September 16, 2024

Signs of breast cancer in pregnant women and treatment

signs of breast cancer in pregnant women and treatment 1

Getting breast cancer during pregnancy is very rare. But in reality, women increasingly tend to want to have children later, and the risk of breast cancer increases as women get older. So what are the signs of breast cancer in pregnant women, and how to treat them in this case?

Breast cancer in pregnant women has a rate of 1/3,000 pregnant women, most common at the age of 32-38 years old. 

Signs of breast cancer in pregnant women

The following symptoms may be caused by breast cancer or  other non-cancerous conditions . You should see a doctor if you detect any of the following symptoms that are suspected to be signs of breast cancer in pregnant women:

  • A lump or thickening in the breast, near the breast, or in the armpit area.
  • There is a change in the size or shape of the breast.
  • There are indentations or wrinkles in the skin of the breast.
  • Nipple inversion .
  • Fluid, other than breast milk, drains from the nipple, possibly mixed with blood.
  • Scaly, red, or swollen skin on the breast, nipple, or  areola .

It can be difficult to detect signs of breast cancer in pregnant or breastfeeding women because during this time, the breasts often become larger, softer or rougher. These changes make it difficult to detect small tumors.

To detect signs of breast cancer in pregnant and breastfeeding women, you should do a breast self-examination. Women should also have a breast exam at the hospital before and after giving birth. You should tell your doctor if you notice any unusual changes in your breasts.

Breast cancer treatment options for pregnant women

The goal is to balance treating breast cancer while keeping the baby safe and healthy.

The treatment your doctor will prescribe depends on the following factors:

  • Patient’s wishes
  • How many weeks pregnant?
  • Type of breast cancer and how widespread it is.


Pregnant women can have surgery at any point during pregnancy. Doctors will remove the tumor, then may perform breast reconstruction surgery at the same time, but they often advise patients to have breast reconstruction surgery after giving birth.


Doctors often recommend radiation therapy after giving birth so that the baby is not exposed to radiation. However, if there is no other choice but radiotherapy, they will still consider this method and take some measures to protect the baby in the womb.


Chemotherapy is not indicated for cases with signs of breast cancer in women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Because chemotherapy can harm the baby or cause a miscarriage. You need to delay chemotherapy until your fetus is at least 14 weeks old.

Currently, research shows that after 14 weeks, children exposed to chemotherapy do not have any problems compared to other normal children. You will stop chemotherapy 2-3 weeks before giving birth. This is because chemotherapy increases the risk of infection and bleeding during labor.

Hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted cancer drugs​

Doctors do not recommend hormone therapy, immunotherapy, or targeted medications for breast cancer until after the baby is born because they can harm the developing fetus.

Immunotherapy and targeted therapy are newer treatments, so there isn’t much evidence yet about how they may affect the fetus.

You usually start hormone treatment after giving birth and must stop breastfeeding during this time.

Other treatments

Morning sickness or pain also often occurs along with signs of breast cancer in pregnant women, and your doctor will find ways to help you overcome them, such as using common anti-nausea medications like ondansetron.

Your doctor will create a plan to help you give birth as close to your due date as possible. Depending on your treatment plan and due date, your obstetrician may promote an early vaginal birth with medication or prescribe a cesarean section. 

No studies have shown that breast cancer can be transmitted to a baby. Therefore, if there are signs of breast cancer in pregnant women, do not worry too much, but should see a doctor early and follow your doctor’s instructions to get the best disease control results and keep your baby safe. you!

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