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The 512 KB SRAM for system and user parameter storage is backed up by a lithium battery.

Memory Back-up

A rechargeable battery backs up the SAF memory (DRAM) for 12 hours.

A lithium battery backs up the system parameters and programmed items in the SRAM, in case the base copier's main switch is turned off.





Switches the SRAM backup battery on/off.

5.2.2 SG3 BOARD


The SG3 board allows up to three simultaneous communications when used in combination with the FCU and optional G3 boards. The NCU is on the same board as the common SG-3 board. This makes the total board structure smaller. But, the specifications of the SG3 board do not change.

NCCP (New Communication Control Processor)

Controls the SG3 board.

CPU (RU30)

DPRAM (Dual Port RAM): Handshaking with the FCU is done through this block.

DMA controller


DSP V34 modem (RL5T892): Includes the DTMF Receiver function

DCR for MH, MR, MMR, and JBIG compression and decompression


1Mbyte flash ROM for SG3 software storage and modem software storage


4Mbyte DRAM shared between ECM buffer, line buffer, and working memory

AFE (Analog Front End)

Analog processing

CODEC (COder-DECoder)

A/D & D/A conversions for modem


Generates +3.3 V from the +5V from the FCU