September 19, 2024

How to check for breast cancer with 5 steps: look, touch, and massage your breasts

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When you know how to check for breast cancer , you can recognize dangerous signs early so you can go see a doctor, help detect breast cancer at an early stage and treat it completely 

Breast cancer is a dangerous disease that occurs when malignant tumors appear in breast cells. In the early stages, the disease usually does not cause pain. You will experience some of the following signs once the tumor has developed:

  • Breasts are swollen, deformed or have hard lumps
  • Skin irritation in the breast or underarm area
  • Breasts change in size or shape
  • The areola or nipple changes color or has other changes such as wrinkles or scabs
  • Breast discharge, pain or inverted nipples.

Therefore, you need to know how to self-examine early signs of breast cancer. In particular, if you are a woman susceptible to breast cancer, you need to learn how to check for breast cancer to better protect your health.

How to check for breast cancer in 5 steps

How to check for breast lumps? How to check for breast cancer at home usually only takes 15 minutes with 5 simple steps to check the shape of the breasts and nipples for abnormalities. This way of checking breast tumors also helps you detect tumors early in the chest and underarm areas. 

1. How to detect breast cancer at home through breast shape

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When checking for breast cancer through breast shape, you may detect some abnormalities such as sunken breasts, swelling or cellulite.

  • Take off your shirt and stand in front of the mirror so that you can see both breasts.
  • Stand up straight, put your hands on your hips and check the overall shape of your breasts. Pay attention to check the size, shape and contour of both breasts to see if there are any abnormalities.
  • Check for any changes in the color or texture of the breast skin, nipples, and areola.
  • Then you stand and bend over and check the same steps. The purpose is to observe the shape of the breast in two states: when relaxed and when the chest muscles are tense.

2. How to check your breasts at home  while exercising your chest muscles

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  • You raise your hands behind your head and check to see if the two breasts change proportionally.
  • Compare the size, shape and sagging of both breasts to see if they are equal.
  • Check the armpit area for any lumps.

3. How to check for breast cancer through the nipple

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Nipples also show some signs of breast cancer you can observe. The way to check this area is:

  • Still standing in front of the mirror, lower both hands to check your nipples for any dents, bumps, or indentations.
  • Use the index and middle fingers of your right hand to gently rotate the left nipple and pull it forward. Then, release your hand to see if the nipple returns to its original position.
  • Switch hands to examine the right nipple in the same way.

4. Check your breasts while standing

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You can do this step in the shower because wet skin will have less friction with your fingers and it will be easier for you to manipulate.

  • Raise your left arm and use your right fingers to gently press on your left chest. You use the plane of the farthest knuckles (not the ends of the fingers, usually the middle 3 fingers) to feel with gentle pressure from shallow (skin) to deep (mammary tissue) until you touch. into the ribs.
  • The examination must cover the entire breast. You can move your finger from top to bottom throughout the entire mammary gland, then do the same check from the inside out.
  • Or you can also examine by moving your fingers in a spiral direction from inside the nipple outward to the entire mammary gland.
  • During your exam, you should note any changes in breast structure, color, or size.
  • Switch hands to check the right mammary gland following the same steps.

5. How to check for breast cancer  while lying down

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Once you stand up to check for breast lumps, you also need to check in a lying position. Lying down helps the mammary glands spread out and become thinner, making it easier to feel changes deep within the mammary glands.

  • With this step, you lie down on the bed or any flat surface so that your head and shoulders rest on the pillow. Lie on your back and put your left hand behind your head.
  • Use your right hand to examine the left mammary gland and armpit area as instructed in the step above. As you do, take note of any changes in the structure or size of your breasts.
  • Switch hands to check the right mammary gland following the same steps.

Be careful when doing your own breast cancer screening

When self-examining your breasts at home, you should keep in mind the following things to get more accurate results.

– You should check your mammary glands once a month. How to choose a test date is as follows:

  • If you’re not yet menopausal: Take the time to do a breast cancer self-exam a few days after your period ends. This is when hormone levels are relatively stable and breasts are less swollen and tender.
  • If you are postmenopausal (have not had a period for a year or more): You only need to check your breasts on a fixed day each month.

– You should record the days you self-check for breast cancer to remind yourself to do it regularly. This will also help you differentiate breast changes due to your menstrual cycle from dangerous signs of cancer.

– You should relax and maintain normal breathing when examining yourself.

– See a doctor early if you have pain or notice any unusual changes in your chest during the exam.

– If your examination finds a tumor, calmly go see a doctor because most breast tumors are benign. However, you will still need to consult your doctor to find a way to treat your benign breast lump condition so you can be more comfortable in your daily activities.

– Doing your own breast cancer screening does not replace a clinical exam or mammogram . Many women have breast cancer but have no symptoms, so you will still need to perform these methods periodically.

Subjects susceptible to breast cancer

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Breast cancer is common in women and can appear at any age. However, the risk of breast cancer is often higher if you belong to the following groups:

  • Older women.
  • Having a family member with the disease: You are at higher risk if your mother, daughter or sister has breast cancer.
  • Inherited gene mutations: Those with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes will have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Giving birth late or not having children: Women in this group also have a higher risk of breast cancer than women who give birth to their first child early.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle: You may increase your risk of breast cancer if you regularly drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Early menstruation and late menopause: Women who start their menstrual cycles early and go through menopause late may have an increased risk of breast cancer.
  • Using hormones to improve certain problems: You may increase your risk of breast cancer if you take combined hormones such as estrogen and progestin to treat menopausal symptoms.
  • Being overweight: Those who are obese may have a high risk of breast cancer.
  • History of certain cancers: Those with a history of breast carcinoma or lobular breast cancer may be at higher risk of breast cancer.
  • History of chest radiotherapy as a child.

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