September 16, 2024

What is stage 2 cervical cancer? Signs and treatment

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What is stage 2 cervical cancer? Signs and treatment

Cervical cancer is a common gynecological cancer in women, especially in developing countries. The disease is divided into many different stages to help doctors in deciding on treatment methods, predicting the possibility of treatment, as well as the prognosis of each patient. If you have just been diagnosed with stage II cervical cancer (stage 2), you should not skip this article.

Learn general

What is stage 2 cervical cancer?

According to the classification system of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, stage 2 cervical cancer is when the cancer has begun to spread outside the cervix but has not spread to the pelvic wall or less than 1/3. under the vagina. 

Stage II cervical cancer is divided into:

  • IIA: Tumor has not invaded the broad ligament
    • IIA1: Tumor has largest dimension no more than 4cm.
    • IIA2: Tumor > 4cm.
  • IIB: Tumor has invaded the broad ligament.


Signs and symptoms of stage 2 cervical cancer

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Signs of stage 2 cervical cancer are sometimes difficult to detect because they are completely nonspecific. Symptoms may include:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding after sex, between periods or after menopause, after straining to defecate, or having heavier than normal periods
  • There is a lot of vaginal discharge, the vaginal discharge is mixed with blood and has a foul smell
  • Changes in vaginal discharge
  • Pain during sex
  • Pain in the lower back, between the hip bones (pelvis), or in the lower abdomen.
  • There may be anorexia, weight loss, etc.

These signs may be similar to uterine fibroids or endometriosis . Therefore, it is important that women should see and check with their doctor as soon as they notice any unusual signs.


Treatment methods for stage 2 cervical cancer

Treatment methods for stage 2 cervical cancer are mainly a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

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Surgery often prescribed to treat stage 2 cervical cancer is complete removal of the uterus, cervix and two appendages, and bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection.

After surgery, the patient needs chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy (simultaneous radiotherapy) to eliminate remaining cancer cells.

Radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy (simultaneous radiotherapy)

Combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy is considered the main treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer if you cannot or do not want surgery.

External radiotherapy combined with brachytherapy. 

Radiation therapy can be used alone or in combination with chemotherapy. You can have preoperative radiotherapy (before surgery) or post-operative radiotherapy (after surgery). Depending on the clinical situation, your doctor will decide which treatment is most suitable for you. Currently, there are also applications of radiotherapy techniques during surgery.


How long can you live with stage 2 cervical cancer?

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Most cases of stage 2 cervical cancer have a good prognosis with a high survival rate if diagnosed and treated promptly (because radical treatment is possible). According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, about 58% of cervical cancer patients at this stage live more than 5 years. However, this is only a relative number, surveyed on a certain number of people. Each patient’s life expectancy will be different.

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