September 16, 2024

What is an introvert? Personality and behavioral characteristics of introverts

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Introverts are said to be people who like to be alone, do not like crowded places and seem to be a shy person. Is that true? What exactly is an introvert? What kind of person are introverts? What personality traits do they have?

If you do not clearly understand what an introvert is and learn a little about introverts, you may have misconceptions about introverts. In this article help you better understand the personality of introverts and explain why introverts like to be alone.

What is an introvert?

According to the definition from the online community dedicated to introverts – Introvert Dear , introverts are people who like quiet environments, tend to like spending time alone and feel lost when having to interact. contact with many people at the same time.

At first glance, you will see that introverts seem shy, reserved and afraid of contact. However, this is not always true, because introverts can also participate in parties or large conversations. The only thing is, they themselves will not feel comfortable and enjoy those parties like extroverts .

What kind of person are introverts?

To better understand what introverts are and what kind of people they are, this article invites you to learn about the personality traits, behaviors and interests of introverts.

Spend a lot of time alone

Alone time is really important for introverts. They can read books, watch movies, play games, clean the house, write or do anything alone without feeling lonely. On the contrary, this time also brings a feeling of comfort, ease and emotional balance to them.

Spend a lot of time reflecting and contemplating

Introverts tend to reflect and contemplate their own thoughts. For example, before deciding to buy, they will spend a lot of time researching and comparing; Before taking action, they also want to take time to plan, calculate risks… Although extroverts will also have this personality, with introverts it happens more often.

Working independently is better than working in groups

For introverts, working in groups is like forcing them to participate in crowded parties. Therefore, it is difficult for them to work effectively in crowded places. However, this does not mean that they cannot work in groups, but they tend to leave that group environment quickly when their work is done. 

Instead of taking advantage of dopamine to feel comfortable and excited like extroverts, introverts will take advantage of acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter that helps them relax, calm down, and think more clearly and deeply. The function of acetylcholine is to slow down the heart rate. Introverts may be more productive, focused, and creative when alone, or they may simply spend less time working independently. 

I like writing more than I like speaking

Introverts will have to mobilize a lot of energy to think before speaking. Therefore, presenting ideas or expressing emotions verbally will bring many difficulties and consume a lot of their energy. Although they may not be writers, introverts are often more comfortable writing than talking. On the other hand, writing will allow them to do this better. At that time, they will have more time to choose words and writing to best suit what they want to express. 

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Tend to avoid stressful situations

Introverts often escape work or stress by letting their minds wander elsewhere. That’s why they become more easily distracted, but this is also a way for them to relax and reduce stress in stressful or uncomfortable situations.

Likes to have a small and close group of friends

Introverts have a smaller circle of friends than extroverts. However, this does not mean that they will not be able to interact with many people in everyday social situations. When in a small group of friends, they can talk all day and they may even seem like an “extrovert”. 

Advantages and disadvantages of introverts

Understanding the concept of what an introvert is and recognizing the personality of an introvert can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of an introvert.

What are the advantages of introverts?

  • Introverts have a high ability to work independently. They take the time to research issues in depth. After they have a relatively clear understanding of the issues, they will begin to plan, so their productivity is very high.
  • Introverts have a strength in the ability to listen, understand others and be able to keep quiet well. This plus point helps them build good relationships, be loved and trusted by those around them.

What are the disadvantages of introverts?

  • Poor communication and interaction skills can unintentionally take away many of their opportunities to connect and build relationships, especially in the office environment.
  • Introverts can also experience overthinking . If this condition persists for a long time, it can cause them to suffer from depression or anxiety disorder.

Frequently asked questions

Are introverts shy?

According to analysis by experts, introverts are often confused with shy people. Because both types of people have in common that they have little social interaction and look a bit reserved when in crowded places.

However, the difference is that a shy person is someone who wants to communicate and interact with others, but feels afraid to do so. On the contrary, introverts are still able to do this easily, it’s just that they don’t want to and are not very interested in doing this.

How do I know if I’m an introvert?

You can try to evaluate yourself through some of the following signs:

  • When you are alone you feel more energetic and more comfortable
  • You like to enjoy your private time
  • You tend to stay quiet and reserved when in crowded, bustling places
  • You don’t often show your emotions, instead you choose to keep them to yourself.
  • You have a small group of close friends instead of many social friends
  • You tend to think a lot, and learn better through observation.


Is introversion related to genetics?

Psychotherapist and introvert personality researcher Marti Olsen Laney said: Introverts’ personalities are closely related to genetics. She also emphasized: ‘When a child is born, their introverted or extroverted personality is inherently predetermined.’

However, environmental and life factors, education and experience also partly affect a person’s personality.

What is introversion and extroversion?

Introversion and extroversion are two contrasting personality types, first introduced by the talented Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in 1910.

Although introverts and extroverts  have opposite personalities, some other personality theories have accepted that some people possess both of these personalities, specifically between the two ends of the scale. measure. This personality is also called Ambivert. 

What is the type of extroverted introvert? According to personality research experts, the term used to call the type of person who is both extroverted and introverted is Ambivert.


In short, introverts are people who like privacy, like to be alone, like to write more than like to talk, tend to work alone and feel lost of energy if they have to interact with too many people at the same time. at the time.

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