September 16, 2024

Can you swim if you have your period? How to swim safely during your period

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It is suggested that women should not swim during their menstrual period because this is unsafe and can increase the risk of infection. How true is this? Can menstruating women go swimming?

Can I go swimming next month?

There is a view that women during their menstrual period should not swim because it can increase the risk of infection and is harmful to the body. Some women are also afraid that menstrual blood may leak into the pool water. So, can menstruating women go swimming?

According to health experts, swimming during menstruation is completely safe. Water cannot penetrate inside the vagina regardless of whether a woman is on her “red light” day or not. 

Furthermore, the pool water has been chlorinated and uses a filtration system. Therefore, as long as women follow the safety principles guided in this article, swimming during menstruation does not increase the risk of infection.

On the other hand, the risk of blood leakage when swimming during menstruation is also very low. This is because water pressure can slow down the flow of menstrual blood. Therefore, if you are having light menstruation, you do not need to worry too much about the risk of menstrual blood flowing out.

In case you are having heavy menstrual bleeding , don’t be too shy. You can still swim comfortably like female swimmers. Just using the right type of menstrual support products, such as tampons , menstrual cups … can minimize the risk of menstrual blood leaking while swimming.

Benefits of swimming during menstruation

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So you know the answer to the question “Can I go swimming next month?”. In fact, swimming during menstruation can bring many health benefits to women, such as:

  • Reduce menstrual cramps: This is because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins that act as natural pain relievers.
  • Reduces the feeling of fatigue during menstruation: Endorphins produced during swimming also create a feeling of refreshment and excitement for women, thereby reducing fatigue .

It can be seen that swimming during the “red light” day brings both physical and mental benefits. Therefore, instead of struggling to find an answer to the question “Is it okay to swim during your period?”, women should refer to the following tips on how to swim when your period is both safe and comfortable!

How to swim safely during your period for girls

1. Choose appropriate menstrual cycle support products

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Besides the question “Can menstruating women go swimming?” then “Can I use regular sanitary napkins when swimming?” This is also a concern for many women, especially those who have never used any menstrual cycle support products other than sanitary napkins.

In fact, health experts recommend that women should not use sanitary napkins when swimming. The reason is because sanitary napkins can absorb pool water and become wet, making it difficult to absorb menstrual blood. Even sanitary napkins can fall out of swimsuits. In addition, if you wear a thin swimsuit, using a sanitary napkin is often very easy to “reveal”.

The best choice when swimming during your period is to use a tampon or menstrual cup:

  • Tampon: Tampons are very convenient and difficult to fall out in water, especially when you have tied them. When using tampons to swim during “red light” days, women should choose ones with high absorbency.
  • Menstrual cups: Menstrual cups are usually made of rubber or silicone. This is a great choice if you want to go swimming during your period, because the menstrual cup is waterproof and also minimizes the risk of menstrual blood leaking.
  • Menstrual underwear for swimming activities: If you are wondering “How to go swimming during menstruation without using tampons and menstrual cups?”, then menstrual underwear for swimming activities is a suitable choice. Although they look like regular underwear, these menstrual underwear have an absorbent function similar to sanitary napkins. You should choose menstrual underwear with many layers and high absorbency. For peace of mind, you can also choose products made from antibacterial fabric.

2. Use specialized swimsuits during menstruation

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Some women ask the question “Can I go swimming this month?” because of fear of menstrual blood leakage. If you are also concerned about this, don’t worry. Currently, on the market there are swimsuits that prevent menstrual blood leakage specifically for menstruation.

With a multi-layer design with high absorbency, this special swimsuit can absorb menstrual blood equivalent to 1-2 sanitary napkins. Thanks to that, women can rest assured to swim comfortably on “red light” days!

3. Bring drinking water and sunscreen

In addition to menstrual support products, when swimming during the “red light” day, women also need to bring a bottle of drinking water! During menstruation, women are more susceptible to dehydration.

In addition, applying sunscreen is also very important to protect sensitive skin due to menstruation!

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