September 19, 2024

How long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal?

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Looking for answers: How long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal?

Gastric bleeding is bleeding in the stomach. Patients can recognize this condition through symptoms such as vomiting fresh blood or brown blood, and bloody stools. This is a serious disease that can cause death, so you need to have basic information about early treatment to avoid unfortunate risks. So, how long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal, can it be cured and what is the treatment?

How long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal and can it be cured?

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Can stomach bleeding be cured? The answer to this problem is absolutely possible. If treated promptly and properly, stomach bleeding will be controlled quickly and the patient will not experience any sequelae. However, if left for a long time, it can easily lead to serious blood loss, shock, and even take the patient’s life.

In fact, if stomach bleeding is not well controlled within the first 24 hours, the risk of death is very high. . Therefore, even though the disease can be cured, understanding the timing is very important, late treatment can easily be dangerous.

How long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal? Stomach bleeding is actually caused by bleeding ulcers in the stomach, due to damage to small blood vessels. Full recovery is possible in most cases, however, it can take several months for these ulcers to heal completely.

How to treat stomach bleeding

There are many ways to treat stomach bleeding. This also partly affects how long it takes for stomach bleeding to heal. These include:

Use medicine

If you only have mild stomach bleeding, your doctor will prescribe medication to reduce symptoms. Medications may include:

  • Inject H2 antihistamines and proton pump inhibitors for bleeding patients. Some examples include: cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine
  • Acid neutralizers and stomach acid suppressants contain magnesium and aluminum.


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Besides how long it takes for stomach bleeding to heal, many people are also concerned about whether stomach bleeding requires surgery. In some cases, surgery is necessary to help stop bleeding in the stomach. The doctor will give the following instructions:

  • Gastric lavage to stop bleeding: When using medication but cannot help stop bleeding, the doctor may perform gastric lavage. They insert a large tube through the nose (rarely used by mouth) into the stomach and cool and drain the blood, while monitoring bleeding.
  • Laparoscopic gastric surgery : Laparoscopic surgery is used after gastric lavage has been ineffective. At the bleeding site, the doctor will use hemostatic agents or hemostatic clips to minimize the amount of blood escaping from the vessel.
  • Open gastric surgery: Open surgery is the last method of choice. It is necessary in cases of severe bleeding or uncontrolled bleeding. The doctor will directly open the stomach and stop the bleeding. The patient is given general anesthesia and will leave a scar after surgery.

How long does it take for stomach bleeding to heal and how to treat stomach bleeding at home

For a long time, people have passed down a number of home remedies to treat stomach bleeding to support the treatment process. However, these methods are not applicable to patients with acute gastric bleeding. Furthermore, if you are concerned about how long it takes for stomach bleeding to heal when treated at home, you must determine that when applying these methods, it will take a longer time for the disease to completely heal.

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Some reference remedies are:

  • Turmeric remedy: Mix a mixture of turmeric, cassava, and young bananas. Each time use 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture + 1 tablespoon of honey mixed in a glass of warm water to drink before meals. Drink 3 times a day.
  • Remedy from ginger : Take 1 fresh ginger root, crush it, mix it with cow’s milk or white sugar and then steam it. Eat while still warm. Use once a day.

Stomach bleeding can recur at any time if you do not take measures to reduce the risk in the future. So, besides treatment, plan to change your lifestyle today, by:

  • Ask your doctor to avoid medications that can cause bleeding as much as possible
  • Good treatment of the cause of stomach ulcers
  • Reduce stress by balancing work and rest, practicing relaxation techniques or exercises (deep breathing, meditation, yoga,…)
  • Maintain an active life and exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced, nutritious diet
  • Avoid using alcohol, coffee or substances that can irritate the stomach
  • Follow up by appointment so the doctor can evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and monitor and detect new ulcers early.

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