300 grams of goat meat; spices, onions, ginger.
  • How to do : Wash and chop the goat meat, add ginger, goji berries and water and boil the goat meat. Finally, season to taste

When should women with menorrhagia see a doctor?

Besides what you should eat when you have menorrhagia, you should not be subjective when your body has menorrhagia. In fact, in most cases you should see a doctor if your period is heavy and lasts more than 7 days . Because menorrhagia not only makes women anemic, weak, tired, dizzy… it affects their health.

Furthermore, this can also be a warning sign of some gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids , uterine polyps, polycystic ovary syndrome… that need to be treated soon.

Therefore, although advice on what to eat and what to avoid when suffering from menorrhagia can be helpful, if menorrhagia makes you scared and worried about your health. Even if it causes you to miss work, miss school, or cancel other activities, go see a doctor as soon as possible to get treatment and advice from a doctor on effective health care!

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