September 8, 2024

What is Influenza B, how to prevent Influenza B?

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Is influenza B dangerous when the symptoms are similar to the common cold and it is difficult to distinguish?

To better understand the severity of the disease, below will answer frequently asked questions surrounding influenza B such as whether influenza B is dangerous, how long is the incubation period, and when is it possible? then get cured?

1. How long does influenza B incubate?

Influenza B virus is transmitted from person to person through virus-containing respiratory droplets in the air when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes.

The virus can also exist on surfaces that an infected person holds or touches and is then transmitted through contact with hands and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth of a healthy person.

How long does influenza B incubate? Since being infected with the virus, influenza B’s incubation period is about 1-4 days and there are no obvious symptoms.

Children and people with weak immune systems may have a longer incubation period. During the incubation period, influenza B virus can still be transmitted from person to person. After the incubation period, the patient will show signs of flu for about 3-5 days with mild to high fever accompanied by sore throat, cough, sneezing, runny nose…

2. How long does influenza B fever last and how long does it take to recover?

How many days does influenza B fever last? People with influenza B may have a hot fever or feel chills, body temperature increases to about 39-41ºC in the first days and lasts about 5 days. Other symptoms such as sore throat, cough, and body aches may last longer, for days or weeks.

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When having a fever, patients can take over-the-counter fever-reducing medications or apply fever-reducing measures at home to feel more comfortable. However, if there are the following serious signs, people with influenza B need to be taken to the nearest medical facility for timely intervention and treatment to avoid dangerous complications:

  • Prolonged high fever above 39ºC accompanied by difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Chest pain, dizziness
  • Prolonged diarrhea
  • Vomiting a lot
  • Fever with rash in children

How long does it take to recover from influenza B? Normally, after the incubation period and onset, influenza B symptoms will subside after 5-7 days in healthy people. For subjects at high risk of complications, recovery time may be longer. However, this group of people should not self-treat at home but should see a doctor for examination, monitoring and treatment.

3. Is influenza B dangerous?

Most cases of influenza B in normal healthy people are mild with common flu symptoms and can subside and recover on their own, so they are not too dangerous.

However, influenza B can progress severely and cause lung damage, leading to respiratory failure, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing or the development of other complications such as sinusitis, pneumonia due to superinfection, septic shock, and multiple organ failure. … People with existing chronic diseases (such as lung disease, liver disease, kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes…) when infected with influenza B can make their existing disease worse.

Is influenza B dangerous? Subjects who may experience dangerous complications when infected with influenza B include:

  • Children under 5 years old, especially children under 2 years old
  • Children with chronic diseases, malnutrition or severe obesity, children with congenital immune system deficiency
  • Elderly people (> 65 years old)
  • People with underlying medical conditions
  • People with weakened immune systems (such as being treated with cancer drugs, people with HIV/AIDS…).

4. What should you do when you suspect you have influenza B?

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If you have signs and symptoms suspected of being infected with influenza B virus, you should go to the nearest medical facility for examination and accurate diagnosis, from which appropriate treatment can be provided.

In case of mild illness, you can self-care at home with methods to help alleviate existing symptoms without taking medication. If the case of influenza B is severe and has complications, the patient will be asked to be hospitalized for monitoring and treatment.

Things you should do to strengthen your immune system when infected with influenza B at home as well as support a faster recovery process include:

  • Clean your respiratory tract daily by rinsing your mouth and nose with physiological saline
  • Supplement adequate nutrients and vitamins to improve resistance
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Rest more and keep the surrounding space clean and airy.

In addition, when you suspect that you have influenza B, you should also proactively keep your distance, limit contact with others, do not spit indiscriminately, wear a mask when going out, and talk to people to avoid becoming infected. become a source of virus transmission. At the same time, don’t forget to wash your hands often, especially after coughing or sneezing.

5. How to prevent influenza B?

Is influenza B dangerous? The answer is yes. Therefore, to prevent infection with the virus that causes influenza B as well as seasonal flu in general, you need to pay attention to:

  • Maintain good hand hygiene habits, especially before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • Do not share personal items with others such as drinking cups, spoons, chopsticks, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Avoid gathering in large groups or going to crowded places
  • Wear a mask when going to public places
  • Keep your distance from people with flu-like symptoms.

To protect your body against the flu virus, you can get an annual seasonal flu vaccine with an effectiveness of up to 97%. If vaccinated people are infected with the flu virus, they will also have milder symptoms, have a faster recovery time and have a reduced risk of dangerous complications compared to non-vaccinated people.

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